I Pornographer

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andy at handiwork
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Re: I Pornographer

Post by andy at handiwork »

Its OK everybody because Mike is fine with criticism. As he has written in the aliens thread -'The best publicity is criticism'. Mind you, one has to be careful what one wishes for.
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Re: I Pornographer

Post by dog »

I am reading it at moment, I am enjoying it but it will take a week or 2 to finish it and I will come back and let you know what I think. But one question now I note you changed peoples names what else did you change to protect whatever you need to protect, was places and companies also?
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Re: I Pornographer

Post by eroticartist »

As Charlie Chaplin observed "All publicity is good publicity" although I have had plenty of lies told about me in the past...
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Re: I Pornographer

Post by eroticartist »

The only things that I changed were the names of one or two friends whom I wished to protect.

Places, names of corrupt police officers and company names are all unchanged...

Many people mentioned are still alive and I am hoping that that more pieces of the jigsaw will fall into place. I would especially like to hear from members of the jury to discover what went on in the jury room.

Sales in the UK are increasing although slow in America...

I am happy to find that you are enjoying the read.
andy at handiwork
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Re: I Pornographer

Post by andy at handiwork »

Well, as long as they spelt your name right.
andy at handiwork
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Re: I Pornographer

Post by andy at handiwork »

'...I would especially like to hear from members of the jury to discover what went on in the jury room.'

Careful Mike. I think you will find that is a very dangerous road to go down, both for any juror who gave you information, and for you for possibly suborning them.
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Re: I Pornographer

Post by eroticartist »

Andy, I love a bit of danger and the authorities wouldn't dare to prosecute me for fear of giving publicity to my book.

In the book I talk about the Home Office "farming" the Soho porn industry with complicity of the Home Secretary and this is still explosive news even years later!

It will alll come out one day anyway...

I dare the corrupt bastards to get me in court because I represent myself these days after being acquitted at the Old Bailey in 1983 in an obscenity trial and I will open my big mouth and talk for days!
andy at handiwork
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Re: I Pornographer

Post by andy at handiwork »

You do like to build up your part, dont you? Do you really think there's anyone from back then in any position of authority who cares a damn about your revelations? Besides, what's to reveal if as you say you speak in the book about Home Office corruption? As for talking for days in your own defence, you'd probably try the court's patience so much you'd have a contempt charge as well.
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Re: I Pornographer

Post by eroticartist »

"You do like to build up your part, dont you? Do you really think there's anyone from back then in any position of authority who cares a damn about your revelations? Besides, what's to reveal if as you say you speak in the book about Home Office corruption? As for talking for days in your own defence, you'd probably try the court's patience so much you'd have a contempt charge as well."

I dont have to build up my part as I have an interesting and unusual story to tell.

Yes I think that the government and corrupt officials in power do care about their image in the country and in the world in an historical sense.

My book reveals Home Office corruption and is iconoclastic per se.

If I defend myself as I have in the past at the Old Bailey I can say what I like without being charged with contempt and the press foreign and domestic will report what I say.
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Re: I Pornographer

Post by eroticartist »

They will...
