Our best leader!!

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Re: Our best leader!!

Post by randyandy »

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Re: Our best leader your joking

Post by Cuntybollocks »


You are talking rubbish. The comment about sex with children and animals is chilling.

Your grammar and punctuation are very poor.

At best you are a pleb, shit on my shoe, if you please.

Now fuck right off.
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Re: Our best leader!!

Post by Cuntybollocks »

Yes, it tickles me to this day sammy!!
Jack in London
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Our best leader your joking

Post by Jack in London »

Bamboo, you are right all you have is my word same as you have for everyone else on the forum
I pay tax on my dividends and rental income and my pension is offshore, that is where it was earned.
Cuntybollacks, I have a much right to be on here as you and at best Imaybe a pleb, but my father worked in publishing and his company gave me a scholarship to Westminster School my uni were Kings Collage and Glasgow not a renamed Polytechnic. Punctuation and grammar not required on the forum just to be understood enough. Children and animals seem to have hit a raw nerve with you, if you were abused report it if you are abusing get help and if you are a combination turn yourself in. The borders are renowned for that, it is a place where Joseph Fritzl and Jimmy Saville would be made welcome you could also crusade against it but people would not change the habit of a lifetime. Like I said earlier Peebles is a pisspoor place reason people live there they cannot fit in anywhere else
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Re: Our best leader your joking

Post by william »

Why you running down Peebles ? probably as you have a great education but are not a wise person.

Peebles has a lot going for it, most promising thing is your no where near it ya cunt.

Im all right Jack fuck you.


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Re: Our best leader your joking

Post by Cuntybollocks »

" my father worked in publishing and his company gave me a scholarship to Westminster School my uni were Kings Collage and Glasgow "

Yes, if you did go to these places, which i have serious doubts about, i can only imagine you were a figure of fun and ridicule. You come over as thick as mince. Pimlico....yeah right!!!.lol.
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Re: Our best leader!!

Post by william »

Oh the orphange is long gone - raised to the ground and a couple of blocks of apartments built. It was nowt but crap the orphange - if you want to see human depravity in action just visit your local orphanage, run by religious zealots that are so fucked up they are beyond redemption.

Next you will be telling me thatcher made the orphanages - Thatcher gave me the opportunity to build on nothing - no guilded upbringing, no silver spoon in my mouth, just sheer fucking hard work and a lot of good breaks. still working away and hope to be retired and living a life eating the fruits of my hard work.

you think im going to give that away ? you think im happy when I see the likes of Phill Potts eating away at the state system taking and not putting back ?

its a pitty he didnt die in that fire too - it would have saved a trial and having to feed the fucker for the rest of his life - Hope that the other laggs get him and dish out some raw justice as that will happen.
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Re: Our best leader!!

Post by Gentleman »

Not really dispelling the whole fuck everyone else vibe are you? But as I said social services children and their ilk are usually like this.

Love to know what these lucky breaks are that you appear to thank maggie for.
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Re: Our best leader!!

Post by william »

who said dispelling the vibes was the modus operandi ? dont give a jott about your ( ony one elses thought for that matter ) thoughts. Nowt personal.

You have to live life and you have to take the rough and the tumble...

Good breaks - right place right time and did the right thing. Made money on the stocks from the first flotations - reinvested and expanded.

Its about the breaks and about the chances you get - and not being afraid to tumble. If you are then you will never get out your pit.

Yeah back to Thatcher she's cremated the week, Like her as she was stubborn and dedicated, yeah its certain types that become politicians and she was a politician, I dont thnk we will see the likes of her again but by eck she did something with the UK - she grabbed the country and gave it a good shake. It needed it and we needed to address a lot of the issues that she took to heart. The unions being the biggest thorn in the side of industry. I remember hearing stories of truckers being turned around at depots cause the drivers werent union.... was that right ?

there is cautious and then there is downright protectionistic behaviours
Bicycle Bum
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william, the phrases you use to describe Thatcher

Post by Bicycle Bum »

could equally be used to describe Hitler.

Hitler was stubborn and dedicated, yeah its certain types that become politicians and Hitler was a politician, I dont thnk we will see the likes of him again but by eck he did something with Germany - He grabbed the country and gave it a good shake. It needed it and he needed to address a lot of the issues that he took to heart.