Political correctness gone mad?

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David Johnson
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Political correctness gone mad?

Post by David Johnson »

Look at this bloke

John Warboys
[img]http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/arc ... 43573c.jpg[/img]

A London taxi driver who was convicted of 23 counts of rape. Despite repeated complaints from victims who were not believed by the Met.

And this bloke
Kirk Reid
[img]http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/4 ... body-1.jpg[/img]
A SOuth London chef who raped and sexually assaulted more than 71 women over 8 years. He had been identified as a suspect in 2004 and crossed the police radar at least 12 times but no-one pursued enquires against him.

And those Asian blokes in Rochdale who had had complaints against them for rape which no-one believed.

And what about the MET detective constable who was arrested yesterday on suspicion of perverting the course of justice by altering crime documents by inserting statements from the CPS that no charges should be brought when no decision had been made?

What do you make of all of this? Could be

1. I blame New Labour. White working class cab drivers are maybe more likely to vote Labour so we don't want to offend their number.
2. I blame New Labour. Black African Caribbeans are more likely to vote Labour so we don't want to offend their number.
3. I blame New Labour. Asians are more likely to vote Labour so we don't want to offend their number.
4. The police seems to be piss poor at bringing cases against rapists even when the evidence seems to be stuck to their noses. And some of them are out and out corrupt.

Hey, my money is on 4.

What about you?

By the way, try googling using white paedophile gang on the interweb. The first umpteen entries appear to be about the Asian Rochdale gang as if paedophiles never have a white skin. Now remind me, what colour were those nursery school teachers who got sent down? It seems that on the web, "white" is only an issue when "white" is a characteristic of the victim, not when "white" is a characteristic of the criminal.

As we say in Blackpool,

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.

For those who are not as linguistically inclined as Blackpool inhabitants, it means basically, the more things change, it's still the same old bullshit.
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Re: Political correctness gone mad?

Post by Robches »

There have always been rapists. What is particularly horrifying about the Rochdale and other cases is that groups of Pakistani men target white girls for rape. They look down on white girls and think of them as scum. If their own girls were to go out with the wrong sort of boy no doubt there would be an "honour killing". There are none so blind as those who will not see.
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Re: Political correctness gone mad?

Post by jimslip »

What makes the Asian paedo gang cases uniquely horrifying, is that they were systemically allowed to run amok, not through incompetence by the police, not by bad forensics or any of the other elements that allow criminals to remain at large. They were allowed to rape and abuse for one reason only and that is police chiefs were worried about being branded racists, by higher authorities, if they dared haul in these bastards.
There is only one reason for this state of affairs at that time and that was New Labour being hell bent on creating what would have become a Political Correct Police State, where the majority would be crushed by law and select minorities, like the Pakistani Paodo Gangs, could do whatever they pleased!
Is it any surprise or coincidence that these bastards were all arrested and charged weeks AFTER New Labour was booted out.
I don't understand why you keep bringing this topic back, I'm sure it is because you must lie awake at night tossing and turning, but you just cannot find away of laying this gross injustice at the door of the Tories.
I reckon if New labour had won the last election these gangs would have sprung up all over the country by now and allowed to do whatever they pleased. But I can guarantee one thing David Johnson, if you or any of us, had say, dropped a bit of litter or didn't pay a fine in time, you door would have been kicked in and you would be dragged off without a bye or leave!

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David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

"What is particularly horrifying about the Rochdale and other cases is that groups of Pakistani men target white girls for rape. They look down on white girls and think of them as scum."

Do you find it more or less horrifying than white blokes who go on organised sex tours to Thailand to take advantage of poor, vulnerable women? They look down on the Asian girls because they are poor scum who are not going to complain?

Does the colour of the women's skin increase/decrease the "particular" level of horror or stay the same?

Take the word "white" out of the sentence at the top of this post. Does the statement increase or decrease in horror or is it the same?

"THere are none so blind as those who will not see"

Indeed Robches!
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
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Post by David Johnson »

"What makes the Asian paedo gang cases uniquely horrifying, is that they were systemically allowed to run amok, not through incompetence by the police, not by bad forensics or any of the other elements that allow criminals to remain at large. They were allowed to rape and abuse for one reason only and that is police chiefs were worried about being branded racists, by higher authorities"

WHat if I was to say that Whitty got away with umpteen rapes because he was debonair, wealthy, handsome and convincing? And it was through political correctness that he was free for so long because the monarchy, the well-off, the rich and powerful always get a "free ride" in this country?

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/cr ... 75715.html

You need to understand the difference between your "opinion" as above and proof. Before you respond with a quote from a Labour MP, please note, as far as I am aware, the opinion of an MP of any political party is not prima facie evidence. Besides you hate and despise anything to do with New Labour so do not demean yourself.

It might also be a good idea if you could explain how your concept of "political correctness" gone mad with regard to how Muslims are dealt with, fits in with Labour's introduction of the forced marriages act.

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/ho ... 25392.html
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Re: Political correctness gone mad?

Post by Robches »


I am afraid that you cannot dodge this issue by raising the subject of British sex tourists. Do these British men despise Thai girls, and do they murder white girls who have the wrong sort of boyfriend? As you live in Blackpool you have no doubt heard of Paige Chivers and Charlene Downes. You will surely have heard of the Pakistani rape gangs operating out of takeaways in your own town? It's on your doorstep and you refuse to see it. That is simply wilful ignorance. Large numbers of Pakistani Muslim men think it is acceptable to rape white girls and to murder their own girls who do not conform to their rigid code of "honour". But don't let any of his bother you.
David Johnson
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Re: Political correctness gone mad?

Post by David Johnson »

"Do these British men despise Thai girls"

So you think Robches that British men who pay a few baht to fuck a tiny, timid Thai girl up the arse have the utmost respect for these girls?

"do they murder white girls who have the wrong sort of boyfriend?"

Ask Raoul Moat! Oh no, you can't, he's dead.

"It's on your doorstep and you refuse to see it."

Have you any evidence that I refuse to see it? No you dont, do you?

SInce you are unable or unwilling to answer my questions, I will leave you to talk to yourself and wind yourself up into a right lather of indignation.

No more to be said.
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Re: Political correctness gone mad?

Post by davey »

I see the North west infidels were protesting up in Blackpool today against muslim paedophiles.There are reports that several muslims and UAF supporters were beaten up.Were you bravely out on the streets opposing them?The EDL believe in peacefully opposing militant Islam whereas the NWI are a breakaway group who believe violent methods must be used.Dont tell me you missed this golden opportunity to "smash the fash" in your own backyard?Or are you not man enough to face people who oppose your views and only feel safe waging your little left wing war on porn forums on the internet?Make no mistake groups like the NWI and cxf and combat 18 see people like you as just as dangerous as muslim suicide bombers and paedophiles.You are classed as an apologist and a supporter and in the race war they consider themselves in you are their enemy

Sam Slater
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Re: Political correctness gone mad?

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]By the way, try googling using white paedophile gang on the interweb. The first umpteen entries appear to be about the Asian Rochdale gang as if paedophiles never have a white skin.[/quote]

Google is trawling html code for keywords. 'paedophile gang' is two out of your three search terms. Given Google knows where you're searching from and given the Rochdale case is the most talked about and recent case among online news sites then I'm in no way surprised that the search algorithm predicted the list it did as most relevant.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
David Johnson
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Re: Political correctness gone mad?

Post by David Johnson »

Interesting. Thanks for that.