Message from Your Superiors

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David Johnson
Posts: 7844
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Message from Your Superiors

Post by David Johnson »

Hello you fucking plebs. You had better know your fucking place. You aren't running the fucking government aren't you, suckers.

Now listen here, plebs, stop all this fucking moaning about austerity cuts, disability benefit cuts, telling cancer patients they are fit for work and going on about the lack of growth.

The role of you suckers is to pay your taxes and shut the fuck up.

The role of us lot running the government is to avoid tax where possible and get well paid corporate jobs lined up with our mates.

Got it, plebs!

Andrew Mitchell
Government Chief Whip and I mean Chief Whip, so keep your gob shut, plebs!
andy at handiwork
Posts: 4113
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Message from Your Superiors

Post by andy at handiwork »

Until some out of focus, wobbly, zoomy, citizen-journalist / tourist wielded mobile phone footage surfaces in about a week, we only have the word of the police that the Chief Whip actually said what they said he said. And of course the police never make things up, do they?
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Andy - motives?

Post by David Johnson »

"we only have the word of the police that the Chief Whip actually said what they said he said. And of course the police never make things up, do they?"

Agreed. Clearly I am taking artistic licence.

However, in the cases of Tomlinson, Hillsborough, the endless deaths in custody there are motives for "making things up" - survival as a working policeman and avoiding prosecution in a worst case scenario.

What are the motives for this policeman working in the Diplomatic Protection Service to make it up? He hasn't exactly enhanced his chances for furthering his career in this area in the UK, has he? I doubt if the government will be clamouring for his services in the future.

In addition, David Cameron admitted the behaviour was wrong and not appropriate. Mitchell, himself, said he did not treat the policeman with the respect they deserved nor has he or anyone else tried to argue that he was provoked by unacceptable behaviour by the policeman.

Even if it proves impossible to corroborate the policeman's statement, it is still an appalling lack of judgement to kick up about which entrance to go through, particularly in the scenario where Cameron was visiting Manchester to convey his condolences to the families of two, slaughtered policewomen.
number 6
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Re: Message from Your Superiors

Post by number 6 »

A tory showing his true colours. And to think working class people actually vote tory! THEY ARE LAUGHING AT YOU!
andy at handiwork
Posts: 4113
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Re: Andy - motives?

Post by andy at handiwork »

DJ wrote: 'In addition, David Cameron admitted the behaviour was wrong and not appropriate.'

Cameron can take just about any criticism about his administration, it's just water off a duck's back, but what he cant abide is the suggestion that the cabinet is a bunch of pleb-hating posh boys.
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Re: Message from Your Superiors

Post by dog »

"A tory showing his true colours."

if it is proven he'd actually acted in that way he needs to be, arrest and given an ASBO, FULL STOP
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
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Re: Andy - motives?

Post by David Johnson »

Apparently, the record of what was said in the Sun today was a record of what was written down in the policeman's logbook recording of the incident.

That record was also allegedly corroborated by another policeman present at the time and a Chief Inspector has confirmed that.

Now I can see all sorts of scenarios where policemen might fabricate their logbooks and risk their careers ending as a result e.g. the shooting of an unarmed man (there is some very dodgy looking police evidence coming out of the Duggan case, by the way), coverup of police incompetence/brutalilty etc etc. but I can't for the life of me see why two policemen should risk their careers to show a Tory Cabinet Minister in a particularly, bad light.

Can you?
andy at handiwork
Posts: 4113
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Re: Andy - motives?

Post by andy at handiwork »

It's this bit about damaging their career I dont quite get. I doubt if any copper's future employment prospects are damaged by having a go at a politician. Their superiors hold any democratically elected person in contempt just like the rank and file.
Sam Slater
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Re: Andy - motives?

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]but I can't for the life of me see why two policemen should risk their careers to show a Tory Cabinet Minister in a particularly, bad light.[/quote]

Not even if those two policemen were PC Number 6 and Sgt D. Johnson?


[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by David Johnson »

"It's this bit about damaging their career I dont quite get. I doubt if any copper's future employment prospects are damaged by having a go at a politician."

To falsify evidence in a logbook can lead to a gross misconduct charge and potentially end of a career. No pension etc. That's what I mean.