Lady Thatcher

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Re: Neil Kinnock isn't attending the funeral..

Post by Gentleman »

Maybe that's why he deserves respect as frankly politicians now have no principles or believe in whatever politics they proclaim to follow as its nothing more than a route to wealth and ego.

Of course would have preferred him to have gone and spat on the corpses face and then drop kicked Cameron.
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Liverpool too...

Post by max_tranmere »

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Re: Neil Kinnock isn't attending the funeral..

Post by william »

Kinnock was always a cunt - the miners hate him and they see now that it was kinnocks attempt to screw with the government - he was union and it was always going to be the union and about the union - the miners were used as pawns in his game and even stevens to thatcher as she saw through him and ran him out of town. Thatcher may have died, but his legacy lives on.

will he get a state funeral when he pops his clogs ?
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Re: Lady Thatcher

Post by spider »

"will he get a state funeral when he pops his clogs"

I guess he's made arrangements for his family to pay for his when the time comes, rather than expecting the state to cough-up.
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Lady Thatcher

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Kinnock? Never had a proper job then lined his and the missus's pockets doing non jobs for the EU? The perfect example of a champagne socialist whose only real interestes were money and status...and he's a ginger!
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Re: Lady Thatcher

Post by Gentleman »

Whereas Mrs T and her sprogs were thrown on the breadline when she left politics working in a minimum wage job.
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Re: Lady Thatcher

Post by william »

Thatcher was rewarded for her great work - hence the london is grinding to a halt on wednesday. Pay tributes to a leader of note....

I take it the ones that bitch are the ones that are at the bottom of the pile and jealous of those that got in with it and made something for themselves.

Kinnock hid behind the union an dused it for personal gain - if you asked me it was kinnock that killed the mining industry, that turned a nation against the miners.

Who remembers the state of the uk with unions pissing about before thatcher ? Yep it was going to rack and ruin. Thatcher came in voted by the people, not just once but twice and she did what was required....
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Re: Lady Thatcher

Post by Flipper »

She did what was required by dieing. Ding dong the witch is dead

How can you blame Kinnock? He never had any power. Are you confusing him with Scargill?

I reckon wednesday might be a bit of a jape. Lets see eh
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Re: Lady Thatcher

Post by spider »

"hence the London is grinding to a halt on Wednesday".

it will be like the Poll tax riots all over again.
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Re: Lady Thatcher

Post by spider »
