Political correctness gone mad?

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Re: Tolivertwist

Post by Toliverwist »

David Johnson
Date: 06-12-12 17:09

"Paedophiles are evil and should be equally condemned whoever they are or wherever they are."

Agree entirely

"Do you have the figures for the proportion of White Brit expats, that have settled in Thailand, who seek out and groom Asian girls for paedophile gang banging?"

Of course not. NOr do people have accurate figures for the UK

You may have better luck searching for convicted White UK expats paedophile grooming gangs in Thailand than I did;

Google search
Thailand court cases of White paedophile grooming gangs +guilty -Rochdale -UK -Muslims

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David Johnson
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Re: Tolivertwist

Post by David Johnson »

To make a statement of the bleeding obvious, in south east asia there is no requirement to "groom" young girls beause apparently in many parts of Cambodia and Thailand where just having to get enough food is a daily struggle in many rural areas, their families are only too willing.

Secondly my comment to Robches was that just as the Rochdale Asians were targetting vulnerable, white young girls for rape, so British white males target south east asian vulnerable young girls for rape. I made absolutely no mention in my comparison of "grooming" though obviously it would be foolish to deny this might happen.

Once again though, your post has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of this thread which is that as far as I can see the overwhelming factor in rapists of all colours not being brought to trial successfully, is not political correctness, rather lazy, incompetent, sometimes corrupt, policing.
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Re: Tolivertwist

Post by Robches »

David Johnson wrote:

> Once again though, your post has absolutely nothing to do with
> the subject of this thread which is that as far as I can see
> the overwhelming factor in rapists of all colours not being
> brought to trial successfully, is not political correctness,
> rather lazy, incompetent, sometimes corrupt, policing.

I disagree. Do you think the police were keen to take on the problem of mass rape of white girls by Pakistani men? Clearly, they were not for many years. Is this because police across many forces were all lazy, incompetent or corrupt? I doubt it. Why do you think in the years following the Macpherson Report police forces might have been reluctant to admit the problem of Pakistani Muslim rape gangs. Go on, do have a think.
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"I disagree"

Actually, I think I have got that. I really have, honest!
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Re: Political correctness gone mad?

Post by Robches »

I thought you might.
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

To be fair to you, you are very good at disagreeing.

Mind, what you are very bad at it would appear, is giving some meaningful evidence to support your opinion or answering questions from people who disagree with you.

Below is a typical example of a post to you, which was totally ignored.


You mention the Macpherson report in relation to the "institutional racism" of the Met Police.

Maybe when you have had a stab at answering the quesion in the above link, you could explain why then, after the Macpherson report there was still 10 times as many Asians stop and searched than white people under section 60 in 2008 and 2009. Don't see much sign of political correctness there. Do you?
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Re: Political correctness gone mad?

Post by Robches »

If you think that after Macpherson any senior police officer would have been keen to tackle the problem of Pakistani Muslims raping white girls, then you are mistaken. At a time when various Pakistani Muslims were blowing up tube trains, the official line was to develop good relations with the "Muslim community", so the last thing your Chief Constable would have wanted was to see large numbers of Pakistani Muslim men arrested for raping white girls. Those girls who did complain were ignored, it was easier to sweep the problem under the carpet.
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Re: Tolivertwist

Post by Toliverwist »

David Johnson
Date: 06-13-12 10:30

To make a statement of the bleeding obvious, in south east asia there is no requirement to "groom" young girls beause apparently in many parts of Cambodia and Thailand where just having to get enough food is a daily struggle in many rural areas, their families are only too willing.

Secondly my comment to Robches was that just as the Rochdale Asians were targetting vulnerable, white young girls for rape, so British white males target south east asian vulnerable young girls for rape. I made absolutely no mention in my comparison of "grooming" though obviously it would be foolish to deny this might happen.

Once again though, your post has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of this thread which is that as far as I can see the overwhelming factor in rapists of all colours not being brought to trial successfully, is not political correctness, rather lazy, incompetent, sometimes corrupt, policing.

If the neglectful attitude of parents in the UK can be cited in an effort to ameliorate the culpability of paedophiles who target white vulnerable UK children, then the (supposed) willing families in Thailand ought to have the same effect. But of course it?s all nonsense. Adults do not acquire a licence to prey on children because of the insouciance of the child?s family, if it exists.

In the context of the subject under discussion, anything other than like for like comparisons would appear to be a distraction, and the substantive issue is a proportion of some immigrants grooming White children for their sexual gratification, not tourists on packaged sex holidays.

However, that is not to say the latter should not be condemned in the strongest possible manner.

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David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"At a time when various Pakistani Muslims were blowing up tube trains, the official line was to develop good relations with the "Muslim community", "

Quite right. This is why to develop "good relations", ten times as many Asians as whites were subject to stop and searches on the streets of many UK cities.

I suspect that to develop "good relations", Labour brought in the Forced Marriages Act. That would have helped a lot I guess with all sectors of the community.

I should have imagined that playing their part in killing hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi Muslims in Iraq also helped to develop "good relations" with the "Muslim community" in the period up to 2009 when British troops left.

ANd let's not forget the longest British war in living memory in Muslim Afghanistan. THat must have done a lot to foster "good relations"
David Johnson
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Re: Tolivertwist

Post by David Johnson »

I repeat nothing whatsoever to do with the subject of this thread - political correctness or not in the conviction or otherwise of rapists.

If you want to start your own thread, be my guest.