Low carb diet

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Low carb diet

Post by Nob3y »

Anybody know of/got suggestions etc etc for a low carb 1500 calorie meal diet?
I wanna start with 1500 calories meals then cut that down to 1000 or less.
Am ok with brekfast,lunch and snacks. Can have fruit and them slim fast shakes.
I looked all over google and tried wading through pages of links but just want evening meal suggestions.
Somthing that wont need a master chef to make or need me to goto the finest shops to get the ingredients.Nice and simple will do.
There are probably lots and I am over thinking this.

Anybody got any ideas?

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Snow Patrol
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Re: Low carb diet

Post by Snow Patrol »

for good ideas :)
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Low carb diet

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

1000 calories a day is not enough for any man. As my GP says eat less move more!!
Sam Slater
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Re: Low carb diet

Post by Sam Slater »

I'm a little confused. You specifically say, twice, that you want '1500 calorie meals', which is more than Steve Redgrave consumed when training everyday during the build-up to the Olympics.

If what you meant was '1500 calories per day, split up into 3 or 4 meals' then that is erring on the low side, unless you're quite short and inactive. Aim for 1800-2000 calories a day and find time for a 30 min walk everyday for a few weeks. Then adopt a run/walk policy 3 times a week, making sure you have rest days in between. Start out with something like a 2 min walk / 2 min run and keep alternating until you've done 30 mins total and keep at this for a week before moving up to a 3 min walk / 3 min run. And when I say 'run' I mean 'light jog'. Nothing strenuous.

There are many similar 'beginner' running plans on the net if you look. Of course, you may have some physical or medical issues which may hinder you from partaking in such a regimen, and I'd advice you to get a check-up with your GP first. They'll also help with the dietary advice, too.

This way you won't have to cut the carbs too drastically, which usually means you'll end up eating far too much protein, which most will just be pissed out via the kidneys because your body can only break down and digest so much protein at any one time (around 25-35g). This is why bodybuilders have 10-12 small meals a day rather than 3 or 4 large meals. You'll also, statistically, end up eating more red meat which brings it's own set of problems. It's just much easier to keep your carb intake around 50-60% of what you eat and burn it off by exercising. You'll end up not just thinner, but fitter, stronger and happier.

An easy win/win.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Low carb diet

Post by william »

lighterlife was my first try lost around 5 stone....

if you like you need to look at

http://www.slimandsave.co.uk/ this is lighterlife by the back door. You need to read up on ketosis and research as its a specific way of weight loss that you ned to understand as if you get it wrong then you wont lose weight.

onece used to it then you do lose a lot of weight, and relatively easy, Im the worst for diets but this worked for me and if it did then it will for anyone else.

its also cheap as you are not eating or snacking so the only money on food is on the packs. lighterlife is kinda pricy and they want you to go and get checked by doctors and attend meetings etc. Its now being run to make money for the franchise holder - you dont need all of that crap just the packs to lose the weight and then discipline afterwards to ensure you dont put it back on afterwards. Eat like a fat bastard you will be a fat bastard !
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Re: Low carb diet

Post by Nob3y »

Heres the rub,
I dont somke,hardly ever drink.Have cerial for brek and lunch with fruit then have dinner.
I dont eat a lot of choc and bad things.I have always been big even when young.
Doesnt help that I think I have a metabolism that goes slower than a snail !
I have tried the gym route and when I was out of work earlier this year was doing 10 miles a day on my mountain bike.
I cant seem to shift any weight.
So am thinking it must be carbs thats keeping the weight up.And am going to try the slim fast shakes for brek and lunch with fruit.
As for evening meals this is where I could do with suggestions/help.
Am needing somthing thats not going to have carbs but not too many calories but not take a master chef to make.

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Re: Low carb diet

Post by Lizard »

You can go on lighterlife diet ONLY if you are obese to start with officially, William is right about the 'backdoor' version, I know someone who had a dramatic weight loss using this route, they signed up to the lighterlife forums and just got the info from there, the official diet is expensive, but if you follow the instructions, and this included drinking at least 5ltrs of water every day, you will have a dramatic loss, however if you are very obese, and want a gradual loss Sam's advice is the best route no question, small and often, keep down the carbs and exercise.

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David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

I think Mr Slater is talking sense - exercise with a balanced diet is the secret. Forget the shakes. They might provide the calories but don't provide the processing tasks for your digestive system which make you feel satisfied that you have had a meal.

For me the secret to losing weight is to eat whole food, avoid heavily processed food, exercise more and you will lose weight. By whole food I mean wholewheat meusli with some fruit e.g. apple/banana with milk for breakfast. In winter you can heat it up for porridge. Boiled eggs, bit of wholemeal toast is good. It's filling, gives your digestive system something to do, unlike those dietary shakes, and relatively inexpensive.

For meals, if you haven't already got these, I would suggest a three container steamer and slow cooker. WIth the steamer, put spuds, carrots etc in the bottom, broccoli or spinach in the middle container with the holes in so you can steam it and some fish, if you fancy it, which you can poach. Alternatively while the steamer is doing the business, you can grill a bit of meat to go with it. The slow cooker is great for just bunging in a pile of sliced vegetables and some meat or whatever, going out and then you have a couple of meals worth when you get back in. The slow cooker will come with some meal suggestions.

For exercise, take it easy to start with and then build up. It is quality rather than quantity that matters. You say you were cycling 10 miles on your bike. If you were doing that through forests with steep sides etc etc great. But if it was 10 miles on the flat it would probably burn up few calories. Try finding some steep hills to walk up to get your heart rate up. There are age related tables around which will tell you what is a safe heart rate for someone of your age to have an aerobic effect. Use your mobile phone to take your heart rate etc.

The main thing is not to get obsessed with it e.g. I' m on a diet etc etc etc and the endless calorie counting stuff that some people get into.

Good Luck!
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Re: Low carb diet

Post by Nob3y »

will take a look thanks

Born to Lose..... Live to Win
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Re: Nob3y

Post by Nob3y »

some good replies thanks.will digest the replies

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