Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households

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one eyed jack
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Re: Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households

Post by one eyed jack »

I've come to the conclusion that David Cameron and Claire Perry and the whole lot of them suits in parliament haven't got the vaguest idea what they are talking about when all they can reference is rape porn and child abuse.

The fact it was unanimously voted against the opt in eallier this year to ave Cameron still banging on about a quick fix solution is hardly an effective one. In fact it really is pointless as is that other quango ATVOD

Its all baout control, making money without making it loo like theyre making money and for the good of the people and the poor children.

Kids have been ogling their dads porn collections since the days of old. Why dont they all shut up and get back to dealing with the NHS and economic crisis this country is in
Essex Lad
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Re: Andy - please knock it off

Post by Essex Lad »

David Johnson wrote:

> I always find it hilarious when right wingers assume that
> everyone but everyone seems to be left wing.

1) I'm not right wing and 2) I don't assume everyone is left wing.

One wonders why
> the Socialist Party didn't win the last election.

Perhaps because there isn't a credible Socialist Party.

> You provide three links from the Daily Telegraph, because a
> right winger described your previous quotes as all left wing.
> Yes, the Independent newspaper which didn't recommend any
> political party at the last election. Must be a hotbed of
> Commies then. And then you mention quotes from charities - all
> Trotskyites methinks!

Nearly every charity is run by left-leaning people. I mean charities that people support like Barnardo's and the like, not public schools that have charitable status.

> And you can't even win by quoting from the Daily Telegraph
> ""The Daily Telegraph isn't saying that 600,000 children will
> be poor. It's quoting "the report, published by the Office of
> the Children's Commissioner for England", which is hardly an
> unbiased organisation. I doubt there are many Tory voters in
> the upper echelons of the Office of the Children's Commissioner
> for England."
> Well, if the poster had read the link you provided, he would
> have seen that the work had been done by a group of independent
> economists commissioned by the no doubt rabidly left wing
> organisation of the Office of the Children's COmmissioner.

I think the info I provided would suggest that the Children's Commissioner is rabidly left wing.

> One of your other links quotes statements from the rabidly
> Maoist Tesco organisation.
> "An estimated 18 per cent of the country were forced to skip
> meals, ask friends or family for food, rely on a food bank or
> go without so their kids could eat in the past year. And the
> report, commissioned by supermarket giant Tesco

For publicity...

claims the
> problem will only get worse as rising bills force place an
> unprecedented squeeze on disposable income. The report found
> that 70 per cent of parents rely on school meals to help feed
> the kids in term time and two-thirds of these fear the summer
> holidays will mean their children miss out on nutritious meals.

> The research comes a month after Oxfam claimed foodbanks were
> now a lifeline for half a million people.

Another charity run by left-wingers.

> And finally, I must berate you for this Andy but you include a
> Daily Telegraph link which includes quotes from the Stalinist
> Office of Budget Responsibility which Boy George quoted
> endlessly whilst Shadow Chancellor and also the Commie
> infiltrated Department of Work and Pensions.
> "Overall the figures showed that a freeze on wages or a series
> of below-inflation pay rises and steep increases in fuel and
> food prices over the last few years have effectively wiped out
> improvements in living standards in the first decade of the
> 21st century. Average household incomes dropped by three per
> cent in real terms between 2011 and 2012, the second year in a
> row in which they have fallen, taking them to levels not seen
> since 2001. "
> "It follows a report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies this
> week which showed that workers have suffered ?unprecedented?
> wage cuts since the 2008 financial crisis"
And still NONE of those people are poor by any real standards. Where are all the malnourished kids? Where are all the kids with rickets? And why does the Government (this and the last one) talk about an obesity epidemic? You can't have it both ways. Fat people may be many thing but malnourished they ain't...

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Re: Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households

Post by planeterotica »

Apparently filtering also blocks searched words such as gay & lesbian and considering that a lot of MPs fall in to that category then i expect this whole thing will get somewhat watered down...

andy at handiwork
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Re: Andy - please knock it off

Post by andy at handiwork »

'Nearly every charity is run by left-leaning people.'

Far be it from me to point out that that might suggest right wing people have problems with empathy.
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Re: Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households

Post by planeterotica »

You can tweet Claire Perry the woman behind Daves anti porn crusade..
Essex Lad
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Re: Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households

Post by Essex Lad »

planeterotica wrote:

> Apparently filtering also blocks searched words such as gay &
> lesbian and considering that a lot of MPs fall in to that
> category

Do they? How many?
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
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Re: Andy - please knock it off

Post by David Johnson »

!laugh! !laugh! !laugh!

number 6
Posts: 2053
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Re: Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households

Post by number 6 »

Simon Hughes,Angela Eagle ,CVhris Bryant...there is three gay MP's off the top of my head without even thinking
Essex Lad
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Re: Online Porn To Be Blocked In All Households

Post by Essex Lad »

number 6 wrote:

> Simon Hughes,Angela Eagle ,CVhris Bryant...there is three gay
> MP's off the top of my head without even thinking

Out of 651 MPs, it's hardly a lot. Gays would have us believe that 1 in three or four is homosexually inclined whereas the last survey said the figure was more like 1 in 10, which if that were true should mean at least 65 MPs are gay.

You could add Margot James, Alan Duncan, Ben Bradshaw, that 6ft 7in one, Nigel Evans and the one who left his wife for his interior designer but still doesn't come to "a lot".

And Simon Hughes claims to be bisexual, so not really gay he just helps out when they are busy...
Essex Lad
Posts: 2539
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Re: Andy - please knock it off

Post by Essex Lad »

andy at handiwork wrote:

> 'Nearly every charity is run by left-leaning people.'
> Far be it from me to point out that that might suggest right
> wing people have problems with empathy.

You might think that but I don't think too many of the great philanthropists: Carnegie, Leverhulme, Cadbury, Fry even Bill Gates would have described themselves as left wing.