Maybe its time for DJ to say, "I was wrong"

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Re: Maybe its time for DJ to say, "I was wrong"

Post by arseneltic »

Why are they being called "Asian"? This implys that Sikh's,Hindu's,Jain's or Buddhists could potentially be responsible. Why not just tell the truth and call them what they are MUSLIMS,whose vile cult of death encourages them to view women,especially infidel women, as inferior to them. A bit of honest reporting please!

tom green
Essex Lad
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Re: Maybe its time for DJ to say, "I was wrong"

Post by Essex Lad »

Oh dear, here we go...

arseneltic wrote:

> Why are they being called "Asian"? This implys that
> Sikh's,Hindu's,Jain's or Buddhists could potentially be
> responsible. Why not just tell the truth and call them what
> they are MUSLIMS,whose vile cult of death encourages them to
> view women,especially infidel women, as inferior to them. A bit
> of honest reporting please!

They are referred to as Asian because they come from Asia - from Pakistan and Afghanistan to be exact.

I suppose the reportage referred to them as Asian rather than Muslim for the simple reason that most stories do not refer to the religion of people. I don't recall seeing "Roman Catholic Peter Sutcliffe was jailed yesterday for murdering 13 women" or "Jewish politician Edwina Currie warned Britons not to eat eggs".

The fact remains that yes they had twisted views and yes they are where they belong which is behind bars but Islam did not tell them to do what they dd any more than the Catholic Church told its priests to abuse boys.

By the way, how is it that you can spell Buddhists but not "Sikh's,Hindu's,Jain's or" for that matter implies?
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Re: Maybe its time for DJ to say, "I was wrong"

Post by arseneltic »

Ahh whats a little '? I see you are not very well versed with the teachings in the hate filled book of crap Quran.

tom green
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Re: Maybe its time for DJ to say, "I was wrong"

Post by arseneltic »

Here you go mate I did a little search for ya!
Women are polluting:

Koran sura 5.6 (repeated in sura 4.43 --re removing pollution before praying) And if ye are sick on a journey, or one of you cometh from the closet or ye have contact with women and ye find not water, then go to clean high ground and rub your faces and your hands with some of it

"When it's time to pray and you have just used the toilet or touched a woman, be sure to wash up. If you can't find any water, just rub some dirt on yourself. 5:6

Women have very little intelligence?their own testimony is inadmissible in rape cases; in other matters their testimony is half to that of a man

The Qur'an -- 4:14, 2:282; Sunaan Abu Dawud -- 3.40.4662

tom green
Essex Lad
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Re: Maybe its time for DJ to say, "I was wrong"

Post by Essex Lad »

The full verse is:"5.6 . O ye who believe! When ye rise up for prayer , wash your face , and your hands up to the elbows , and lightly rub your heads and ( wash ) your feet up to the ankles . And if ye are unclean , purify yourselves . And if ye are sick or on a journey , or one of you cometh from the closet , or ye have had contact with women , and ye find not water , then go to clean , high ground and rub your faces and your hands with some of it . Allah would not place a burden on you , but He would purify you and would perfect His grace upon you , that ye may give thanks ."

And a reference I found: Though this message is directed particularly to men, it also applies to women when they ?touch? men, in this case it means sexual encounter. What it relates to is that if you use the toilet or if you have sexual intercourse (touching a woman in this case) you MUST cleanse yourself before prayers. The ?dust? to apply is a symbolic gesture for both men and women when water is not available and the time for prayer has come. Under normal circumstances, both men and women MUST cleanse themselves with water after a sexual affair, but if unavailable, they can symbolically use a sprinkle of dust only on their hands and feet until they find water. Remember, this applies to both men and women. A woman must also cleanse herself when she ?touches? a man.
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Re: Maybe its time for DJ to say, "I was wrong"

Post by arseneltic »

Strange though that allah never mentioned that the same rules applied to women when he revealed this little gem to his paedophile "prophet" muhammad though isn't it? Please don't pull me on my use or non use of capitals when I refer to the Arab's moon god allah and the evil looter,enslaver,rapist,mass-murderer and paedophile muhammad!
Ohh and you never addressed this other little gem -

Women have very little intelligence?their own testimony is inadmissible in rape cases; in other matters their testimony is half to that of a man

The Qur'an -- 4:14, 2:282; Sunaan Abu Dawud -- 3.40.4662
tom green
Essex Lad
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Re: Maybe its time for DJ to say, "I was wrong"

Post by Essex Lad »

arseneltic wrote:

> Ohh and you never addressed this other little gem -
> Women have very little intelligence?their own testimony is
> inadmissible in rape cases; in other matters their testimony is
> half to that of a man
> The Qur'an -- 4:14, 2:282; Sunaan Abu Dawud -- 3.40.4662

Well, I can't because it's true.
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Re: Maybe its time for DJ to say, "I was wrong"

Post by arseneltic »

What? You really believe that "women have very little intelligence" and that " their own testimony should be inadmissible in rape cases? Do you also really believe that in "other matters their testimony is half to that of a man's? Where did you get your information? Was it from the paedophile "prophet" of islam muhammad?

tom green
Essex Lad
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Re: Maybe its time for DJ to say, "I was wrong"

Post by Essex Lad »

No, you daft apeth. I meant it's true that that is what the Koran says...
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Re: Maybe its time for DJ to say, "I was wrong"

Post by arseneltic »

LOL, well then does that not prove my original point (complete with spelling and gramatical errors) that the vile cult of death islam does indeed view women,especially infidel women, as inferior to them?
tom green