John Terry in new racist incident

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Porn Baron
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Re: Sam

Post by Porn Baron »

Fair enough. I think the police should have asked Anton if he wanted to make a complaint.

But I guess footballers will be more careful now? Although that doesn't stop a racist being a racist.

Dick Moby
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Re: John Terry in new racist incident

Post by Dick Moby »

Sam Slater
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Re: Sam

Post by Sam Slater »

To be fair to Anton, and you, I think he'd have wanted to proceed anyway. After all, if he ignored racist abuse it would send a message out that all black kids playing football on the parks and in schools should also put up with it.

It was taking racism seriously, which can only send out the right message.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Sam Slater
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Re: John Terry in new racist incident

Post by Sam Slater »

Spudfacednipper (shit name !wink!) was just pointing out the obvious. He wasn't sticking up for OJ, just saying it might be libellous to accuse him of murder when he's not been convicted.

What number6 said was not an expression of his belief but a statement: He was as guilty as hell!

If anyone in all seriousness said: "John Terry is a racist." I would have to argue that that has not been proven and libellous. Rather than sticking up for Terry, it's more like sticking up for the principle of innocent until proven guilty. On a personal level, though, I can still think he's a racist, I just cannot accuse him of being racist.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Sam

Post by derrick76 »

You are VERY VERY naive if you think white men wouldn't report a racist comment against them. Having lived in the USA, Canada and Great Britain, I can tell you that people will report if you look at them with 'disapproving' eyes, call them a jackass etc etc. Just imagine what happens when you add race in there.

I'm speaking from the vantage point working in many a work place in these 3 countries.
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Re: John Terry in new racist incident

Post by derrick76 »

Errrr Dick Moby, do you know more than the judge and jury that acquitted OJ??
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Re: John Terry in new racist incident

Post by Flat_Eric »

Sam Slater wrote:

> On a personal level, though, I can still think he's a racist, I
> just cannot accuse him of being racist.

I'm not aiming this at your comment specifically Sam, but I think that in general the term "racist" is one that's just bandied far too readily and almost willy-nilly now.

In fact we now have a situation bordering almost on hysteria, whereby saying something like "I'm off down the Paki shop for a pint of milk" can land you in danger of being branded in some quarters as a knuckle-dragging, cross-burning "racist" who probably enjoys chaining black folks to the bumpers of pick-up trucks and invites Nick Griffin round for afternoon tea and a spot of lynching.

It really has got that ridiculous.

It's almost like the modern-day equivalent of the witch hunts in the Middle Ages, except that instead of "Burn The Witch!" we now have cries of "He's A Racist!" More often than not on the flimsiest of "evidence".

And it's all bollocks: John Terry may be a nasty, reprehensible chavvy fucker from a dodgy family. But one utterance doesn't in itself make him a "racist". I think you have to look at the bigger picture.

By which I mean: is there any evidence that he really doesn't like black people or that he actively discriminates against them or is otherwise actively prejudiced against them? Has there been such a pattern to his behaviour over time?

Because if there is no such pattern and if this is just an isolated incident, then even though the utterance in itself may be construed as "racist in tone" when taken in isolation, surely Terry can't be branded a "racist by nature" for calling Ferdinand a "fucking black cunt" (or whatever it was) any more than someone calling Alex Ferguson a "pizza-faced Scottish twat" (for example) is a racist.

Neither may be a particularly nice thing to say, but saying them doesn't mean that the person doing so is (necessarily) prejudiced against black people or Scotsmen in general.

- Eric

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Re: John Terry in new racist incident

Post by Flat_Eric »

It's getting silly now:

Surely there are far more urgent and serious matters to take up the rozzers' time, what with all the cutbacks and manpower shortages that they face.

- Eric

Dick Moby
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Re: John Terry in new racist incident

Post by Dick Moby »

Can you tell me where I said I did.