Violet Storm rules!

A read-only and searchable archive of posts made to the BGAFD forum from 11/08/2000 to 14/03/2003.

Violet Storm rules!

Post by dirk »

Violet is great! Much better than all these stupid blondes. Does she have her own website? I'm looking for pics of her. Who can help me?

Re: Violet Storm rules!

Post by Ned »

McCavity is setting up a website for her. How's it going Phil? I got some cool pics of her without her nipple rings etc and she's a real eye-popper. Very, very classy photos.

Re: Violet Storm rules!

Post by Admirer »

The website was promised several weeks ago...
I suppose it will appear eventually..
I also want to know about FT4...That was supposed to be here 4 weeks ago.
Phil why dont you advise us when the things are ready and not tell us about things and then keep us waiting...

Re: Violet Storm rules!

Post by Ned »

Busy times at McCavity Towers I guess. It will be coming soon (as will we all). By the way Phil, do you mind if I post a little piccy from the ones you sent me on this forum?

Re: Violet Storm rules!

Post by Newagent69 »

I guess he gets quite busy. He's also promised us Wendy...I wonder if Phil's filmed her yet as he said he would?
Phil McC

Re: Violet Storm rules!

Post by Phil McC »

Busy, ain't the word for it...SORRY....Violets web-site is nearly there I just looked at it...looks good...I am adding in all the pictures the guys fixed-up for me and Gabriel done to top class job, I need him to ring me.
I need a web-designer full time cause I have so many web projects on the go..As you know my big web-site been up ages but not up-dated it is a massive site full of porn and I like to give the best I can which is why Violets site has taken a bit longer it will be full of pictures and videos.
I need a magazine designer to put together a new mag for me so any offers mail me.
Violet is just about appear in the Sport newspaper so that will help with her publicity. She realy is the real deal I have never me anyone who likes her fans as much, she gets her tits out at the drop of a hat as you will all see when the Sport publish the story from Mallorca..

Any advise is gratefully accepted,

Except I know I can't spell

Yes post the pictures and send them back if you have done anthing to improve them. add violets address to the pictures.
I will get to Wemdy how about Wendy in The Fuck Truck.

Phil McCavity for news at 69