tory mp-ban booze and fags for unemployed

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number 6
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tory mp-ban booze and fags for unemployed

Post by number 6 » ... ng-booze-2

So lets get this straight,you are trying your hardest to get a job,but can't land one. And this guy wants to prevent you from waling into an off licence and purchasing a can of beer or a packet of fags. Is this April 1st?
Dave Wells
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Re: tory mp-ban booze and fags for unemployed

Post by Dave Wells »

Great example of the rich totally out of touch normal life. What a PRATT !

Dave Wells
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Re: tory mp-ban booze and fags for unemployed

Post by Gentleman »

But as long as they can keep up the pretence of those being unemployed as vermin rather than victims of their policies they can keep gripping onto power.
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: tory mp-ban booze and fags for unemployed

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Or you could turn up in court, to defend yourself against eviction for owing 9 months rent with a brand spanking new I Phone 5.....and now have nowhere to charge it. I have to agree with the idea, you get benefits for food, light, heat and clothing. After that everything is a luxury and on benefits you do without. Life isn't fair. Deal with it.
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Re: tory mp-ban booze and fags for unemployed

Post by Gentleman »

Of course there's scumbags rinsing the system who are then held up to the ignorant masses so they can blame everyone who is receipt of benefit.

If governments were ever determined to tackle benefit fraud they wouldn't keep stripping away the resources needed to tackle it.

Also interesting is their phrase about making work pay they seem this is done by reducing benefits rather than making sure wages are actually set at a decent level.

The irony is that the same scumbags who the system can't touch will continue to be there and able to do what they do already its the rest who will pay the price.
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Re: tory mp-ban booze and fags for unemployed

Post by mrchapel »

This coming from those who used our tax money for sofas, tvs and cleaning of their moats.

Bukkake shots where you are with a few other fucking gay.

In fact, about pulling trains with a wanna have sex with other guys and mix your sperm with're just using a woman as a conduit.

Fag..--Inside Clyde
David Johnson
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Number 6/Mr Chapel

Post by David Johnson »

I love the bit in the story where it states

"Mr Shelbrooke, the Tory MP for Elmet and Rothwell, said the plan would end the "damaging perception" that those who claimed benefits were scroungers, sponging off the state".

Takes the biscuit given that it is George Osborne and the Tories who have been trying 100% to implement their vile policy to set the employed against all unemployed people (they are all scroungers, you know!), private sector workers against public sector workers and workers against pensioners.

And as for Mr Chapel's comment about MPs' expenses, of course, MPs know how to spend the dosh, unlike skivers. They spend it on duck houses, cleaning moats, second homes in Kensington. All the things, in fact, that skivers don't have!
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Re: Number 6/Mr Chapel

Post by pornoshop »

but scroungers don't get off their arse and vote so they are looking after those who do. Makes sense
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »


But the unemployed are not all scroungers. That's the point. And those in work realise they are just one load of bad luck away from being unemployed. Ask 6,500 Comet workers.

Do keep up!
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Re: Pornoshop

Post by pornoshop »

I think there is an obvious difference between the unemployed and 'scroungers'.

If your handle on English is not very good I recommend It is a wonderful website full of useful words and phrases