Oxford street stabbing

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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by william »

Its not about raising the standards

there are poor that kill and there are rich that kill....same same so that arguement hits the dust. If you are going to kill then you will probably kill with the right provocation put in front of you.

Ive worked myself up from school and now working in a decent job that pays the bills and allows me to have my playtime. Im not poor but im not rich fully paid up daily mail reader I suppose.

I think that we are way too soft on prisoners and they have often a better standard of life than some of those at the low end of the scale, You see some of the jails in far away places and you understand that maybe they have the right attitudes - the US and some of the jails there are quite the thing for not pandering to the leftish pish that we get here.

In clear cut cases where there is no doubt or cause of concern then I think that all murderers should be executed. Not for punishment but more for removing them from society, permanently. Killers are killers.
Sam Slater
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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]Ye of many words I hath no retort

I can not compete with such a superior intelligence, [/quote]

Then what was the point in replying?

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Sam Slater
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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]Its not about raising the standards

there are poor that kill and there are rich that kill....same same so that arguement hits the dust.[/quote]

What the fuck are you on about now, william? Are you trying to tell me you're just as likely to be murdered in a rich country as a poor one? Are you telling me you're just as likely to have your skull crushed in in Brixton and Toxteth as you are in Chalfont St Peter and Alderley Edge? Are you saying that these working classes that make a bit of dosh only move away from the old council estates into the posher areas because they love paying more in council tax?

Give me strength...

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by william »

And this flew over your head too.....
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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by william »

Nope just that murder does not know class boundaries -

We can argue this all day and night if you so choose but me Im stopping now. Cant be arsed anymore....

I know what id like to see and I also know that there isnt much chance on that happening. So whats the point of arguing about it if its never going to happen. Its like thinking about what you would do if you won the lottery - fat chance of it happening.

Five years ago someone at a cash point was drawing out money - they turned round and felt something bump them. Then the blood started pouring from the wound. He survived through getting first aid and going to hospital. The police got finger prints from the knife and traced to a guy who had done this a few times. Three years he got out in two.

Year after he got out he was no more - karma what goes around comes around. Never lost a bit of sleep over that.

Do you think if he had got a better education and found a decent job and was happy in life he would not have stuck a knife in someone ? I dont know but life makes you the person you are.

There are rules in life and one of them isnt going about knifing people - there are many out there that get by not doing that so it really doesnt excuse the guy for doing that does it?

The first time he stuck a knife in should have been the moment that they removed that person from the general population - from the people that go about life by the law. Either re educated him or what ever but to have done it 5 times and then the sixth person was failed by the justice system. That person had a wife and four kids..... if he had been killed?

Life aint fair as they say.
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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by jimslip »

We have been in Thailand for a month. We got lost in Bangkok and found ourselves wandering the back streets and at no time felt threatened. We are now on a island where everyone leaves the keys in the ignition on their mopeds. We spent New Years Eve on the beach with thousands of people and not a hint of aggression from anyone. Never a cop in sight.

Could it be because if you fuck with the law in Thailand you end up in here?

Is anyone mad enough to not think that crime would plummet in the UK if people know that they could end up in a place like this? I'm sure crimes of passion and anger would not change, but the general tide of what is considered in the UK "Petty crime" like glassing someone in a pub or putting someone in a coma, for a laugh, would dramatically cease.

In London at the moment, the latest scam by pieces of human shit, is the "Hug 'n' mug". So if you are a normal law abiding citizen enjoying New Years Eve perhaps, a scumbag will come and hug you pretending to celebrate, when in fact they are stealing your watch or wallet. I wonder what their sentence would be in the unlikely event they were actually arrested and prosecuted? A ?10 fine, 6 hours community service, a scolding?

Now imagine you were pulled in Bangkok for the same crime. You would be languishing in a stinking hell-hole for 3 months, all, your money stolen and probably raped even before you even got a hearing and then you'd get 5 years. Do you think anyone in their right mind would take the risk?

And this is why you can walk the streets safely of Bangkok. The bleeding hearts will argue that "It's not fair" to punish criminals in this way. I say I don't give a fuck, sweep 'em off the streets and let the rest of us enjoy our lives in safety.

Best thing is, do a deal with the Thais and export all perpetrators of violent crime, no matter how petty, over to them to deal with!

