Braveheart gets caught out

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David Johnson
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Braveheart gets caught out

Post by David Johnson »

Looks like Salmond has comprehensively been found out. First he tried to blag his way with the rest of the SNP saying that there was absolutely no question that an independent Scotland would remain as part of the EU. He even made out that he had legal advice which backed up this view.

Alas for Salmond, Barroso the President of the European Commission has crushed all of that: ... s-20664907

Barroso stated

"What I said, and it is our doctrine and it is clear since 2004 in legal terms, if one part of a country - I am not referring now to any specific one - wants to become an independent state, of course as an independent state it has to apply to the European membership according to the rules - that is obvious." Asked whether an independent country would have to renegotiate its terms, Mr Barroso said: "Yes.". When further asked whether that negotiation would be from "inside" the EU, the president responded: "We are a union of states, so if there is a new state, of course, that state has to apply for membership and negotiate the conditions with other member states". For European Union purposes, from a legal point of view, it is certainly a new state. If a country becomes independent it is a new state and has to negotiate with the EU."

And it is worth pointing out that pretty much every European state that has joined the EU in the last decade or so has been asked to join the euro. And I am sure that any new state joining the EU would have to adhere to the federal approach to fiscal matters that the EU is going down.

I can see more trouble ahead for Alex and Nicola. You've been found out!
number 6
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Re: Braveheart gets caught out

Post by number 6 »

Alex " king of smarm" salmond
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Re: Braveheart gets caught out

Post by mrchapel »

The problem with that is the weegie retards and neds who vote SNP don`t understand half those big words you just used. All they seem to think is that SNP means independant Scotland and an independant Scotland will flourish on oil and whiskey exports so no one will need work again. We`ll be wiping our arse with fifty pound notes.
The fucking idiots who vote SNP shouldn`t be allowed a vote, dumb fuckers can`t spell X without help anyway

Bukkake shots where you are with a few other fucking gay.

In fact, about pulling trains with a wanna have sex with other guys and mix your sperm with're just using a woman as a conduit.

Fag..--Inside Clyde
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Mr Chapel gets caught out

Post by fatmick »

A bit rich to be slagging off their spelling when you cannot spell independent yourself......
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Re: Mr Chapel gets caught out

Post by Lizard »

if anyone neads help with speling and grammer, im yer man.

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Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Mr Chapel gets caught out

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

On a positive note for McSalmond think of all the spare cash he can get his paws on that other countries send off to Brussels and never see again! The multi billion shortbread sales will make Scotland richer than Sudan.
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Re: Braveheart gets caught out

Post by spider »

Don't forget Scotland all the billions they'll make from sales of Irn Bru "Made in Scotland from girders".

Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Braveheart gets caught out

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Laughing aside Irn Bru outsells Coca Cola, the only country on the planet that isn't dominated by their drinks. And don't forget Scotland's other great export....Tunnocks Caramel fave snack!!
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Re: Braveheart gets caught out

Post by fatmick »

Not sure if it still the case but there was a period when Irn Bru also outsold coca cola in Russia
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Re: Mr Chapel gets caught out

Post by fatmick »

Don't you mean grammar?