Mick Philpott......

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His wife...

Post by max_tranmere »

I must say I feel very sorry for his wife, one of the most put-upon, down-trodden, dormats I've ever heard of. She was more or less his slave. I watched the hour long BBC documentary on this on Tuesday night, then the hour long ITV documentary about it afterwards. It was screened at the same time but I watched it on the +1 channel, so I had two hours of this to scrutinise.

He made his wife endure a situation where he has his mistress living with them, he had sex with the wife and the mistress often one after the other, and the wife just had to put up with it. He often had sex with other women too and his wife was aware of this. He made his wife give other men blow-jobs while he would watch. One of the kids his wife bore him was born just before one that the mistress bore him too, and all of them would sit on the sofa watching TV with the two babies. He was also violent to his wife and to say he was controlling of her is an understatement. He owned her.

It was claimed his wife was abused as a kid, but this was denied by her dad on the programme. People who are put-upon and controlled as children are usually put-upon and controlled as adults. Women gravitate, as adults, towards the kind of men who were major in their lives when they were growing up. There is a well known saying: "girls always marry their dads".

His meek, timid little wife was so owned, controlled and dominated that she would have had little choice but to go along with what the ogre of her husband, Mick Philpott, said was going to happen. I doubt she would have made the slightest objection to his plan to set fire to the house, she would have been terrified (and horrified) inside but could not voice this. He would also have made her go along with his plan to pretend to cry at the press conference over it all.

I feel very sorry for her. She was bound to end up with a controlling monster like him, and if she ever gets out of jail and has a relationship again the next man will be similar. All her previous partners would have been like that too. It's all very sad how history repeats itself. We should all feel sorry for this timid, quiet little women who lived a life that could only be described as hell-on-earth, but a life that was inevitable she would have.
Sam Slater
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Re: His wife...

Post by Sam Slater »

You nearly had me there, Max!

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Bicycle Bum
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Re: Mick Philpott......

Post by Bicycle Bum »

To eradicate his kind would mean reducing the population by at least 5 million people.
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Re: His wife...

Post by Gentleman »

Lets be honest anyone who dies and ends up reported on TV they're always outgoing, bright, friendly etc never a bad thing said.
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Large households on benefits

Post by jbomz3 »

Heard on the news thursday morning (iirc) there's 119 families in the uk with 8 or more children in the household and the household is in receipt of benefits .
Cheers J .

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Re: His wife...

Post by Flipper »

No he is nothing like Fred West. Fred was a good builder and a master at sexual deviency, murder and being a cuckold to his prossie missus. Fred deliberately killed his kids, fucked a few damaged and impressionable young girls and filmed his wife having sex with other men. He also managed to conceal several murders for a good few years so he had some sort of brain activity unlike Mick who was mildly idiotic and possessed no deviency or murderous intent.

Fred was a proper English murderer and expert pavior and bricklayer. A legend in the art of sexual perversion, incest, child abuse and other hobbies popular amongst his ilk.

Mick was a layabout who had no real interest in killing anyone, it was an accident, he wanted to frame his ex for arson and be the hero of the hour by running in to rescue the nippers, but the dimwitted chap accidentally killed six of his offspring due to his moronic brain not realising how fast fire spreads.

Basically Fred was a devient murderer whereas Mick was just totally crap at anything other than attracting mentally subnormal young women to sire him more offspring, and thereby increase his benefit payments. Oh but he had a knack at annoying Ann Widdicombe so the blokes not all bad.
number 6
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Re: His wife...

Post by number 6 »

Flipper,you just nailed it.
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Re: His wife...

Post by Flipper »

Aye ya dont need a Masters Degree in Criminal Psychology to spot the difference. I guess our European freind is just posing a question, I guess that only the bare facts got mentioned on oversees news
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Re: Mick Philpott......

Post by Robches »

I am rather surprised that the press and TV keep referring to his "mistress", as if he was some sort of 1950s cad who kept a girl on the side in a small flat in Mayfair. He was a dole bludging layabout who had one wife and one daft slapper, each with a panful of kids, all paid for by the state. The point about having a "mistress" is that you pay for her yourself, if you can afford it!