Sign o' the Times?

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Re: More like a result of 13 years of New Labour!

Post by jimslip »

I noticed one of the illegals bitterly complained, "I was told life is good here. It's not just me, other boys came for work." he says, "You can see what state we're in, there's no work, no government help!"

Note the last 3 words, ie "No government help", so these people expect to come here and automatically get hand outs. They are fucking ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS why the fuck should they get, "Government help?"

How in the name of God did this country get the reputation throughout the World for free handouts to all and sundry? Even expecting a wad of wonga when you've sneaked in and things have gone tits up! In what country in the World will the state make hand outs to illegal immigrants, when they can't find a dodgy job?

Who has been responsible for constantly telling or implying to the peoples of the World to, "Come to the UK legally or if necessary ILLEGALLY and claim what you want, it's here for the taking?" !cigar!


Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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David Johnson
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ToryBoy Immigrant Herr Slipski

Post by David Johnson »

"Who has been responsible for constantly telling or implying to the peoples of the World to, "Come to the UK legally or if necessary ILLEGALLY and claim what you want, it's here for the taking?"

Well for the last 2 years it has obviously been your hero, Cameron, aint it?

I dunno, there's nobody more virulent against immigrants than an immigrant, himself, Herr Slipski.

Who's been saying Britain's "open for business", sacking huge numbers of border staff, talking about the wonders of the Big Society and how the NHS is safe in his hands. Who has done more as a result of their policies to create a huge increase in free food banks dotted around the country? Well, its been your hero, Cameron, Herr Slipski.

And as a result instead of the reduction of net migration to tens of thousands a year as he promised, net migration is running at 250,000.

Here is a link to Budapest failed immigrants favourite newspaper. ... mbers.html

As for me I say send those illegals to Budapest, those lads look as if they'll accept anybody over there!

PS I do hear there are thousands of illegal immigrants in the UK planning to be UK policemen now that there are plans to privatise the police force. Maybe Cameron will put them in charge of tracking down illegal immigrants? ... irms-crime

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Re: Put the cow prods away, comrade!

Post by jimslip »

The trouble with you David is that your attempts at whimsical psuedo observations on life in "Tory Britain" are pathetically transparent. You are as subtle as a sledgehammer. If you got out of the "Dog & Duck" a little more and extended your reading beyond the Socialist Worker, you might become a little more adept when making an observation in order to get a desired response.

This is why you always get so abusive and insulting when your posts of drivel are routed again and again. Trouble is, Mr Socialist Worker Bully Boy, you are on the BGAFD, not some picket line that you lodged yourself in to agitate and throw bricks at people, even though you don't even work at the place thats being picketed. Save your aggression and abuse for new customers that dare venture into the Dog & Duck, who are wearing a suit and holding a "Lap top computer!" and so in your mind..........a Tory. As I've said before you really are a one man campaign AGAINST New Labour, imagine this country ruled by hundreds of MP's like you? It would be a bloody nightmare, it would be like 1930's Stalins Russia! Please keep posting, you're doing a grand job!

Anyway the purpose of your original post ie, "Sign of the times" was to suggest, that in some way, thanks to the Tories, Britain had become so poor and devastated , that even poverty stricken illegal immigrants were threatening to leave. Ha! ha! Ha!, another great gag from David "Its the way I tell 'em" Johnson!

The laughable thing is that your post is a complete own goal, because in turn you are suggesting that if New Labour were still in power, these spongers would love to stay here, because it would be so much nicer for them. I presume the evil Tories are making it more difficult for these people to claim...........HOW DARE THEY!!!!!

I wonder in a straw poll, how many would support your demand for all illegal immigrants to be able to be supported by the government if they so wished. In fact why don't you go down to a working class stronghold, like West Ham or Millwall and campaign for your new proposal? !laugh!

Imagine hundreds of David Johnsons , like the one below, ruling Britain. Imagine all the fur they would shed in the House of Commons, it would be a cleaners nightmare! lol


Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
Winner of "Best On-Line scene & Best Gonzo Production" at UKAP Awards 2006
Winner of Best TVX series 2011, "Laras Anal Adventures"
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

How wrongski can you be Slipski

Post by David Johnson »

Very good post Jimbo. Not a single correct thing in it. Good for a larf though!

Err, out of interest, were you one of those kids who sat at the back of the class and spent all day making gurning faces?

"Anyway the purpose of your original post ie, "Sign of the times" was to suggest, that in some way, thanks to the Tories, Britain had become so poor and devastated , that even poverty stricken illegal immigrants were threatening to leave"

Wrong. I don't mention the Tories in my original post. It's more a reflection on the decline of the UK as economic influence passes from the West to the BRIC countries.

"The laughable thing is that your post is a complete own goal, because in turn you are suggesting that if New Labour were still in power, these spongers would love to stay here,"

Wrong. I dont mention anything of the sort.

" I presume the evil Tories are making it more difficult for these people to claim...........HOW DARE THEY!!!!!"

Wrong. Net immigration has gone up under the Tories. Actual immigration is unchanged under the Tories.

"I wonder in a straw poll, how many would support your demand for all illegal immigrants to be able to be supported by the government if they so wished."

What demand? You are hallucinating ToryBoy Herr Slipski

Now stop gurning and pay attention!!!! Could do better, Slipski.