Love sick schoolgirl and her teacher

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Re: mrmcfister

Post by fatmick »

Weird? Sinister more like!

No doubt she was asking for it! Eh?

P.S. If you don't understand irony don't bother responding!
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Post by max_tranmere »

I said the following in my original comment: "He deserves to be in trouble and never work as a teacher again".
Sam Slater
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Re: sam

Post by Sam Slater »

I know, but I saw it for what it was: an appeasement; a token gesture.

It's a bit like the sentence: "I agree that rape is wrong but when you see how these women dress and act...." Get my point? First the obvious caveat, then onto the meat and bones of what you really think is important.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Love sick schoolgirl and her teacher

Post by Flat_Eric »

He was in a postion of trust and responsibility and he abused that trust. No excuses as far as I'm concerned.

- Eric

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Re: Love sick schoolgirl and her teacher

Post by william »

Guilty as charged.....

hes ruined his life lets hope the girl gets home safe as he will feel he has nothing to live for.
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Re: Love sick schoolgirl and her teacher

Post by jimslip »

It always bemuses me as to how judgmental of the weaknesses of others we are, here on the OT forum. The flaming firebrands of revenge and twisted hate always neatly stacked, refuelled and ready to be relit! The baying mob standing by, noose in hand always ready to goad our victims from their houses and string them up from the nearest tree!

You sometimes forget that this is not a Christian fundamentalist forum but actually a forum for the celebration of pornography and there are many who would gladly drag all of us out into the streets and beat US to death, in the name of Christianity or Islam or whatever.

Of course the teacher is wrong and in his position of trust should not have entered into such a relationship. But let the law take its course, be comforted that the teacher's life will be wrecked. But remember one day it might be YOU as a porn fan that others are demanding to be dragged from your house and brutally punished!

Maybe we should extinguish those flaming torches and be a little less vengeful to those who have fallen foul of their human weaknesses?

[Img] ... ry-mob.jpg[/img]

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Re: Love sick schoolgirl and her teacher

Post by fatmick »

fair shout
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"It always bemuses me as to how judgmental of the weaknesses of others we are, here on the OT forum.The flaming firebrands of revenge and twisted hate always neatly stacked, refuelled and ready to be relit! The baying mob standing by, noose in hand always ready to goad our victims from their houses and string them up from the nearest tree!"

No one is implying in this thread anything like the statement you make. The usual Jimslip ploy of fabricating a comment on behalf of other forumites and then disagreeing with it.

By the way, I don't recall you holding back on the "judgmental" and "flaming firebrands of revenge" bit yourself with regard to the Rochdale paedophiles.

"You sometimes forget that this is not a Christian fundamentalist forum but actually a forum for the celebration of pornography "

What has paedophilia got to do with the "celebration of pornography"?

Nothing or to be precise, it should have nothing to do with it.

"Of course the teacher is wrong and in his position of trust should not have entered into such a relationship. But let the law takes take its course, be comforted that the teacher's life will be wrecked."

So you are agreeing with the posters on here after all.

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To Hell with Emotional Tosh

Post by frankthring »

Mr Slip is right ! Stop this emotional finger-wagging moralising if only
because it is tosh, Mr Johnson, Mr Valleywater and others !
First some facts - 1. Historical: the legal age of consent in Britain for a very
long time upto 1875 was 12. It then got raised to 13 years in1875-1885
when a scandal to do with child prostitution in Belgium saw it raised to a
sensible 16 years. That is the law today.
Facts - 2. Modern Day: the current age of consent for fucking in Spain is
13 years. THIRTEEN YEARS !!!!! Across almost the whole of Western Europe
excluding pockets like England and Norway the age is 14-15 years. In
Budapest it is 14 years !
Yes, a crime has been committed by this school teacher under UK Law ! Yes,
he is silly but I am willing to believe he loves the girl and would not "harm"
her in a conventional sense of harm. Yes, he has destroyed his career, his
marriage, brought shame on his family and will end in prison. Yes ! Yes!
But just note that IN LESS THAN A YEAR she will be of UK legal age. She is
pictures, well-developed and clearly think she "loves" her teacher.
So the whole thing is a silly farrago, but Gentlemen, don`t talk emotional
Tosh, especially on this of all websites !!!!
number 6
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Re: To Hell with Emotional Tosh

Post by number 6 »

Shes still a fucking kid!