Muslims are revolting ?

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David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"Quite right, you should know by now the Religion of Peace is beyond reproach, and it's followers must never be criticised for anything ever, even the kiddie-fiddlers. "

Apparently the above statement has much in common with the attitude towards the Walton upon Thames Conservative party, Peter.

Do they still do a nice cream tea?

You can read about the reaction from Obama and Hilary Clinton to the perpetrators of the attack on the Benghazi embassy ("it's followers must never be criticised for anything ever") while you are stuffing your face.

Oops, thought I heard the sound of a few drones heading towards Benghazi!
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"Are the Muslims right to riot about this film"

In an ideal world, no. But hey we had Margaret Thatcher as PM for 11 years and we had nowhere near enough rioting.

It's an imperfect world.
andy at handiwork
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Re: The Flat Eric Dictionary

Post by andy at handiwork »

'...should all religions just say " yeah nice one, got us to tee".

That would be very welcome. A lot fewer people would end up dead for a start.
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Re: I agree Max

Post by beutelwolf »

> You would hardly recognise Blackpool these days. As I speak I
> can hear the muezzin call to prayer from the top of Blackpool
> Tower. Thousands of them Muslims are prostrate on the prom as
> I speak, answering the call to prayer.

etc. etc.

I can understand why this talk of gloom is ridiculed as it seems to have little reflection on reality of today. But Max is right in one point: once the situation changes who is the majority and who is the minority then we would see a seismic shift in law and culture. And egafd would be banned in no time at all.

We had this sort of thing happening in Europe before, when Christianity steadily undermined the presence of the old Roman religion. In the first century the Christians were still being thrown to the lions, in the 2nd Rome ran out of ferocious beasts to feed, in the 3rd the Christians were being tolerated, in the 4th they took over.

I have some doubts though about Max's proposed timescale, and there is also a lot of uncertainty regarding other factors disturbing this trend. For example, if the economic crisis of the West gets worse (I am sure it will) the West will eventually become unattractive as a migration target. There is also the potential for wide-scale wars about resources (food & energy) that would reset all those parameters we currently think of as constants. Another real unknown is the development of global warming - this has the potential to make whole regions of the world uninhabitable for humans, and in the worst-case scenario the region in question could be "the Earth"; if we are getting anyway near that the game's up for all established religions anyway, if not for us as a species... !shitstorm!

As you can see, there's still hope Max's scenario won't happen.
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Re: I agree Max

Post by Flat_Eric »

beutelwolf wrote:

> I have some doubts though about Max's proposed timescale, and
> there is also a lot of uncertainty regarding other factors
> disturbing this trend.
> .... As you can see, there's still hope Max's scenario won't happen.

I give it a century or so. Possibly a little longer. Probably none of us here will have to worry too much about it. But eventually they will take over (if present trends continue).

- Eric

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Re: Muslims are revolting ?

Post by mrmcfister »

Wouldn't the world be a better place without religeon? If there is a god then he really fucked up don't you think!!
David Johnson
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A regular topic

Post by David Johnson »

This topic about how Europe is going to be taken over by Muslims by the middle of the century appears fairly regularly on the forum, a bit like getting diarrhoea on a Nile boat cruise. ... population

The above report like many is one which would suggest otherwise. For example "In fact, the study says that the UK is expected to have the largest increase in the number of Muslims in Europe in the next 20 years. The number of Muslims in the UK is projected to almost double from 2.9 million in 2010 to 5.6 million in 2030. By 2030, Muslims are expected to make up 8.2% of the UK's population, up from 4.6% in 2010."

And "The Pew findings demonstrate that fear of a Muslim takeover was largely the product of hysteria. France is not headed toward becoming an "Islamic republic" by 2048, as has been claimed, and Germany is not on its way to becoming a "Muslim state" by 2050."

But just to make sure lads, start procreating now!
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Re: David

Post by jimslip »

David Johnson wrote:

> "Are the Muslims right to riot about this film"
> In an ideal world, no. But hey we had Margaret Thatcher as PM
> for 11 years and we had nowhere near enough rioting.
> It's an imperfect world.

Yes and we had your Tony Blair together with his crazed Christian puppet master George Dubya start a murderous, ilegal, holy war against Islam and they just IGNORED the protests and rioting. Whatever Thatcher did, you can't lay genocide at her door! We are now paying the price with the blood of 100's thousands of Muslims and hundreds of our soldiers thanks to your Tony Blairs insane warmongering.

Even you can't air-brush this out of history! lol The only shame is we xcan't send a load of giant card board cutouts of Blair and Bush for Muslims to burn and stab. Maybe this would alleviate some of their anger! LOL

And what is Blair, our Middle East "Peace" envoy's view of the ongoing carnage? He treats himself to another mansion. Your fucking Champagne Socialists make me sick! Don't tell me, "So what if Tony Blair treats himself to a massive mega-mansion, do you expect him to live in a 2 up 2 down?"

The mans a complete cunt.......FACT!

This is your "great leader" David, this is the murdering, corrupt, lying, scumbag that you would lay down your life for!

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Re: Muslims are revolting ?

Post by Flat_Eric »

Also from the report that DJ linked to:

[quote] The reality is that there is no takeover, but that there is a danger of intolerance that threatens the very fabric of British and European society. We are not witnessing a clash of civilisations, but a clash of cultures fostered by those who portray Islam as a monolith and see religious and cultural diversity solely as a threat rather than as a potential source of strength and enrichment. The liberal democratic heritage and fabric of our societies must be safeguarded and fearmongering, religious and racial discrimination rejected and marginalised [/b][/i][/quote]

It's all fine & dandy banging on about "tolerance", "diversity", "rejecting discrimination" and all that "noble" stuff, but these things have to cut both ways.

So perhaps someone ought to point this out to all those wanky fuckers who are currently rioting and setting fire to Western embassies in various countries, and those mad cunts in Luton and London burning poppies and waving palcards that say "Death to infidels" and "Islam will take over".

So if the Islamist nutters who live here don't feel that they're getting it from the rest of us, aren't willing to practice it in return but at the same time read this report in the Guardian and learn that they have no chance of taking over any time soon, perhaps they should all fuck off and live in an "Islamic" country where surely they will get the "respect" that they feel they're entitled to? They have plenty of countries to choose from after all.

- Eric

David Johnson
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Jim Slip - out and about again?

Post by David Johnson »

I see you've been let out again, then!

Your points have got nothing to do with my views so if there is anyone out there who has a lot of time for Blair's foreign policy, cos I ain't, I will leave them to respond.

In the meantime, don't forget to keep taking the tablets.