The Olympics... two days after it ends...

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Re: The Olympics... two days after it ends...

Post by spider »

Oh my mistake.

Good old Boris, I believe everything he says.

I must have misunderstood completely the process for funding the Olympics.
Dave Wells
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Re: Dave

Post by Dave Wells »

Na, nobody was interested in the games, just the getting the stadium bit after !

Dave Wells
Dave Wells
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Re: The Olympics... two days after it ends...

Post by Dave Wells »

It will all be regurgitated on the Sports Personality of the Year Award night. But just give the award to Wiggins now !

Dave Wells
s rougier
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Re: The Olympics... two days after it ends...

Post by s rougier »

The games came in under budget in the end so shouldn't we London council taxpayers get a refund?
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Re: The Olympics... two days after it ends...

Post by max_tranmere »

I think some people have got into it because it's the thing to get into - people jumping on the band wagon and all that. If people who weren't that interested in sport get a bit more interested in it now that will be a good thing. People may even take up sport, and we will have less couch potato's.
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Re: The Olympics... two days after it ends...

Post by max_tranmere »

That's interesting, although I suspect there will only be a marginal change in jobless figures. A large proportion of Olympic workers are doing it voluntary and unpaid.
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Re: The Olympics... two days after it ends...

Post by max_tranmere »

I'm not a huge footie fan but I am looking forward to the season starting. Down at my local pub there is always a great atmosphere when there is a big match on the TV.
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Post by max_tranmere »

There will certainly be times when people will reminise about it in coming years. The way Steve Redgrave was talked about in the few years after his winning of the 5th gold will be how some of this lot will be talked about in the future. I do think it will be business as usual though after the Olympics ends, that come-down feeling you have in the first week of January when you go back to work and you barely even think about the Christmas and New Year fun you just had and it seems like it never happened, will kind of be how London and the rest of the UK will be in the week after the Olympics ends I suspect. The news programmes will be dominated by the usual stuff: bankers, uncaring politicans, and the Eurozone crisis.
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Post by max_tranmere »

It's good there was some legacy for the Eitiad stadium. some planning clearly went into the Commonwealth Games there to ensure something would happen to the venue afterwards. They have done that with the London venues as far as I know. Some countries didn't plan at all, and have derelict infrastructure. I heard Greece has a lot of it left over from their Olympics.
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Re: The Olympics... two days after it ends...

Post by max_tranmere »

I'm not familiar with how much us, the London Council Tax payer, will have to fork out subsequently. I have not looked into it. I doubt that bumbling fool Boris Johnson knows either.