Messages from Jim Slip

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David Johnson
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Messages from Jim Slip

Post by David Johnson »

For those who might have missed it, Jimbo doesn't agree 100% with my political views and regards himself as the person on this forum in the absence of anyone as intelligent as he, responsible for challenging and providing detailed analysis of where I am going wrong.

So in the interests of fairplay and all that is best in UK forum discussion, I have put together 3 of his recent posts where he argues his case. As a gesture of goodwill I have offered Jimbo a signed pair of my underpants (34" waist).

Post 1
My job is to block and parry all your airbrushing and rewriting of recent history. It is you who are "obsessed" and crazed with the anger of a true zealot, because without me around you could more or less run amok on BGAFD with no opposition! Although to be honest I simply cannot understand your purpose. Its a bit like standing on a soapbox with a megaphone shouting politics at an old disinterested tramp standing with his dog, on an empty, wind swept street.......pointless! No one cares that much!

Your twisted, maniacal, hatred of me is in proportion to how effective I am at rubbishing your propoganda and nonsense!

This week you have exposed yourself as a true slave, a mindless, unquestionning drone of political correctness, a man so controlled by this Marxist crap, that you would have been delighted had the Asian paedophile gangs been left to roam unchecked, as indeed they were under New Labour!

You astonish me and I am sure many others, because you are far more outraged at the arrest and conviction of the Asian paedos, than the havoc and injury they have caused to their victims!

I must ask the forum, just imagine you were a parent of a young child who had alleged an assault by a group of Asians and you had to register this complaint with a David Johnson at Social Services. Can you imagine getting a sympathetic response? I cannot.

I can however imagine a dialogue something like this. Comrade Johnson, scowls and spits at the parent, "Your child is obviously a pathalogical liar and you madam are obviously a racist that has instilled these base values in your offspring, now get out of my office before I have you arrested for incitement of racial hatred!" "But I have DNA evidence!" Comrade Johnson, peering through his round wire rimmed glasses, "Do not provoke me madam, you have obviously, planted this evidence in order to cause distress in the Asian community....GET OUT OF MY OFFICE YOU NAZI BITCH!"

This is more or less what happened to the victims and their parents isn't it David Johnson?

You manically support a party that purports to support the poor, but at what price? The building of a police state for the majority? A state where (nearly) everyone is snooped on watched and taxed. Your New fucking Labour nutters were planning on fitting CCTV on to fucking dustbins for God's sake!

The arrest and conviction of the Asian paedophiles are symbolic of the final corruption of the last New Labour government! A crazed world where certain groups were above the law.

You can squirm and try and deflect till you are blue in the face, however the Asian paedo scandal is fundamental to British justice and the rule of law for all! It proves Socilaists CANNOT be trusted as guardians of our basic freedoms.They cannot be trusted to ensure the law is levelled for everyone regardless of colour or creed.

Finally, worst of all, you are crazed with rabid rage that there is simply no way YOU CAN LAY THE BLAME WITH THE TORIES!

Post 2

I think everyone on this forum would applaud the arrest, trial and conviction of ALL rapists and paedos of what ever colour or creed and I challenge anyone who doesn't agree to stand up and be counted! We all want these bastards locked up.....

Well, that is EVERYONE apart from you, David Johnson, who it would appear is most perturbed at the arrest and conviction of the aforementioned Muslim paedos. You are living proof of the nightmare situation that the Chief Contables must have found themselves in, during New Labour's nutball reign of PC terror.

Chief Constables in sensitive areas knew full well that if they dared question, arrest and charge a Asian in connection with an alleged rape or offence against a minor they would get a visit. A visit from a little bespecacled New Labour official, wearing utilitarian clothing, a beret and clutching a little note book.........A "David Johnson".

No mention, sympathy or concern for the plight of the victims, would be brought up at this meeting. In fact to the little Commissar Johnson, the victims' agony wouldn't have mattered a toss. The fact that in one case the CPS was presented twice with DNA evidence linking the rape to one of the Asian suspects and on both occasions refused to press charges, would have earned them a pat on the back from Commissar Johnson!

"Justice" means nothing to the Commissar Johnsons of this world. The Chief Constables would have been crapping themselves for fear of being exposed as "Racist" by the the little bespectacled, sour faced, nutball sitting opposite them!

Because all that mattered to him was exposing and punishing the "Institutionalised racism" of the police, who were obviously, "Trying to frame innocent Asians and incite racial hatred." In other words, this man is so bound, gagged and brain washed, by political correctness, that he would see rapists go free, for no other reason than their ethnicity.

Read David Johnson's posts and witness the nightmare that New Labour were busily building for the UK. A nightmare system run by thousands of David Johnsons, finger wagging and scolding anything they deemed was not within the strict guidlines of Political Correctness.

