Lady Thatcher

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Re: Lady Thatcher

Post by william »

Thatcher was a leader - she ran a party and it was their doing - but she was a leader and she did turn the way that business works - make it a business and not a harbor for inefficient policies and skivers. These industries were ripe - and we have the ilk on here that buy into the demonising of thatcher. truth be told she did a lot and she addressed the loss making industries. Car industry before she hit power look at the crap BL were making look a tthe strikes and general discontent - the way that the unions thought they ruled the country. Nope it was a time for change and her party did that, she brought about a fundimental change in politics that needed to happen. People dont buy crap thats why the car industry fell to bits. the later rovers nowt but shite. and they didnt like being told that. Workers that wanted it all but wanted to do jack shit for it. BT a closed market and an inefficient workforce that didnt know its arse from its elbow. Too right to sell - she only did what was needed. If you cant compete in the internationaly market then you need to look at your products. We could buy in coal from china cheaper than we could get it from our own ground - fucking hell doesnt that tell you that things had to change. All the red robbos of this world got fucked over and good riddance to em all.
Stop expecting the state to shore you up - get out there and find a job, maybe if you cant get a job paying what you want you need to work at it - or are you just a lazy cunt thats on the take. Get a trade get a profession and quit fucking moaning about how life is treating you bad - people dont give a fuck about those moans about how unfair it is. They may pretend that they do but when they come out of the job centre after listening to your pathetic plea for more benefits they jump into their car and drive home to a wife and kids and dont think anything about you.
An uncaring person ? Nah just fed up with those that choose to hide behind a parson and bleat about it instead of actually getting up and working in life and doing whats required. Me ? Id cut the benefits to shreads, Id stop any payment to any immigrant - Id have em shipped back out the country within 24hrs of arrival. Your appeal can be processed from your country of origin. Wont process it from this country as wed probably have to feed and house you. Sorry nope.
You leave school without qualifications ? straight to the army - get a trade while serving your country 10 years min. Come out before ? you pay costs of your training and keep since you joined the army. Dont bleat. Your getting fed and kept and a trade. If you dont like then stick in at school and get some qualifications.
Doctors ? can you speak english ? no ? Sorry bye - this is an english country and its the mother tongue. Cant speak it then you cant work in this country. Work with schools and identify the talent and put them to med school. I absolutely fucking hate going to a hospital and having a doctor treat me that cant speak english.
Police recruits get some of those school leavers into the police - get more on the beat. criminal behaviour zero tolernace adopt the american views start small and work on those that committ offences and you will start to make inroads to the heart of the criminal fratenity. make jails jails not travel lodges with bars. none of this out in 5 for a 10 stretch. start with a 10 stretch befre you are considered for parole - and know if you dont meet the parole then you may be in for a while longer. jail three times ? well sorry but third time your in you stay in.
death penalty bring it back - we can use some organs for the transplant requirements even sell them abroad on the open market.
roads and rail ? build some decent roads around the country get employment back up. another use for school leavers without jobs. with all those jobs out there and a readily availibale work force we dont need to worry about unemployment benefit so we will stop that. there will be something out there needing work and you can do that.
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Re: Lady Thatcher

Post by thecocker »

Did do some good stuff and some bad, but then haven't all PMs? People voted for Blair in their millions and look at what happened there. Took us into a war that will always be unwinnable, on the back of a load of lies, then promptly fucked off and now coining it in. I wonder if people will be slagging him off to such an extent when he buys the farm? In Thatcherism, British ........... companies needed changing. Too many people doing menial jobs as they couldn't be sacked, or made redundant. The 'customers' were treated like shit as these were the only companies that offered telephones, gas, etc. Now, these companies kiss your boots for your custom.

The biggest thing that I resent Thatcher for is her destroying the community spirit that we used to live in. She destroyed society as I knew it. She's the creator of the anti-social, fuck-you-I'm-alright, Jack society that Britain lives in today.
andy at handiwork
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whatever u do, dont mention Saville...Too late

Post by andy at handiwork »

Apparently someone at CNN in the States thought that an appropriate picture to go with their references to the death of 'that woman' would be a photo of her with Jimmy Saville.

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Lets get this to Number One

Post by lloyd42 »

Says it all really....
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Re: Looks like they'll be having a party now...

Post by fatmick »

Jock Taig's? Really?
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Lets get this to Number One

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

As a Tory MP said last night the fact that so many people are sick enough to "celebrate" her passing is another victory. I bet she would be pissing herself laughing at the thought she was still narking the looney left.
The communist hound Anne Scargill was droning on last night and my mother made a single valid comment.....the NUM lost.
David Johnson
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The Cocker

Post by David Johnson »

"The 'customers' were treated like shit as these were the only companies that offered telephones, gas, etc. Now, these companies kiss your boots for your custom."

You will have to tell me which companies you use because it is not my experience.

Deregulating the City that Thatcher introduced, producing the Harry Enfield "Loadsamoney" character didn't seem to improve matters for Joe Public. It introduced a free for all, money is everything culture in which customers were the "mugs".

As for the utilities we have been right royally ripped off since privatisation and bamboozled with hundreds of different tariffs. A travesty that the subsequent Labour government did bugger all to sort out.
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The funeral...

Post by max_tranmere »

Will be a big day in London next week, apparently they'll be a gun salute every minute starting from when the coffin leaves Westminster and will continue until it arrives at St Paul's. This is a long journey so London will be dominated by the sound of a large boom every 60 seconds for an hour and a half (or however long the coffin takes to get there). There will be a large military presence including many Falklands veterans and it is for that reason I may attend.
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Re: The funeral...

Post by Jonone »

Are you a vet Max ?
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Re: The Cocker

Post by Gentleman »

The Big Bang when the city was deregulated led to all the foreign banks heading over here to join our botom feeders so they could get away with the practices that were not allowed in there own country.

And here we are with the banks having caused the chaos in which joe public suffers.