Ed Miliband

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David Johnson
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Re: DJ

Post by David Johnson »

"he appears to be insincere as well. I am sure that this is not so, but he appears to be."

Well he obviously has your vote then. "I am sure that this is not so".
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Re: DJ

Post by jimslip »

Believe it or not, a person can make an observation without being partisan. If you were able to remove your blinkers you too would see how vulnerable Labour is, to being savaged at the next election, because of Ed.

Alas, you think that just screaming at people, "Vote Labour and get a hospital bed!" will guarantee success. Alas it will not.

You must be daft if you think that the power brokers of Labour are as silly and wide eyed as you are, they will be thinking exactly as I am, "We have a problem Houston!"

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
Winner of "Best On-Line scene & Best Gonzo Production" at UKAP Awards 2006
Winner of Best TVX series 2011, "Laras Anal Adventures"
David Johnson
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Jim Slip

Post by David Johnson »

None of the above has any connection with my views or actions.

I will leave you yet again to have a conversation with yourself.
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Re: David Johnson.

Post by jimslip »

Can't see why you are so touchy and aggressive. You can continue living in your little world in which you believe Labour will sweep to victory in the next election! Somehow I think in your heart of hearts you know there is a problem, so your instinct is to bludgeon to the ground, anyone who dares question your wisdom!

You really hate anyone who disagrees with your blinkered views, even when they are trying to help. All you want to hear are slavish, blind, platitudes, like "Tour de force!" "Bravo Ed!" "It's in the bag!" "The Tories don't stand a chance!" "A free hospital bed with every vote.....GUARANTEED!"

If real life were that simple!

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
Winner of "Best On-Line scene & Best Gonzo Production" at UKAP Awards 2006
Winner of Best TVX series 2011, "Laras Anal Adventures"
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Argie

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

DJ I am getting a little worried about you mate. Have you a real mental illness? If not can I remind you of the offence called stalking? You have classic wife beater bully boy mentality i.e. you cannot possibly be wrong. Seek some counselling and realise that someone with a different opinion to you may actually have some merit. BTW Tomorrow is Friday and then it is Saturday - no doubt you can find some right wing bias in that.....
David Johnson
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Re: Argie

Post by David Johnson »

" Seek some counselling and realise that someone with a different opinion to you may actually have some merit."

Obviously you can hold whatever opinions you want. As to your homophobia, your racism, your xenophobia and your attempts to argue that Liverpool supporters have only kept going for 20 years+ with regard to the events around the death of their loved ones in order to get compensation , I will challenge those views.

THe problem that you have Argie is that your homophobia, for example, is based on pure ignorance so you have no comeback. YOu have no argument as to why homosexuals should be insulted and are offensive. All you can say when challenged is "you can't stand people who disagree with you and have a different opinion, DJ"

Talk xenophobic and homophobic shite and you will be challenged. Get over it.
David Johnson
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Politically correct, Argie

Post by David Johnson »

"Have you a real mental illness? If not can I remind you of the offence called stalking? You have classic wife beater bully boy mentality i.e. you cannot possibly be wrong."

Stop being politically correct, Argie. It's sickening. I'm just voicing my opinion of you and in return, you are trying to prevent my right to freedom of speech.

Bet the Stasi was full of people like you.

Got the purpose of the Equality at Work acts yet?

Know what's goin on, Mr Valleywater?

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Re: Ed Miliband/ Speeches

Post by jimslip »

Here are a couple of bits of Ed, firstly bringing Xmas comfort to our troops in Afghanistan, what would you think if you were under fire in Helmand?:

Here is Ed's 2011 speech to the party faithful. Is it just me who finds his flesh crawling when he starts eulogising his wife.....and why, when he declares, "It's great to be here in Liverpool", it doesn't ring true?

Here is Boris Johnson ranting about the Olympics.......my question is simple, who do you think the electorate, NOT you, would like more out of the two men?

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
Winner of "Best On-Line scene & Best Gonzo Production" at UKAP Awards 2006
Winner of Best TVX series 2011, "Laras Anal Adventures"
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
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Post by David Johnson »

I think the electorate would prefer Boris's ruffled hair which I am sure they would find incredibly sexy.

They would also prefer the fact that Boris is much closer in his act to the bloke in Mothers Do Ave Em.

Yeah I know stupid answer, but hey, stupid question!

As is usual with you, Jim you completely ignore anybody else's points e.g. Boris only scraped home by a narrow margin in the mayoral election because Labour put up Livingstone who has a load of political baggage and proceeded to insult the Jewish community and be opaque about his tax arrangements.

If Labour had put up a more convincing candidate e.g Alan Johnson, I think Boris would have been out on his ear.

Rather invalidates your entire argument, doesn't it?
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Post by max_tranmere »

You really think Alan Johnson could have won it for Labour? I disagree with you there. I voted for Ken Livingstone twice, but switched to Boris Johnson at the last election. In Ken's favour I would say he did a lot to improve public transport in London, particularly the buses, but I remember reading that he also wanted to commission the building of Europe's biggest mosque in London, it was going to be the size of a football stadium, and he wanted Islam to become the dominant religion here.

Such loony-left policies scared me, and many others too. Here is an article I've just found. Left-wingers, don't you just love 'em? Not!
