I admit he could be asking on behalf of me. he did also try to arrange for Harmony to film so maybe. Until you said it ,it was the first I heard Jason asked you
I asked you and you declined for the reasons you gave already. What are you trying to say?
Ive publicly admitted it and Ive stated I wouldnt stitch you up in any way. What more of an endorsement do you need.
It wouldnt be very sporting of me to edit you in a bad way, unlike the way you have portrayed Mr Honey with the less flattering pictures. I couldve even facilitated not seeing your face if you so requested as I really wanted to show the sort of thing we are up against just merely being in this business.
Me and my brigands Ha ha I love it !happy!
Me and my brigands A-har me mateys (slap my thigh) Oi be the captain of the seas.....Brigandage...Isnt that raping and looting? A tad harsh but I get the metaphor
Has Copyright owners actions affected your choice?
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Re: Has Copyright owners actions affected your choice?
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Re: Has Copyright owners actions affected your choice?
It is a great shame that the evidence showing the emails between Becker and Crossley were not shown in Court.
Do they really exist? Have you got them? i thought hacking into email accounts was illegal and I thought I was bad.
It is interesting and very telling that you state an innocent person would not pay up, well, maybe YOU wouldn't or your friends rolling in cash, but for the average who is told to pay ?700, or go to Court and face possible financial ruin as the Civil Courts only act on a balance of probability, then ?700 seems a fair price against thousands of pounds.
Oh so its ok for me to do nothing and end up out of pocket instead is it because (as you say) me and my friends are rolling in cash and again you talk about the poor people. Would you perhaps be more sympathetic if we had Chris Huhne and his ex wife downloading my porn bang to rights then? Enough with the poor people. I've seen rich people plead poverty for less and if people were that poor I doubt they would have a monthly price plan that would facilitate downloading to a significant degree to even be caught however, i remain to be proven wrong by your good self though
See I really wish this went to a CRIMINAL Court
Ouch! Taking this kinda personal arent you. Have you been downloading my porn? The fact this is sounding rather personal would lead me to beleive you got one of those letters. Calm down. We already agreed to disagree earlier but now youre getting a little bit nasty about it. its not really necessary
It is just a great shame that their is no regulatory body that will punish you harshly for knowingly practicing this scheme.
Instead of berating me on a porn forum maybe you should channel that enthusiasm and set one up. By the sounds of it you probably have it well underway.
Then again, maybe not. That would mean you would have to reveal who you are running such an operation
Do they really exist? Have you got them? i thought hacking into email accounts was illegal and I thought I was bad.
It is interesting and very telling that you state an innocent person would not pay up, well, maybe YOU wouldn't or your friends rolling in cash, but for the average who is told to pay ?700, or go to Court and face possible financial ruin as the Civil Courts only act on a balance of probability, then ?700 seems a fair price against thousands of pounds.
Oh so its ok for me to do nothing and end up out of pocket instead is it because (as you say) me and my friends are rolling in cash and again you talk about the poor people. Would you perhaps be more sympathetic if we had Chris Huhne and his ex wife downloading my porn bang to rights then? Enough with the poor people. I've seen rich people plead poverty for less and if people were that poor I doubt they would have a monthly price plan that would facilitate downloading to a significant degree to even be caught however, i remain to be proven wrong by your good self though
See I really wish this went to a CRIMINAL Court
Ouch! Taking this kinda personal arent you. Have you been downloading my porn? The fact this is sounding rather personal would lead me to beleive you got one of those letters. Calm down. We already agreed to disagree earlier but now youre getting a little bit nasty about it. its not really necessary
It is just a great shame that their is no regulatory body that will punish you harshly for knowingly practicing this scheme.
Instead of berating me on a porn forum maybe you should channel that enthusiasm and set one up. By the sounds of it you probably have it well underway.
Then again, maybe not. That would mean you would have to reveal who you are running such an operation
Re: Has Copyright owners actions affected your choice?
You know very well the email exists, I have shown you it. It was not hacked it was released online by ACS:LAW.
