Correlation Between Viewing Porn And Sexual Offenc

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Re: Correlation Between Viewing Porn And Sexual Offenc

Post by frankthring »

The trouble for the anti-porn lobby, in so far as this electronic age, is that
the genie is already out of the bottle. Trying to ban/block/disentangle
electronic data is a nightmare !
We live in a violent age. The halcyon age of empire, good manners and
respect for privacy has long gone. Parents - generally - don`t bother to
make sure their kids grow up free of sexual and violent images, and the
images are everywhere....MTV is enough to make a parent blush with a
ten year old when the telly`s on.....words like "titanic" end up with tits on
the computer screen....young men are hacked to death on the 6`o clock
WHAT these anti-porn people ought to be saying is a) porn seems generally
acceptable these days to most adults b) its makers generally are aware of
their responsibilities towards adults and keen to protect children c) if both
sides put their heads together there might be a solution....
But it won`t happen. And pornographers will continue to be kicked as scum !
Bicycle Bum
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Re: Correlation Between Viewing Porn And Sexual Offenc

Post by Bicycle Bum »

You're wrong that we live in a violent age. Most scientists agree that there is less violence in the world now than at any time in recorded history, and violence has dropped further globally due to less exposure to lead from petrol. That too is a scientific fact.
If you meaan there is more violence on screen than there was then that is true but this violence doesn't translate to a greater violence beyond.
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Re: Correlation Between Viewing Porn And Sexual Offenc

Post by planeterotica »

There are some degrees of violent porn that could corrupt the minds of anyone viewing it and not just minors, but where porn that just portrays couples making love i fail to see how that can correlate with violence..
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Re: Correlation Between Viewing Porn And Sexual Offenc

Post by frankthring »

Bicycle Bum - can you quote me exact chapter and verse on these academics
saying our current age is relatively non-violent . In relation to when
exactly ? I don`t think it is any more violent than perhaps the 18th
century (ie we are not in ancient Rome yet), but to suggest its extremely
peaceful is also not true (I think). But, as my degree is in History , I would
be fascinated to read who is suggesting the current age is one of love and
peace ! Feel free to list any academics - historians, sociologists - and
relevant scholarly books.
andy at handiwork
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Re: Correlation Between Viewing Porn And Sexual Offenc

Post by andy at handiwork »

Steven Pinker for one thinks we live in less violent times than ever before.

"The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined"

one eyed jack
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Re: Correlation Between Viewing Porn And Sexual Offenc

Post by one eyed jack »

I dont think it comes more violent than what happened in Woolwich the other day. That happened in front of a school, in public, broad daylight.

Not on the internet or TV...Though it did end up getting reported there to the max, bloody hand and axe in hand taking as if was making a point of it all

My point is that real life is far uglier than porn and stylised cinema violence
Bicycle Bum
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Re: Correlation Between Viewing Porn And Sexual Of

Post by Bicycle Bum »

That's exactly the link I was going to give Frank Thring. Pinker is a well respected scientist and being a language expert he makes a connection between literacy and empathy. This current age has the highest degree of literacy, certainly in the West.
Frank Thring has a habit of putting words in other people's mouths. I didn't say the current age is one of 'love and peace' or say it was 'extremely peaceful'. You're a dodgy geezer, Frank. Also, an old geezer, and if there is one thing I've observed from old geezers is that they have a tendency to complain about the younger generation saying how better things used to be, how much more respect children in his youth had for their elders. It's the only strategy old geezers have got left to hold their own in the world by trying to make the young feel crap about themselves.
Bicycle Bum
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Re: Correlation Between Viewing Porn And Sexual Of

Post by Bicycle Bum »

The age we live in is the age of the mass media which is something new historically, so we learn about violence from all over the world and since the media has a bias for reporting the negative we are all led to believe violence is more widespread than it really is, not to mention worse than in former times. People are less superstitious now than before so we have a culture of science and education to thank for the civilising effects it has on those fortunate enough to recieve it. Domestic violence was rife in the past. Now there is less overall violence directed against women and children. Relations between peoples of different race and religion has generally never been better. Homosexuals are no longer condemned. The disabled can find employment. On the whole we are just an immensely more civilised and less violent society than ever before. Even recollection of the period during WW2 for Britain is riddled with propaganda. The British were not nearly as united a country as the media and politicians would have us believe. The halcyon days are now believe it or not. Science has never been stronger and the evidence it brings, the superstitions it undermines, will in the end be our salvation.
Porn Baron
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Ban lads mags

Post by Porn Baron »

Sales of lads? mags could amount to sexual harassment, lawyers tell shops !nuts!

Hope all those ugly men showing six packs are banned from womens mags as I feel harassed too!

Bicycle Bum
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Re: Ban lads mags

Post by Bicycle Bum »

What do you mean? The ugliest guys make the best porn studs. Think of a minataur with a great torso, huge dick, and a monstrous mug. That's the ideal stud to bang out the bitches. Ron Perlman would have been the greatest stud of all. The Ron Jeremy we never had.