Fat bastard/Total rebuild update part 2

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Fat bastard/Total rebuild update part 2

Post by Nob3y »

Yep its part 2 as I am still alive,sorry to all those who hate Me... well not sorry, like it or dont really lol

Weight loss still on track which I may have mentioned before is a suprise as I am still trying to get over the infection from My operation. Yes ,its still going on !!
Its better but still got a bit of infection.

Anyways the weight loss is still going well. The diet I have set myself on seems to be the right one. Weight as of today is 15st 12 pounds. Weight when I started 18st 4 pounds.
And thats without being able to do any excersize. Am hoping when My wound is better I can use My new cycle.

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Re: Fat bastard/Total rebuild update part 2

Post by jbomz3 »

Well done on losing over 2 stone .
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Re: Fat bastard/Total rebuild update part 2

Post by Nob3y »

Thanks. Am going to continue and see how far I get. I havent got a target weight in mind. I just want to keep going.

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Re: Fat bastard/Total rebuild update part 2

Post by jbomz3 »

Good , keep it up , I hope it all goes well for you .
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Re: Fat bastard/Total rebuild update part 2

Post by Nob3y »

When I started to lose weight 18.4 stone my BMI (body mass index) was 35.5
Now its down to 29.9. Its going the right way.

I tried on some of my jeans and trousers the other day that I havent worn for a while.They are now to big. My all weather mototbike jacket has had to have all the straps pulled in as it was to big and when I put my helmet on the chin strap had to be pulled in. To me this is a big deal and makes me want to carry on and see how much more weight I can shift.
Will need to goto a vlothes shop and try on diff ppairs of jeans to see what size I am now lol

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Re: Fat bastard/Total rebuild update part 2

Post by Nob3y »

It's going well.
Weight as of 31.3.13 , 15 stone 11 pounds.
Been out for a few rides on my new hybrid cycle also.
Only a few miles each time to build up some staminer then will increase the mileage.
Todays little ride was 10 miles and according to my phone app thing called "runkeeper" which can measure distance,time,calories etc etc for walking,running,cycle,skiing,hiking etc. I burnned 394 cals today.

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Re: Fat bastard/Total rebuild update part 2

Post by Nob3y »

I have now got to a important stage in my weight loss program thingy.
Since 31.12.12 I have now lost 3 stone. Was 18.4 stone and now (obviously) 15.4 stone 14.4.13.
Next goal is to get to 15 stone. I dont want to set a target weight but just want to keep going.
I got out from my loft a leather jacket(motorbike jacket) that I havent been able to fit in since the late 90's.

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Re: Fat bastard/Total rebuild update part 2

Post by Nob3y »

Thought I would update my update for you all.

Been out of action on a self imposed no shooting ban while carrying on with my weight loss program.

So to re-cap, 31.12.12 start weight 18.4 stone with a BMI of 36.3 (which saw me well into the obese range) and a 44 inch waist.

As of 22.9.13 I am 12 stone 0.5 pounds with a BMI of 24.0 (now in the normal range) and a 34 inch waist.

So a total so far of just over 6 stone lost and 10 inches around my waist.
I goto the gym two to three times a week and when weather allows I go out cycle riding on a Sunday and do 20-30 miles.

I found it quite easy as it goes and wish I had done it years ago but hey no point dwelling on that now. I haven't got a target weight in mind but would like to lose a bit more before that real hard part starts. That will be keeping the weight off.There is no way I'm going anywhere near the weight I used to be so will be looking soon to change my diet to suit.

Plus points are being able to buy better and smaller clothes, having to re-adjust the suspension on my bikes for a "normal" weight rider , my mattress becoming more comfy while in bed oh and my cock which always was 9 inches has got bigger... yes bigger !!

So a big "FUCK YOU" to all those who thought/said I couldn't lose weight.
I am also finding it very amusing that some mates of mine and people I know who are now fatter than me really don't like being called a fatty. Well it was alright to call me fatty eh? So I rub it in whenever I can !!

Born to Lose..... Live to Win
David Johnson
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Re: Fat bastard/Total rebuild update part 2

Post by David Johnson »

Well done you!!!!
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Re: Fat bastard/Total rebuild update part 2

Post by william »

great work.... keep it off as they say