George Osborne a new low..

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George Osborne a new low..

Post by Gentleman »

Even for this scumbag and the party he represents his now currently blaming the welfare state for philpott toasting his children.
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

Another attempt by Osborne to win the moron vote.

Mick Philpott is a scumbag and a minimum 15 years jail sentence for him is certainly not too harsh. He is a criminal.

What the bloody hell has that to do with the social security system? For a start as I understand it, the two women he had a relationship with actually worked as cleaners and got tax credits.

This is just Osborne taking advantage of the onslaught from papers like the Daily Mail stating that Philpott is a vile product of the welfare system.

If they had written that Philpott was a vile product of being in the British Army there would have been outrage around the land.

But as we know the whole government plan is to convince the moron vote that unemployed = workless shirker sponging off the rest of us.
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Re: Gentleman

Post by thealtruist »

The Daily Mail are in the shit as well for their front page headline which said it first. Some people are saying that it was the front page that's made Osborne make these statements
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Re: George Osborne a new low..

Post by Guilbert »

>>>>his now currently blaming the welfare state for philpott toasting his children.

No he didn't, you just wanted to HEAR it that way.

Making that assumption from what he said, and the way he said it, is as bad as anything the Daily Mail does.

Osborne clearly separates the crime (to be dealt with by the courts) and the totally different matter of Phillpot living the type of workshy life he did on benefits.

But then you will just hear it the way you want to hear it.

Sam Slater
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Re: George Osborne a new low..

Post by Sam Slater »

Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children. Claiming benefits and killing children.

Two completely separate things but having read the above you cannot now think of 'claiming benefits' without also thinking of the phrase 'killing children'.

Osbourne and the Daily Mail know what they're doing.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: George Osborne a new low..

Post by Gentleman »

Wonderfully illustrated Mr Slater and A+ for the effort.
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Re: George Osborne a new low..

Post by Gentleman »

I think there may have been a microsecond pause from talking about a murderer to the topic of welfare state subsidising his lifestyle.

This on the day that Manchester police consider saying naughty things at goths as a hate crime, surely the abuse anyone receiving benefits is getting through the media counts as a hate crie.
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Gideon didn't answer ...

Post by jbomz3 »

... The question he was asked , as per normal for a politician .
Yes they're happy to tar everyone with the same brush , they want the public to believe everyone in receipt of any benefits is a scrounger . This is a breakdown of benefit payments . .
Cheers J .

Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Gentleman

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Funnily enough Mr Osborne's quote seems to have gone down rather well with the majority of the UK........The Philpotts are a perfect example of why some welfare benefits need revamped. If you have kids be prepared to look after them.....or keep your cock in your trousers.
Dave Wells
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Re: Gideon didn't answer ...

Post by Dave Wells »

George Osbourne is an absolute fucking toff prick who shouldn't be in a job !

Dave Wells