The reason I would like to see this a Criminal case is that the evidence would have to be properly vetted as would the system of detection.
This is personal to me, I have told you why. It is very hard to prove you didn't do something, when the person accusing you takes no reasonable reasons.
This is the same system that sent me a letter from ACS:LAW.
Brigand, does not mean pirate. it means "A robber or bandit, especially one of an outlaw band", and that pretty much sums up Golden Eye and all the rest who have knowingly chosen to join them, knowingly in the sense that the system is corrupt. Found corrupt by the House of Lords, the Solicitors regulation authority ect
You know it is wrong, yet you participate.
No point doing any interview with you guys as Becker cant even be bothered to respond. http://acsbore.wordpress.com/2012/06/28 ... an-becker/
http://acsbore.wordpress.com/2012/12/31 ... l-success/
Unflattering photos? Well there are hardly any handsome ones are there? I mean not the best looking guys are they? I DID ask you if you had some and you said no. Those photos were used, as for some reason GEIL and Their Expert Witness, like to send my Blog Host, DMCA Takedowns... How grown up of them!
The Becker-Crossley email is here, not that you will bother to look, after all I probably faked it or some other stupid reason!
http://www.scribd.com/doc/86797733/Lett ... to-ACS-LAW
BTW Ask Mr Becker how much he charges the people who actually admit to downloading his "Works"
You know very well the email exists, I have shown you it. It was not hacked it was released online by ACS:LAW.
The reason I would like to see this a Criminal case is that the evidence would have to be properly vetted as would the system of detection.
This is personal to me, I have told you why. It is very hard to prove you didn't do something, when the person accusing you takes no reasonable reasons.
This is the same system that sent me a letter from ACS:LAW.
Brigand, does not mean pirate. it means "A robber or bandit, especially one of an outlaw band", and that pretty much sums up Golden Eye and all the rest who have knowingly chosen to join them, knowingly in the sense that the system is corrupt. Found corrupt by the House of Lords, the Solicitors regulation authority ect
You know it is wrong, yet you participate.
No point doing any interview with you guys as Becker cant even be bothered to respond. http://acsbore.wordpress.com/2012/06/28 ... an-becker/
http://acsbore.wordpress.com/2012/12/31 ... l-success/
Unflattering photos? Well there are hardly any handsome ones are there? I mean not the best looking guys are they? I DID ask you if you had some and you said no. Those photos were used, as for some reason GEIL and Their Expert Witness, like to send my Blog Host, DMCA Takedowns... How grown up of them!
The Becker-Crossley email is here, not that you will bother to look, after all I probably faked it or some other stupid reason!
http://www.scribd.com/doc/86797733/Lett ... to-ACS-LAW
BTW Ask Mr Becker how much he charges the people who actually admit to downloading his "Works"
Re: Has Copyright owners actions affected your choice?
Thanks for your thoughts. I would love it for you to expand on your thoughts, but I guess it is a very pertinent opinion.
@OEJ, it is madness this!
This discussion is like your argument about saying piracy is bad and our argument is piracy is good.
Your argument is piracy is bad and our argument is piracy is bad.
You think everyone who is caught in this GEIL monitoring escapade is guilty and we say that not EVERYONE is guilty.
What can you glean from that?
You believe 100%, or at least you are portraying that argument.
What real serious evidence do you have to back up the 100%?
Your argument is based on someone who does the monitoring who you may or may not have met. Did you meet him? Did you ask questions?
Wouldn?t you like to meet him and ask questions if you are prepared to come on a public forum and make such grandiose claims of everyone monitored is guilty?
So the near 3,000 IP addresses monitored for BDP gave a yield of below 1,000 subscribers. Does that not make you think that something is a bit weird?
You admit to being single minded in your thoughts, and it is quite clear that is what you are doing.
I think that saying someone is single minded is regarded as a bad thing. Your motivation is in a ?financial? point of view. Our motivation is in an ?Innocent? point of view.