Even worse, the "Commissar Johnsons" would have been afforded arbitary and wide legal powers to expose and punish anyone they considered, "An enemy of the state!"

In such a nightmare can anyone on the BGAFD honestly say they would have felt safe with David Johnson patrolling the corridors of this forum? Would anyone have trusted this man NOT to be making notes and passing them on to the "appropriate" authority? Do you think for a second you woudn't have had a knock on your door at 3.00am for even DISCUSSING this topic? Don't laugh, these examples of police selectively ignoring blatant crimes for PC reasons was ACTUALLY happening for real under New Labour!

The nightmare vision that I paint is no different than that endured by millions during Stalin's rule of the Soviet Union. A David Johnson lived on every landing and occupied a space in every office, every bar, always snooping, making notes, denouncing anyone who dared even mouth a contrary opinion. They enjoyed their power over life and death. It was institutionailsed sadism on a mammoth scale, all orchestrated by the greatest mass murderer of all time, Joseph Stalin.

Luckily our David would be now considered a dinosaur even by the Labour Party, because it woud appear that they have moved on from their days of nannying and authoritarianism.......we hope.

Post 3

Johnson, I presume you believe yourself to be some kind of. "Man of the people", it is you who are the fucking hypocrite. If it wasn't for people like me actually investing money in making porn you wouldn't have a BGAFD to come on and spout your endless drivel on!

But I suppose our, "Man of the people" our very own, "Citizen Smith" thinks we should work for nothing! Haven't you noticed the corrupt and greedy values of those you so slavishly and unquestionly adore and obey? Do your New Labour MP's work for nothing, for the common good? Has your hero Tony Blair offered any of his ?20+million horde to those dispossessed by Tory cuts? I think not!

A crazed New Labour nut-ball like you, screaming "hypocrite!" at others is a bit rich if you ask me, you and your New Labour cronies define self serving greed and hipocracy!

How quickly you forget your hero, another "Man of the people" John Prescott, oh sorry I mean LORD PRESCOTT! Sure he should be crowned, King of the Hipocrites and lets not forget the crooked band of New Labour MP's languishing at Her Majesties pleasure for blatant crookedness!

Finally in the name of fuck why are you even on this forum? Given a chance your grass roots, right-on Labour Party supporters would shut BGAFD down in an instant and you'd be leading a mob of donkey-jacketed Jo Brand lookalikes, holding flaming torches outside the magnificent edifices of the BGAFD screaming hysterically "Set the porno perverts to the torch, my comrades!"

Go and preach on a forum that will value your drivel
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Re: Messages from Jim Slip

Post by Lizard »

You are fucking mental.

[_]> No Liberals were harmed during the making of this post.
Posts: 4734
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A message for David and Jim...

Post by max_tranmere »

You two should definately get a room. Now that Civil Partnerships are legal the two of you should tie the knot. I am trying to think which one sounds better: David Slip or Jim Johnson. lol!
David Johnson
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Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Be Seen Here

Post by David Johnson »

"We know you support Labour and just like Labour you have ZERO appreciation of individual privacy, which is why you just posted private PM's.

The messages from Jim Slip you refer to in your reply are messages Jim posted on this forum within the last week or so.

"Your total lack of any ability to respond to them privately with a coherent reply has just been proven."

Jim Slip's posts to me are a a mixture of lies and insults. It is therefore impossible to reply to them in a "coherent" way.

Often Jim Slip seems to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown. You cannot hold a sensible discussion with someone who is having a nervous breakdown. All that is possible is that you can try to calm them down.

What I am guilty of is not doing anything to calm Jim down.
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Re: Messages from Jim Slip

Post by Flat_Eric »

And the point of this thread is what exactly? !confused!

- Eric

David Johnson
Posts: 7844
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Flat Eric

Post by David Johnson »

By pulling together Jim's posts to me, I am highlighting the ranting, raving, foaming at the mouth, seemingly on the edge of a nervous breakdown nature of his posts to me.

These posts are a mixture of lies about me, complete distortions of what I believe and what I have put on the forum and statements that are libellous.

For example Jim repeats an earlier libel here,

"you would have been delighted had the Asian paedophile gangs been left to roam unchecked,"

I have already categorically stated that I applaud the arrest and conviction of the Asian paedophiles in Rochdale.

Jim needs to calm down.
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Re: Messages from Jim Slip

Post by Robches »


I think you have a bit too much time on your hands.
Posts: 1085
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Messages from Jim Slip

Post by william »

Jim has not commented - or risen to the bait - or maybe he is out making a shed load of money.....
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by David Johnson »
