Aliens on Earth

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Re: Aliens on Earth

Post by JamesW »

jimslip wrote:

> OK so where are all the mistakes that nature made on the way?
> Let's not just keep it to our species, what about mistakes made
> during the eveolution of the millions of other species?

It's a big subject Jim, so let's start with humans first of all and take things one step at a time. You said OK so where are all the mistakes that nature made on the way?

In humans there are many mistakes made by nature on the way, these being generally known as genetic disorders. Here are some of them: Hemophilia, Huntington's disease, Colour blindness, Down syndrome, Sickle cell anemia, Cystic fibrosis, Klinefelter's syndrome, Coeliac disease, XYY sundrome, Crohn's disease, Crouzon syndrome, Familial hypercholesterolemia, Polycystic kidney disease, Neurofibromatosis, Hereditary spherocytosis, Marfan syndrome, Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency, Tay-Sachs disease, Phenylketonuria, Mucopolysaccharidoses, Glycogen storage disease, Galactosemia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Angelman syndrome, Canavan disease, Charcot?Marie disease, Achondrogenesis, Achondroplasia, Bloom sundrome, Cockayne syndrome, Gaucher disease, Coffin-Lowry syndrome, Collagenopathy, Friedreich's ataxia, Hereditary coproporphyria, Kniest dysplasia, Menkes disease, Homocystinuria, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, Pfeiffer syndrome, Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome, von Hippel-Lindau disease, Cri du chat, Wilson disease, Haemochromatosis, Phenylketonuria, Prader?Willi syndrome, Turner syndrome, 22q11.2 deletion syndrome, Alexander disease, Usher sundrome, Crouzonodermoskeletal syndrome, Ehlers?Danlos syndrome, Familial dysautonomia, Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome, Jackson-Weiss syndrome, Xeroderma pigmentosum, Krabbe disease.

If you were lucky you got a good set of genes which didn't include any of nature's genetic errors, such as those listed above. That probably includes you Jim, if you're still asking where are all the mistakes are? But if you were unlucky you inherited a genetic mistake from one of your parents and therefore suffer from a genetic disorder, in which case you'll be all too well aware of the kind of mistakes made by nature along the way.

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Re: Aliens on Earth

Post by Flat_Eric »

I don't get why people are so dismissive of the possibility that intelligent and technologically advanced extraterrestrials exist or even that they may have visited it us.

Personally I haven't a fucking clue whether they have or they haven't. But it seems a bit silly (besides quite arrogant) to dismiss the possibility just because we can't do the same due to our own level of technological advancement not being up to the job of faster-than-light interstellar travel, and not yet having figured out how to do it.

As others have said, there have been plenty of sightings over many centuries. Some doubtless hoaxes, exaggerations etc. But no smoke without fire and all that.

- Eric
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Re: Aliens on Earth

Post by JamesW »

Flat_Eric wrote:

> I don't get why people are so dismissive of the possibility
> that intelligent and technologically advanced extraterrestrials
> exist or even that they may have visited it us.

You misunderstand.

The discussion here is not about whether alien life forms exist, and neither is it about whether aliens have ever paid us a visit. The point of the discussion is whether there is ANY PROOF that aliens have paid us a visit.

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Re: Aliens on Earth

Post by Flat_Eric »

JamesW wrote:


Fuck me, can we have a "hairsplitting" smiley please. Geez .....

- Eric
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Re: Aliens on Earth

Post by JamesW »

Flat_Eric wrote:

> Fuck me, can we have a "hairsplitting" smiley please. Geez

It's really not hair splitting. Eroticartist claims to have proof that aliens have visted Earth. Other people have said he doesn't have any proof.

Whether aliens exist is another question entirely.

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Re: Aliens on Earth

Post by Flat_Eric »

JamesW wrote:


Sigh. No he doesn't.

He linked to an article in which he postulates (key word there - the clue is in phrases like "I think" and "it is my hypothesis") along the lines of some ancient cave drawings may be the work of an advanced race of extraterrestrial orign, then he invited discussion of said article.

I said in my post that I don't know whether or not aliens have visited Earth but we can't dismiss the possibility.

But your "the discussion is about do we have proof" statement is just silly. Of course we fucking don't!! What we **do** have is various things like cave paintings, pyramids, the Nazca lines etc. that some people **regard** (key word again!) as proof but others think are just a load of old bollocks and/or can be otherwise explained away.

We don't have **incontrovertible** proof (in the sense that we have proof that the Earth is round and that smoking can cause cancer and that dinosaurs existed). So why ask?!

It's about whether or not one accepts as proof that which some **believe** to be proof. I said (paraphrased) that I have an open mind about the matter. Nothing "off topic" about that and I'm surprised that I have to explain it to you because it's quite clear.

- Eric

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Re: Aliens on Earth

Post by JamesW »

Flat_Eric wrote:

> He linked to an article in which he postulates (key word there
> - the clue is in phrases like "I think" and "it is my
> hypothesis") along the lines of some ancient cave drawings may
> be the work of an advanced race of extraterrestrial orign, then
> he invited discussion of said article.

Don't forget to mention that he entitled the article PROOF OF ALIENS ON EARTH.

> I said in my post that I don't know whether or not aliens have
> visited Earth but we can't dismiss the possibility.

That's good, because nobody else has dismissed the possibility either.

> What we **do** have
> is various things like cave paintings, pyramids, the Nazca
> lines etc.

The thing that disppointments me about these aliens is that they made the cave paintings using clay and charcoal. I would have thought being aliens they would have had some more advanced painting materials. If they didn't have any advanced technology, how did they get here in the first place?

UK Babe Channels - <>
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Re: Aliens on Earth

Post by Flat_Eric »

!deadhorse! !deadhorse! !deadhorse!

- Eric

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Re: Aliens on Earth

Post by eroticartist »

One answer could be that life is homogenous across the Universe...
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Re: Aliens on Earth

Post by eroticartist »

Quite so Eric but some people have closed minds...