Political correctness gone mad?

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Re: Tolivertwist

Post by Toliverwist »

You may have better luck searching for convicted White UK expats paedophile grooming gangs in Thailand than I did;

Google search
Thailand court cases of White paedophile grooming gangs +guilty -Rochdale -UK -Muslims

http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Thaila ... l=en&gbv=1
David Johnson
Date: 06-13-12 20:55

I repeat nothing whatsoever to do with the subject of this thread - political correctness or not in the conviction or otherwise of rapists.

If you want to start your own thread, be my guest.


The substantive issue to which I replied was raised by you yourself;

David Johnson
Date: 06-09-12 18:09

"What is particularly horrifying about the Rochdale and other cases is that groups of Pakistani men target white girls for rape. They look down on white girls and think of them as scum."

Do you find it more or less horrifying than white blokes who go on organised sex tours to Thailand to take advantage of poor, vulnerable women? They look down on the Asian girls because they are poor scum who are not going to complain?

Does the colour of the women's skin increase/decrease the "particular" level of horror or stay the same?

Take the word "white" out of the sentence at the top of this post. Does the statement increase or decrease in horror or is it the same?


I have asked for this profile to be deleted.
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Re: Robches

Post by Flat_Eric »

David Johnson wrote:

> I should have imagined that playing their part in killing
> hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi Muslims in Iraq also
> helped to develop "good relations" with the "Muslim community"
> in the period up to 2009 when British troops left.
> ANd let's not forget the longest British war in living memory
> in Muslim Afghanistan. THat must have done a lot to foster
> "good relations"

But David, the way they see it - in their warped view of the world - is that by invading these countries, they ARE actually fostering "good relations" with the Muslim community because they're doing them a favour!

They're bringing them "freedom and democracy". Showing them the way. Doing them a service by ridding them of nasty dictators like Saddam and Mullah Omar. And building nice new schools, hospitals, bridges and roads to replace the ones they've bombed to oblivion.

Any collateral damage is just an unfortunate by-product (I believe "regrettable" is the word usually employed).

It may be painful in the short term. But in the long term, the Muslims will thank us for it. "Tough love" and all that.

- Eric

David Johnson
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Flat Eric

Post by David Johnson »

Quite. Iraq is a wonderful case in point. The Allies brought them democracy. How many blown to bits yesterday?

It always struck me as incredibly stupid to assume like in Iraq or Libya that you can get rid of dictators and replace a tribal society with "democracy" as Tommy Cooper used to say "Just like that".

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Re: Political correctness gone mad?

Post by Robches »


My problem is that you trying to equate rapists such as Warboys with the systematic grooming and rape of young white girls by large numbers of Pakistani Muslim men. Rapists have always existed, but what we have here is an immigrant population which despises the host country, and looks down on its young women as slags and whores fit only to be raped and passed around as many Muslim men as possible. There is yet another case in the news only today.

If you think this is no different from a rapist like Warboys I can only conclude that you really do not want to admit that there is a problem. Likewise, you would rather call the police corrupt, incompetent and lazy for their failures to investigate these crimes for several years, rather than confront the obvious reason: no chief constable wanted to set up a shit storm with his Pakistani community, it was easier to look away and let the Pakistanis get on with raping the white slags. The police were not lazy, they were morally bankrupt cowards.
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"no chief constable wanted to set up a shit storm with his Pakistani community,"

Right so I will summarise your argument for you. Asian guys were ten times as likely in the West Midlands to get stop and searched than whites in 2008-2009.

The Met set up a squad to crack down on Asian crime in London
http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2005/mar/2 ... probation1

THe Forced Marriages Act was introduced.

And you think, that with the backdrop of hundreds of thousands of Muslims being killed in the ongoing Iraq and Afghan wars, the Chief Constables did not want to put out the Pakistani community by arresting rapists.

Good plan! Powerful argument.

Give it a rest ffs
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Re: Political correctness gone mad?

Post by Robches »


You are very good at comparing apples and oranges. There is no equivalence between stop and search on the one hand, and the investigation of major sex crimes involving a very sensitive aspect of community relations on the other. Mind you, the example you quote is from the West Midlands. The epidemic of Pakistani mass rape is more a phenomenom of the north of England, from Derby upwards. Maybe the West Midlands police is more switched on?

Your view is that the police were just shit at their job, mine is that they did not want to face up to the problem. Which is worse? But presumably you accept that the problem of large numbers of Pakistani Muslim men viewing young white girls as slags to be raped is a different problem than a lone rapist such as Warboys?