Ed Miliband

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Re: Ed Miliband

Post by fatmick »

70 minutes without a script? So at least we can be reasonably sure he believes in the shite he is talking?!
The simple truth is that as Clegg proved in the run up to the last election, these guys will say whatever they think will be popular to middle England, they have no principles. All of them!
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Ed Miliband

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Mrs Balls will see you now Ed.....get out of the road you peasant, it's my job!!
Milliband is as dynamic as IDS was. He reminds me of David Steele. Nice enough bloke but would shit himself if he got to Number 10. His brother is a much better politician and wasn't a bad foreign sec. Alan Milburn is also a better option.

As Mr Slip says Boris would get it on character alone. He is far cleverer than he lets on and Cameron must know this.

We are in a similar situation to the US. Crap candidates on both sides. Hence millions of intelligent people don't vote and the man in the street suffers.
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"As Mr Slip says Boris would get it on character alone."

You have a very short memory. Johnson only won his second term as mayor by a very narrow margin. And you could argue that a better candidate than Livingstone would have won.

Most people in the North correctly have Johnson down as a pillock. To be PM takes more than ruffling up your hair before going on camera and prattling on about ping pong.

He might get the idiot vote but even in Britain that probably won't be enough to get elected.

"We are in a similar situation to the US. Crap candidates on both sides. Hence millions of intelligent people don't vote and the man in the street suffers."

Your analysis is shite. I'm sorry to hear about your suffering.
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Re: Ed Miliband

Post by milton »

Alan Milburn?

Is that the same Alan Milburn who as Health Secretary built his pension on cosying up to the private health companies, is now a consultant for them and got us into this megga expensive PFI shit.

Blair and his ilk were a right wing cabal not posh enough to get anywhere in the Tory Party who hijacked existing infrastructure of the Labour Party to pursue their own ends.

I am a natural Labour supporter, coming from a northern mining community who is effectively disenfranchised having no party to vote for.

Democracy is fucked; we need a battery of guillotines in Parliament Square!

David Johnson
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Obama Romney Argie

Post by David Johnson »

No wonder the men in the street like you, suffer when intelligent people don't vote.

This is the last time you tried to put this argument - Obama=Romney=Crap.


As per usual you got your arse comprehensively spanked.
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

yeah it was a great Tory idea to introduce the minimum wage, increase disability benefits, bring in equiality legistation, SUrestart and provide pension and tax credits.

Can't tell the difference between Tories and Labour at all.
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Re: Ed Miliband

Post by dog »

Repeating bits of his many past repeated speeches and joining them over 70 minutes Ed Miliband hasn't really impressed anyone, the best thing labour could do is dump him, he lacks zing and his brother would have done better and even better would be John Prescott. I can't understand why or how he ever became leader, he has nothing to offer and never makes great speeches, this must be killing labours chance to win anything.
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Obama Romney Argie

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

Oh dear Stasi DJ is off again. He should stand for PM. He obviously knows everything, is always right and cannot stand the idea of someone having a different opinion. Nobody has spanked my arse recently...
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

It's always good to see the real Argie emerge as below e.g. talking about Obama

"Oh fuck off DJ I know you would vote for him, like so many other PC cretins did because he is Black"

Racist, homophobic, ignorant, mean-spirited, contemptuous of the Liverpool families and their longstanding battle to find out what happened to their dead children, despising the job you drag yourself off to year after year and the unemployed people you deai with, you inherit a nightmare world most of which is of your own making.
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Re: DJ

Post by jimslip »

You are far too close to your party to see its weaknesses. As a doe eyed activist you would not have detected amongst the eye popping, hysterical cheering of the party faithful, the Labour power brokers, knives drawn, plotting to depose poor old Ed.

The problem with Ed and if you weren't so fanatical you would see it too, is that not only is he uncharismatic, but he appears to be insincere as well. I am sure that this is not so, but he appears to be. If you look at him in 2011 talking to the party faithful, who were again in hysterics, he spews forth praise and support for his wife Justine. Unfortunately he just looks like he is saying words and doesn't actually mean them. That goes for his whole speech. I watched 5 minutes of his recent speech and he still suffers from the problem.

This is his Achilles heel and one I believe will lose Labour the next election. What YOU may or may not think is irrelevant, it is what the electorate think which matters in the end.

I believe there are forces in place already to get rid of him, Chukka has managed to make the "Labour Lesbian Hopscotch Collective" question their sexuality. They are now, like a harem, at his beck and call, manicuring him and polishing him up to take over at an opportune moment........watch out, Ed's days are numbered!

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