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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Sam Slater
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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]Nope just that murder does not know class boundaries[/quote]

I never said it did. I said murder rates and violent crimes happen more often in countries and areas where there is higher poverty and lower educational standards. Looking at the facts at hand, this is a basic rule and not worth arguing over.

[quote]I know what id like to see and I also know that there isnt much chance on that happening.[/quote]

Yes, yes, you keep saying. Kill, death, murder and stealing organs. Glad you're in the seasonal spirit. Tell you what I'd like to see, william? I'd like to see fewer murders and safer streets. That's what I'd focus on, not blood-lust.

[quote]Five years ago someone at a cash point was drawing out money - they turned round and felt something bump them. Then the blood started pouring from the wound. He survived through getting first aid and going to hospital. The police got finger prints from the knife and traced to a guy who had done this a few times. Three years he got out in two.

Year after he got out he was no more - karma what goes around comes around. Never lost a bit of sleep over that.[/quote]

And if this man's daughter had been raped by a paedophile he'd have become a paedo to rape the paedo's daughter. That'll show him! I mean, that's karma too.............right?

[quote]Do you think if he had got a better education and found a decent job and was happy in life he would not have stuck a knife in someone ? I dont know but life makes you the person you are. [/quote]

I couldn't comment on an individual I'd never met, but you're actually agreeing with me now. "life makes you the person you are." I'm glad I've brought you round. We're a product of our environments and upbringing. Raise living and educational standards and you'll lower the murder rate, violent crime......in fact, nearly all crime across the board. I knew you'd see sense.

[quote]There are rules in life and one of them isnt going about knifing people - there are many out there that get by not doing that so it really doesnt excuse the guy for doing that does it?[/quote]

You see, this is what happens when you let emotion into your thinking. It stops you taking in other points of view that don't backup your own. You've made your decision and you'll be fucked if anyone else is going to change it! If that Sam Slater doesn't agree with killing murderers it can only be because he wants to excuse murder! The bastard!

I'm not making excuses for murderers, william. I'm pointing out that state murder is a bad example; I'm pointing out that state murder for retribution or revenge can be inconsistent, as many people's idea of revenge is different; I'm pointing out that state murder doesn't affect the murder rate in any considerable way; I'm pointing out that any civilisation that murders defective citizens based on the cost of keeping them alive can not consider themselves 'civilized'. Check the year. It's 2012 dontcha know!

[quote]The first time he stuck a knife in should have been the moment that they removed that person from the general population - from the people that go about life by the law. Either re educated him or what ever but to have done it 5 times and then the sixth person was failed by the justice system. That person had a wife and four kids..... if he had been killed?[/quote]

If you're saying a man stabbed five people on five separate occasions but was still allowed to roam freely in society then we're in total agreement and the people that allowed this to happen should be removed from their jobs, or the rules that allowed this man to slip through the net reassessed.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
Sam Slater
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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by Sam Slater »

And yet the murder rate in Thailand is nearly 5 times that of the UK.

And since we can assume the police in the UK have many more resources and access to forensic experts than Thailand, I'd say a larger percentage of murderers are more likely to get caught in the UK so that Thai murder rate might be even higher, in reality.

Then there's the Russion mafia, multi-national gangsters and paedophile rings to consider. If you consider for one moment that the UK would be better off following Thailand's example on how to deal with crime than you're off your trolley.......and this is from someone who's studied Thailand, it's people, food and it's culture over the years.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by tuf766 »

I was in Thailand all 2003 mostly on Koh Samui, around christmas time a fight broke out in one of the bars between thai guys and some German bodybuilders, one thai guy got thrown thru a glass door and then an innocent French guy mistaken for thinking he was a part of it had his throat slashed by a thai, leaving him to bleed to death where he fell, so Thailand does have a lot of senseless killing and like Sam Slater said there is a nasty undercurrent of criminal gangs and religious extremists in the south, i also got lost in Bangkok though and never felt on edge, i guess a lot of victims of crime is down to been in the wrong place at the wrong time, but Thailand is not the land of smiles it is made out to be, it is somewhere i have no real desire to return to.
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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by william »

got it - now lets go back to porn.... ;-)

Best wishes for a good 2012