I am personally fed up with the analogies brought up like the ?HMV? or ?Nicked Car? scenarios. Of course they are wrong just like piracy is wrong. FFS, stealing and piracy is wrong!
What more do you want me to say?
But???.Making claims against subscribers with bad monitoring evidence is wrong also. Making claims that the subscriber is guilty (Like Julian Becker said in his witness statement in Court) is also wrong.
You are claiming 100% I say that it could be 90% or 80% or 70%. Judging by the actual monitoring, that was a 30% hit rate and I say that there are innocent people in that 30%.
Your argument for piracy is right and correct, but you have align yourself with GEIL. I will ?cherry pick? your words:
?GEIL are representing my interests and as such I will zealously defend those interests as best I can which is why i only speak for myself.?
I guess that you are single minded like you say. You want people to pay up because you believe they are guilty one way or another.
?Blinkered Eyesight? springs to mind. You might have done well at Cheltenham this week.
Thanks for your thoughts. I would love it for you to expand on your thoughts, but I guess it is a very pertinent opinion.
@OEJ, it is madness this!
This discussion is like your argument about saying piracy is bad and our argument is piracy is good.
Your argument is piracy is bad and our argument is piracy is bad.
You think everyone who is caught in this GEIL monitoring escapade is guilty and we say that not EVERYONE is guilty.
What can you glean from that?
You believe 100%, or at least you are portraying that argument.
What real serious evidence do you have to back up the 100%?
Your argument is based on someone who does the monitoring who you may or may not have met. Did you meet him? Did you ask questions?
Wouldn?t you like to meet him and ask questions if you are prepared to come on a public forum and make such grandiose claims of everyone monitored is guilty?
So the near 3,000 IP addresses monitored for BDP gave a yield of below 1,000 subscribers. Does that not make you think that something is a bit weird?
You admit to being single minded in your thoughts, and it is quite clear that is what you are doing.
I think that saying someone is single minded is regarded as a bad thing. Your motivation is in a ?financial? point of view. Our motivation is in an ?Innocent? point of view.
I am personally fed up with the analogies brought up like the ?HMV? or ?Nicked Car? scenarios. Of course they are wrong just like piracy is wrong. FFS, stealing and piracy is wrong!
What more do you want me to say?
But???.Making claims against subscribers with bad monitoring evidence is wrong also. Making claims that the subscriber is guilty (Like Julian Becker said in his witness statement in Court) is also wrong.
You are claiming 100% I say that it could be 90% or 80% or 70%. Judging by the actual monitoring, that was a 30% hit rate and I say that there are innocent people in that 30%.
Your argument for piracy is right and correct, but you have align yourself with GEIL. I will ?cherry pick? your words:
?GEIL are representing my interests and as such I will zealously defend those interests as best I can which is why i only speak for myself.?
I guess that you are single minded like you say. You want people to pay up because you believe they are guilty one way or another.
?Blinkered Eyesight? springs to mind. You might have done well at Cheltenham this week.
Re: Has Copyright owners actions affected your choice?
The "coup de gr?ce" in this is practicing lawyers were found guilty of targeting innocent people by the Solicitor Regulation Authority:
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/11/19 ... lyons_sra/
The very same practice that GEIL are doing now was regarded by the SRA as targeting innocent people.
Yes that is right, an authority.
Come on OEJ, convince me that you are right and GEIL are right and the Solicitor Regulation Authority were wrong.
DL used Alireza Torabi. ACS:Law used Alireza Torabi. The Judge in GEIL said innocents will be targeted. You don?t believe that there are innocent people because you haven?t seen evidence.
I am inclined to believe the judgement of the SRA. At least there is a regulatory body that controls Lawyers and Solicitors and judges them.
The Adult material industry is a joke.
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/11/19 ... lyons_sra/
The very same practice that GEIL are doing now was regarded by the SRA as targeting innocent people.
Yes that is right, an authority.
Come on OEJ, convince me that you are right and GEIL are right and the Solicitor Regulation Authority were wrong.
