Sir Jimmy Saville NOT resting in peace!

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Re: Sir Jimmy Saville NOT resting in peace!

Post by Flat_Eric »

Have to say I'm very sceptical about all this.

Supposed to have happened 40 years ago, yet only now they've decided to come out of the woodwork to tell their "story"?

All very convenient isn't it, what with him being dead and all. It fucking stinks of sleazy opportunistic chequebook journalism if you ask me.

Either way we'll never know for sure because it can now only ever be their word against his. Except hang on a minute, he's six feet under and so can't defend himself.

As Mr. Slip says they can hardly dig him up and kill him again can they, so what can their motives possibly be? I can only conclude that it has to be about a nice handy bit of "compo" from his estate. I wonder if Max is behind the scenes, pulling the strings?

- Eric

David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"I can only conclude that it has to be about a nice handy bit of "compo" from his estate."

I agree with much in your post, but how on earth can it be about getting "compo" from his estate? There can't be a trial either criminal or civil.

Do you seriously believe his heirs will pay out to a bunch of people who have waited for 30 to 40 years to make their claims and miraculously gained the strength to do so, coincidentally just a few months after his death?
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Post by Flat_Eric »

David Johnson wrote:

> Do you seriously believe his heirs will pay out to a bunch of
> people who have waited for 30 to 40 years to make their claims
> and miraculously gained the strength to do so, coincidentally
> just a few months after his death?

Well in the absence of any evidence, I would certainly hope that they wouldn't.

Unless of course these "traumatised victims" are relying on his estate doing a "Michael Jackson" and just offering them a pay-off to shut them up and make it all go away (without admitting any "wrongdoing" on the part of JS, obviously).

But yeah, it's probably more likely simply about a good old-fashioned media payday, with ITV waving the chequebook at 'em.

Either way it's as dodgy as fuck.

- Eric

David Johnson
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Re: DJ

Post by David Johnson »

"Unless of course these "traumatised victims" are relying on his estate doing a "Michael Jackson" and just offering them a pay-off to shut them up and make it all go away (without admitting any "wrongdoing" on the part of JS, obviously)."

A pay off usually occurs when the likes of Michael Jackson, still alive, don't want something to go to court and would prefer a pay off to make the problem go away.

Based on their comments, I suspect Saville's heirs would prefer to hit themselves with a house brick rather than give this lot some money.

Like you say, I suspect there are media cheques and the freedom to say what they want about Saville without fear of libel charges now that he is dead, which are the motivators here.
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Re: DJ

Post by william »

Yes he was an oddity - way too much was out there about him before he died but nothing ever went public - either it was managed and silence was paid for but now that they no longer payout they are doing one last hurrah to try and get money.

Yes there was something but didnt most rock stars indulge in girls albeit the girls were abouve the age of consent ? it was one of the benefits of being famous as they say.

Just that JS aimed a little lower in the age range than he should have. I read some of it and there was mention from some of the victims that he did it many times to them over a period and that she ended up having sex when she reached 16.... Now if it were me and someone had tinkered then I wouldnt go anywhere near them again. Id question some of the evidence and the reason behind it all coming out now.

Yes he may have done something but there is nothing to be gained about persual of it now other than a financial pay off - so they think.
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Re: DJ

Post by steve56 »

And wasnt DLT surrounded by young girls on TOTP?
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Re: DJ

Post by firefly »

I lived in Leeds in the 70's and the rumours about Jimmy Saville were going around at that time. It was also said that he was after nurses at the hospital and that he had fathered a child with one of them
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Re: DJ

Post by steve56 »

He clunked clicked evry trip!
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Re: DJ

Post by Flat_Eric »

firefly wrote:

> It was also said that he was after nurses at the hospital and that he had
> fathered a child with one of them

Why should that be an issue? Presumably (given that they were nurses and all) they were all of legal age.

I shagged a nurse back in the '80s. Does that make me a perv? Or any other bloke who's ever shagged a nurse?

- Eric

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Entombed in concrete

Post by pornoshop »

No one has mentioned he was Entombed in concrete after his death

If I was trying to hide away from DNA evidence and people wanting to dig me up to look for evidence of accusations after my death that's what I would do!

The only reason given was that in case the people of Scarborough decided to dig him up looking for gold. Seems a bit of a thin reason to me...