Cameron and cutting housing benefits for under 25s

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Porn Baron
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Re: It's grim Oop North

Post by Porn Baron »

Not to mention Donkey rides !tut! Perverts!

Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Cameron and cutting housing benefits for under 25s

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

And now for a response from someone who has worked in Social Housing for 10 years..........

Fancy keeping a couple of 20 year olds who have banged out 4 kids in 3 years and have another on the way? He can't work as she is stressed from having too many kids......

Another local has 8 kids by 5 different fathers, 3 off her brood have since got social houses and are also breeding like rats.

These cretins will pay SKY HD before their rent, damage their homes and expect the landlord to pick up the tab and keep their gardens like the everglades. 11am is an early start, lunch is Carlsberg and Walkers and an afternoon shopping means blowing ?100 on some Nike Air 90s before browsing the latest tracksuits in Sportsworld.....

None of these leaches will ever go near a job unless we cut off their easy route to free money and free housing.

Most working people's kids are struggling to get on the property market and saving hard. They are delaying getting married or starting families until they can afford to, which is now more like mid 30s. Why should these people be treated worse than someone who models their life on Jeremy Kyle and think TOWIE is modern Shakespeare.

If you want a decent lifestyle then graft for it.
Sam Slater
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Re: Cameron and cutting housing benefits for under 25s

Post by Sam Slater »

See Flat_Eric's excellent analogy in the Porn filters thread: "Using a sledgehammer to crack a nut" (or something like that).

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Cameron and cutting housing benefits for under 25s

Post by Lizard »

I so badly wanted Portugal to win the Europe 2012 I couldn't give a shit .

[_]> No Liberals were harmed during the making of this post.
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Re: Cameron and cutting housing benefits for under 25s

Post by Guilbert »

Of course the "answer" is always to just keep giving more money away to anyone and everyone that wants it, that's Labours "solution".

Dont bother to ever try to make them work, dont bother to ask them to try to stop having a kid at 18 just so they can get their own council house, dont bother to expect them to get a job and actually PAY tax instead of just sponging off everyone elses tax.

It is just human nature that the easier it is to claim "benefits" the more likely that people will not bother to make an effort to get off their backside and find work.

Instead of benefits being a "safety net" it is now a "career choice" with a whole strata of society making decisions about jobs, children, housing etc based on how much in benefits they can claim.

But then of course it is much easier to critisize the evil Tory politicians rather than those fine socialists like Blair, Brown, Madelsson, Prescott etc (all of whom now live in homes worth more than 1 million pounds and probably have that, and more, in the bank).

Ever read Animal Farm?

David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

Every time you post about your work in social housing, you give the impression that you have hated every second of every working day for 10 years. It must be totally soul destroying for you.

Mind you, if there was less demand due to restrictions on housing benefit, you might lose your job. Then you might need help with housing and everyday bills.........but....doesn't bear thinking about.
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

Yeah, single person under 25 jobseekers allowance is ?56.25. Great career choice as an income for your weekly spend, year in and year out. Ignoring the fact that you might end up spending a few months stacking shelves in Sainsburys for nowt.

My guess is people must be giving up teaching, nursing, banking jobs in preference for this great career choice.
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Re: Gilbert.

Post by jimslip »

The truth is Gilbert, the modern Labour Party in secret know you are right. The dinosaurs on here are completely out of touch with their own party and its ultimate aims to regain power. They still live in "Thatcher's Britain" and still rate Ben Elton as a topical, "right on" comedian!

They really believe Labour win the next election on a landslide, start up the printing presses at the Bank of England and helicopters dispatched to drop ?Billions in ?50 notes all over the impoverished areas of Britain. The Big Blank Cheque Book, dusted off, with the payee bits on each cheque marked, "Anyone & Everyone" and the amount to read, "Anything they ask!"


In reality, I predict Labour will let the Tories do the "Dirty work", do what they know must be done and if and when they get back in to power, do nothing to retract any of the measures taken by the Tories to curb welfare spending. They will talk alot, blame the Tories, but actually do nothing at all.

This is the way of both parties. This is realplolitik! Some people on here are going to be very, very disappointed, but you wont hear a murmur, not a wimper, not a sausage!

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Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Gilbert.

Post by Arginald Valleywater » current job is a real pain, managing welfare reform...I have to bite my tongue every day in a hideously PC company.......but I am working, I have a pension, I pay tax and NI and have payment protection if I lose my job. I am contributing to society unlike a large percentage of tenants who think life is a struggle when they run out of lager.
Our local paper ran a survey last week on benefit had the highest response ever and some 82% were backing Cameron.
We are also doing employment schemes, free healthy eating classes, encouraging volunteering, working with the new local superstore to get tenants a decent job and guess what? Some courses are getting cancelled because they are too early...they start at 10am.
Social housing was built to house WORKING people, not just the idle layabouts. My parents lived in a Council House for 15 years while they saved hard to build their own place. My dad ran a successful business and my mother was an NHS manager. They were bordeline middle class. Their neighbours worked for the MOD, drove ambulances and not one person in a cul-de-sac of 44 homes was claiming earned your way in life.
David Johnson
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ToryBoy Jimslip

Post by David Johnson »

"In reality, I predict Labour will let the Tories do the "Dirty work", do what they know must be done"

Once again we have the ToryBoy analysis from Jim Slip. "There is no alternative" "All the money has gone". "do what they know must be done"

You would have been saying exactly the same in 1945. "Can't possibly have an NHS or a welfare state" "The money has all gone" etc etc etc.

Maybe you should just concentrate on how to make money out of restrictions on civil liberties, ToryBoy.