"Obams wins!"

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number 6
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Re: "Obams wins!"

Post by number 6 »

The democrats have been a party of the centre right since Clinton. The republicans at this moment in time are way off in the far right wild eyed lunatic fringe,and show no signs of coming back soon. There is a left wing alternative in America in the shape of Jill Stein,who leads the green party,but she will never be elected. The last left winger to run for president was Ralph Nader,and he split the vote with the centre left Al Gore,and let America down the road of Bush. The rest is history.
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Re: "Obams wins!"

Post by max_tranmere »

I actually like Barack Obama, I remember saying to people 4 years ago that I'd vote for him myself if I was American. He has a vibe about him that conveys a feeling that he's in touch with the ordinary man and woman. Much more than his opponent last time or this time. His ordinary-ness appeals to me but I would have to have lived under his administration for the last 4 years to get a real feel of what he was/is like as a leader.
Ken Shabby
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Re: "Obams wins!"

Post by Ken Shabby »

David, I think you know that when I mentioned satirists, I was referring to comedians, talk show hosts, etc. I wasn't talking about newscasters on cable news channels. I don't understand how you could confuse the two. And as for billions of campaigners, volunteers, party activists and private citizens, how the hell can you mistake them for professional entertainers/writers, you know, satirists?

Yes you're right, Obama was called a lot of things (communist, Muslim, etc), but then so was Romney but by far more people, including all the satirists, commentators, writers, comedians, etc. But then that's politics!

No, David, I don't have any evidence (exhibit A's, smoking guns, etc). I was just basing my opinions on things I've seen on news channels (talking heads and the like), when people seemed to be projecting their own ideas and sensibilities on their chosen candidate. People would be stopped in the street and say 'Yeah, Obama's for this and that' or 'he said he's going to do so forth.' And I'm watching this and I'm thinking: No he didn't. In fact, I can remember when he promised just the opposite. For example, the deficit. Back in 2008, he said that if he didn't half the deficit in the first 3 years, then he was just a one term proposition. In fact he increased the deficit by one third in just three years (I think I've got the figures right, you can check it up if you like). But you still get regular people being interviewed in the street saying things like 'I'm voting for Obama, and yeah, I know the economy is bad, but Obama said it would take a long time to fix.' - No he didn't!

Also, I heard about a young actress, a gorgeous looking girl, who publicly stated that she was backing Romney. Then she was barraged by a whole tidal wave of hateful, racist, obscene messages from Democrats on forums and social networks. Why? Just because she was voting for Mitt Romney and she happened to be black.

It's all out there dave, you can look it up for yourself. I read an article in the paper today that summed the whole thing up pretty well. You can read it online over at:

http://www.express.co.uk/ourcomments/vi ... -McKinstry

One last thing though David, I was quoting you when I said 'challenging'. I couldn't believe that you we're ranting at someone for daring to 'challenge your views'. It made you sound like Hitler or something.
Ken Shabby
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Re: "Obams wins!"

Post by Ken Shabby »

Mr Valleywater, I see what you mean about Barack Obama being good UN Secretary General material. But I think that there's probably a certain Mr Blair after that job too.

Changing the subject slightly though, I rarely get political on the message boards, but I just get so sick of the whole world fawning over Obama.
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: "Obams wins!"

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Indeed Mr Shabby. I live in the real world too! As a northerner I am not overly impressed with media hype...as my old boss John used to say "what's your claim to fame sonny??!""...
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"David, I think you know that when I mentioned satirists, I was referring to comedians, talk show hosts, etc. I wasn't talking about newscasters on cable news channels. I don't understand how you could confuse the two. And as for billions of campaigners, volunteers, party activists and private citizens, how the hell can you mistake them for professional entertainers/writers, you know, satirists?"

Ken, satirists appear on TV. You mustn't have noticed.

"Yes you're right, Obama was called a lot of things (communist, Muslim, etc), but then so was Romney but by far more people, including all the satirists, commentators, writers, comedians, etc. But then that's politics!"

Given you haven't got the concept of satirists appearing on TV, your view that Romney was called a lot of things by far more people, is not very convincing.

"No, David, I don't have any evidence "

I knew you didn't.

Would so many black people have voted for Obama if the roles had been reversed and Romney had been in favour of universal healthcare and taxes on the rich, whilst Obama thought that 47% of the US population were useless and Obama only paid 14% tax on his multi-million income? I don't think so.

"One last thing though David, I was quoting you when I said 'challenging'. I couldn't believe that you we're ranting at someone for daring to 'challenge your views'. It made you sound like Hitler or something."

Well if you want an example of ranting, you should have had the courtesy to read the link that I provided you in a previous message. Then you would have seen my comment thus, first from me to Argie

""Complete failure"

What evidence have you for this?

The US has done better than the UK on just about every positive economic statistic in the last two years and has had growth figures that Cameron and Osborne would kill for. I repeat, what evidence have you for your statement about Obama's complete failure?"

Argie's intelligent reply "Oh fuck off DJ I know you would vote for him, like so many other PC cretins did because he is Black but America is still bankrupt, still at war on god knows how many fronts, is still the gun crime capital of the planet and still bullies their populatiuon into more and more repressive laws just in case an innocent Arab farts in Texas. Do you visit planet earth very often?"

Have a good day, Kenneth.
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"I live in the real world too! As a northerner I am not overly impressed with media hype..."

One wonders why you are so impressed by Boris Johnson then.

one eyed jack
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Re: "Obams wins!"

Post by one eyed jack »

I cant help but think the american people have made the right choice with Obama.

Imagine the pressure of still being judged by that most obvious thing. The skin colour. Im sure there are a bunch of short sighted racist folk in the US who would rather vote for the anti christ (they did that with Bush) rathert than vote a black man in the white house

THE WHITE HOUSE! Oh the heresy of it all!!! A black man in the white house!! Dear god nooooo!

I credit the majority of good clear thinking intelligent white americans who obviously see past that and go by that time honoured motto:

Let the best man get the job done

Romney made too many daft fuck ups that I could see hi slipping up on a banana peel and pushing that big red button to break his fall and say "oops!"

Didnt he do that already with his various faux pas?

Im not in favour of Obama being the chairman of that great corporation caled america if there is a white man inthe house that can do a lot better. I guess hes good for now until they get there.

Bamz a good bloke and America did the right thing

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Re: "Obams wins!"

Post by Flat_Eric »

Have to agree with DJ and OEJ.

Perhaps not a "great" president (and that Nobel Peace Prize was ludicrously premature), but he's the best option they have for now. Certainly far better than Romney, who I had down a potential George Dubya II.

I think also that - for a politician - he comes across as a fairly decent bloke who's trying his best. Unlike the shower of shite we're lumbered with here (ConLibLab).

- Eric

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Re: "Obams wins!"

Post by max_tranmere »

I think a lot of people in the USA see beyond the colour thing, but some dont. Obama got more death threats than any previous President - and you can guess why. It is thought most came from the deep-south, they hate the fact there is a black person in the White House.