Sign o' the Times?

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David Johnson
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Sign o' the Times?

Post by David Johnson »

Apparently illegal immigrants are increasingly desperate to escape the squalor in Britain to return to India!!
Posts: 4734
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Re: Sign o' the Times?

Post by max_tranmere »

Southall in west London has always had a problem with this. It is a large Asian area located near Heathrow Airport and many of the locals work at the airport. Because many of the newly arrived illegals have kin-ship with the people of Southall, and also because it is not far to travel from the airport, many end up in that neighbourhood. Hounslow in west London is similar in terms of its ethnic make-up, closeness to the airport, and therefore has also become a shed city.

I really do wonder what people think they are going to do when they arrive in a country with no money and no proper accomodation that they have the availability to stay in. It is obviously differnt for people fleeing a war or persectution, but people who just hope for a more affluent life and who turn up without any cash or with no idea where they will stay, I mean what do they think will happen? I've lived abroad twice myself and always ensured I had money to support myself, somewhere to stay, and some means of getting home if things went tits-up for me.
Gusset Sniffer
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Re: Sign o' the Times?

Post by Gusset Sniffer »

The BBC six oclock news reported that they were being charged up to ?800 a month to live in those sheds by fellow Indians.

A further report on tonights six o'clock news I think they said.

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Re: Sign o' the Times?

Post by Meatus »

I thought this was going to be praise and discussion about the incredible Prince album of the same name....erm i guess not!
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Re: Sign o' the Times?

Post by tuf766 »

3rd world Britain.
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Re: Sign o' the Times?

Post by mrmcfister »

Just shows what a fucking disgrace our border agency are.
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Sign o' the Times?

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

We have a border agency?? I reckon there must be 2-3 million illegals in the UK who contribute nothing to the tax or NI budget but live below the radar and are nothing but a drain on our services. Enoch was right.
Dave Wells
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Re: Sign o' the Times?

Post by Dave Wells »

HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKIIIIINNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGRAAAAAAYYYYYYYY ! Just need about 10 million of em out to create jobs here ! Can we throw out Liz, Phillip, Charlie, Camilla and all those sponging cunts too ?

Dave Wells
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Re: Sign o' the Times?

Post by Warpig »

Good now all we need is the rest of the dirty spounging cunts to fuck off out the country.

John Riggins
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Re: Sign o' the Times?

Post by John Riggins »

I agree!

What this Government gives with one hand it takes back with two!