DL used Alireza Torabi. ACS:Law used Alireza Torabi. The Judge in GEIL said innocents will be targeted. You don?t believe that there are innocent people because you haven?t seen evidence.
I am inclined to believe the judgement of the SRA. At least there is a regulatory body that controls Lawyers and Solicitors and judges them.
The Adult material industry is a joke.
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Re: Has Copyright owners actions affected your choice?
"You think everyone who is caught in this GEIL monitoring escapade is guilty and we say that not EVERYONE is guilty.
What can you glean from that?"
And I say fromall that have read from you and Hicksters comments that i havent seen one single example of anyone being innocent. its ok to google up news ad gve me thos elinks but I odnt beleive everything I read on the internet. The rest of this has been said already.
Youre not going to change my mind and nor am I going to convince you but I thought we agreed to disagree ages back. Now the tone of your posts are getting aggressive Im more resilient in my stand on this for the simple fact you are about as anonymous as robbers in balaclavas to me.
Nww Hickster wishes we and all affiliated with GEIL were up on criminal charges to answer for our actions then maybe he should consider if he feels that strong about it then he may well be the man to do that job
I think your strong defensive stance is simply because you are using this massive thread to furnish your propoganda against GEIL and maybe I wasnt giving the blase enough answers you may be looking for to consolidate your opposing views
Talking to me about monitoring websites is like talking to me about web designing. I have no clue as to this monitoring system. Ive not seen it in action and only heard about it through you
My initial thoughts are, like most things, why wouldnt it be flwed to aa degree. cash point machines dontn always work, TV broadcasts dont always work, whens the las time you called your bank and they said the sytem wasnt down.
You have basically implied that everyone who gt those letters are innocent. the fact that people have paid up to not just GEIL here but numerous other in effect makes me wonder if they accept they were guilty as charged. I dont understand the concept of being embarrasssed for downloading porn and saying for it if you didnt do it.
I'm still wondering why you seem so adamant in your claims that you are so anonymous when trying t fight it
Could you imagine Malcolm X or Martin Luther King or even Nick Griffin or Hitler getting anything done behind a keyboard without people seeing a face to that person.
Maybe you shouldbe ighting this on a much larger platform than the off topic forum on a porn social networking site...If you do press charges against me I hope tot see you in court because if you dont I will say to the judge "Do you seriously expect me to take these guys seriously????"
I'm thinking your supporters would be thinking the same. Otherwise its just your opinions and no action
What can you glean from that?"
And I say fromall that have read from you and Hicksters comments that i havent seen one single example of anyone being innocent. its ok to google up news ad gve me thos elinks but I odnt beleive everything I read on the internet. The rest of this has been said already.
Youre not going to change my mind and nor am I going to convince you but I thought we agreed to disagree ages back. Now the tone of your posts are getting aggressive Im more resilient in my stand on this for the simple fact you are about as anonymous as robbers in balaclavas to me.
Nww Hickster wishes we and all affiliated with GEIL were up on criminal charges to answer for our actions then maybe he should consider if he feels that strong about it then he may well be the man to do that job
I think your strong defensive stance is simply because you are using this massive thread to furnish your propoganda against GEIL and maybe I wasnt giving the blase enough answers you may be looking for to consolidate your opposing views
Talking to me about monitoring websites is like talking to me about web designing. I have no clue as to this monitoring system. Ive not seen it in action and only heard about it through you
My initial thoughts are, like most things, why wouldnt it be flwed to aa degree. cash point machines dontn always work, TV broadcasts dont always work, whens the las time you called your bank and they said the sytem wasnt down.
You have basically implied that everyone who gt those letters are innocent. the fact that people have paid up to not just GEIL here but numerous other in effect makes me wonder if they accept they were guilty as charged. I dont understand the concept of being embarrasssed for downloading porn and saying for it if you didnt do it.
I'm still wondering why you seem so adamant in your claims that you are so anonymous when trying t fight it
Could you imagine Malcolm X or Martin Luther King or even Nick Griffin or Hitler getting anything done behind a keyboard without people seeing a face to that person.
