NFL & Boris Johnson

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NFL & Boris Johnson

Post by stevieq »

Boris oh Boris!
Boris Johnson did the UK proud at Wembley's NFL football.
I said to my son, what does he know about the NFL?
Then he announce with bravo and gusto at the top of his voice over the tannoy,
"Welcome to everyone to the RUGBY UNION football game.
I thought he was kidding at first, then realise he wasn't.
I've never laughed so much, it was priceless lol
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Re: NFL & Boris Johnson

Post by Toliverwist »

Johnson the Affable Waffle, AKA the Blonde Blether.

Prime Minister material? Ha ha ha Ha ha ha Ha ha ha Ha ha ha!

There goes the Liverpool vote.

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number 6
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Re: NFL & Boris Johnson

Post by number 6 »

Lets be honest,he beat Ken Livingstone by a whisker,DESPITE the london media(evening standard in general) treating Livingstone like he was jimmy saville in a nazi uniform. Go north of London and you will find he is a JOKE. I hope he does become leader of the tories,he will be the laughing stock of the country when he has to be serious and put aside the clown act.
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Re: NFL & Boris Johnson

Post by spider »

I'm not going to say anything nasty about Boris.

He might have me beaten-up if I do.

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Re: NFL & Boris Johnson

Post by RoddersUK »

Actually, it's all showmanship.
BJ is a very clever bloke and an astute politician. He plays to the audience, and they seem to love him for it.
Personally, I think he could piss all over Cameron and his mates. Extremely well educated they may be, but, a pile of stuck up wankers are what they really are and we see it almost every day. If Cameron had any balls he would be giving the Clegg wanker and his acolytes a kicking every day.

David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"If Cameron had any balls he would be giving the Clegg wanker and his acolytes a kicking every day."

He does. Haven't you noticed?

Lib Dem election policies

No student fee rises Student fee rises tripled
No Trident Millions to be spent on Trident design.
Schools under local authority control. Huge increase in academy schools outside local authority control.
Roll back of attacks on civil liberties. Other than the scrapping of id cards, nothing.
Widespread House of Lords reform. Nothing happened.
AV voting. Nothing.

And I could go on.

THere is no political party in the history of British politics that has got into government and seen virtually nothing of its key policies introduced as has happened to the Lib Dems. They are the most anti-democratic British party since Oswald Mosley set up one in the thirties.

How much of a kicking is that?
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Re: NFL & Boris Johnson

Post by Toliverwist »

Date: 11-01-12 11:48

BJ is a very clever bloke and an astute politician. He plays to the audience, and they seem to love him for it.

Some views the Affable Waffle, Johnson, would take into No. 10;

Gay marriage

Illegal immigrant amnesty

Turkey in the EU
And here, Johnson uses 2,480 words to say, 'I support Turkey joining the EU.'

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