Maybe you shouldbe ighting this on a much larger platform than the off topic forum on a porn social networking site...If you do press charges against me I hope tot see you in court because if you dont I will say to the judge "Do you seriously expect me to take these guys seriously????"
I'm thinking your supporters would be thinking the same. Otherwise its just your opinions and no action
Re: Has Copyright owners actions affected your choice?
With respect OEJ, this discussion on opposing sides is not equal. You have a financial interest and we don?t.
What discussion do you want to go down? The poll tax? Stefan Kiszko? The bedroom tax? We can all come up with evidence of wrong doings.
I have said before and I will say again. You are not on trial as far as I am concerned, but you defend your interests and defend GEIL. I will accept your defence for yourself, but never accept your stance on GEIL.
My thinking is I am not in any way capable or able to take an action against GEIL personally, no more able that you are capable of taking a stance against piracy by yourself.
I will bring up evidence. The SRA, SDT and the Judge in the GEIL NPO case have their opinion. Those opinions as far as I am concerned outweigh an individual like you and me.
It is very much why I question the Adult Industry. No authority. I will equal your bet of GEILs claim and raise the stakes by the SRA, SDT and the Judge. Can you match my bet, or do you think I am bluffing?
What discussion do you want to go down? The poll tax? Stefan Kiszko? The bedroom tax? We can all come up with evidence of wrong doings.
I have said before and I will say again. You are not on trial as far as I am concerned, but you defend your interests and defend GEIL. I will accept your defence for yourself, but never accept your stance on GEIL.
My thinking is I am not in any way capable or able to take an action against GEIL personally, no more able that you are capable of taking a stance against piracy by yourself.
I will bring up evidence. The SRA, SDT and the Judge in the GEIL NPO case have their opinion. Those opinions as far as I am concerned outweigh an individual like you and me.
It is very much why I question the Adult Industry. No authority. I will equal your bet of GEILs claim and raise the stakes by the SRA, SDT and the Judge. Can you match my bet, or do you think I am bluffing?
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Re: Has Copyright owners actions affected your choice?
I will equal your bet of GEILs claim and raise the stakes by the SRA, SDT and the Judge. Can you match my bet, or do you think I am bluffing?
If GEIL or myself are as good as done why are we even having this conversation?
If GEIL or myself are as good as done why are we even having this conversation?
Re: Has Copyright owners actions affected your choice?
"If GEIL or myself are as good as done why are we even having this conversation?"
Maybe it is greed. I know that I don't benefit at all financially from this convesartion.
Maybe it is greed. I know that I don't benefit at all financially from this convesartion.
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Re: Has Copyright owners actions affected your choice?
I'm talking about loss of earnings. They provide a service. Greed on their part?
Let snot confuse the word greed with profit. That seems to be the term people like to use these days because making money is usually frowned on by jealous people who dont make any (not meaning you because you are providing commentary)
I want to see a return on my investment and if downloaders deny me that then i will have to seek another way of recouping my losses.
GEIL may only give me 25% but thats 25% more than i wouldve got if I didnt do anyhting about it and the 75% they make is all on them as it has cost them time and money going to and fro from the courts for over 2 years now
I still dont see your argument
We're going in circles now. Havent we said all we need to on this now? Or are you seriously looking for the perfect quote to go on your blogs that you can bend and twist to suit your agenda?
I'm talking about loss of earnings. They provide a service. Greed on their part?
Let snot confuse the word greed with profit. That seems to be the term people like to use these days because making money is usually frowned on by jealous people who dont make any (not meaning you because you are providing commentary)
I want to see a return on my investment and if downloaders deny me that then i will have to seek another way of recouping my losses.
GEIL may only give me 25% but thats 25% more than i wouldve got if I didnt do anyhting about it and the 75% they make is all on them as it has cost them time and money going to and fro from the courts for over 2 years now
I still dont see your argument
We're going in circles now. Havent we said all we need to on this now? Or are you seriously looking for the perfect quote to go on your blogs that you can bend and twist to suit your agenda?