Thatcher will have and DESERVES a state send off.

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Re: Thatcher will have and DESERVES a state send off.

Post by Robches »

I don't have any problem with coal as a fuel source, the problem is that Communist inspired militants such as Scargill used the NUM as a vehicle to remove the democratic government of the country. They destroyed the Heath government, and you cannot be surprised that Thatcher made sure it wouldn't happen to her. The miners were the cannon fodder for Scargill's crazed fantasy.
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Re: Thatcher will have and DESERVES a state send off.

Post by frankthring »

Impartially and based on historical precedent it strikes me as extremely
unlikely that Margaret Thatcher qualifies for a State Funeral. Besides
those given to senior members of the Royal Family they are exceptionally
rare events. For all her gung-ho and iron arse, she is not in the same
league or even the same game, as Wellington or Churchill. She was a
Tory politician who revamped society very much in her own image for a
time, broke the power of the Unions and fought a last major land and
sea colonial-style war. Well done if you like her, big boo if you hate her !
Her efforts are small indeed against statesmen who defeated French and
German invasions of the British Isles and led us to victory through
decades of war.
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Re: Thatcher will have and DESERVES a state send off.

Post by RoddersUK »

Plenty of unused mineshafts availlable for the bastard cow.

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Re: Thatcher will have and DESERVES a state send off.

Post by RoddersUK »

Spot on frankthring.

As for Scargill. What a complete and utter bastard he is. Along with his commy ex jailbird mate, Ricky someoneorother, the scouse twat in the Royale Family, which by the way, is a pile o shyte.

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Re: Thatcher will have and DESERVES a state send off.

Post by william »

Ah this is a political thorn - One that you can argue for hours on. The Falklands was fought for as its of great importance to the UK as a source of future oil. She did what she had to do and she did what most other PM's in her situation would HAVE had to do and protect the country's assets.

The Miner's strike - that should never have happened it was so divided as a good portion of the miners knew what was going on - the unions were trying to bring down the government and they managed to ruin the mining industry. Much the same as what the unions did for the car industry. Look at where we are now the only car industry we have is what the Far East bring to the party, Vauxhall Ford and Jaguar are a shadow now. We brought that about with wanting everything from them. The little man thought he was something and he went to the unions and joined the unions and gave the wrong people power..... Drive through Dagenham now and you can see the industrial waste that was once Ford.

Im not a supporter but I can see what happened and understand the mess that became of manufacturing.

Thatcher? Nope not a state funeral but she has to be recognised when the time comes.
number 6
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Re: Thatcher will have and DESERVES a state send off.

Post by number 6 »

Hey Rodders,you should go to one of those old mining towns that Thatcher shut down and speak to the locals,im sure they would make you welcome.
number 6
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Re: Thatcher will have and DESERVES a state send off.

Post by number 6 »

Ignorance muct be bliss for people like Rodders,beeston boy and a few others on here. Totally and utterly ignorant as fuck,and brainwashed up to their eyeballs. Completely clueless,their idea of news is the sun newspaper and sky news. Clowns since they were old enough to wank and will die clowns.
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Re: Thatcher will have and DESERVES a state send off.

Post by BeestonBoy »

number 6 wrote:

> Ignorance muct be bliss for people like Rodders,beeston boy and
> a few others on here. Totally and utterly ignorant as fuck,and
> brainwashed up to their eyeballs. Completely clueless,their
> idea of news is the sun newspaper and sky news. Clowns since
> they were old enough to wank and will die clowns.


Thats a Capital B in's a place name,dear boy. See if you had tried harder at school you might not be on the dole and living at the expense of your local authority and generally being a pointless turd of a human being.

You kind of imply by this post that I am a Tory. What do you base that on? I have never said that I was a Conservative voter. I'm actually a Fascist !wink!

See I am actually open minded enough not to side fully with a single party. I believe it is the mark of a cunt to pledge allegiance,blindly to a single party. So in a non subtle way,I am calling you a cunt once again.

As for ignorance and being brainwashed. This from a die hard socialist? News flash. You entire belief system has proved it self to be a massive white Elephant time and time again. Great in theory,un-workable in practice. Do a little research on the matter some time rather than just spouting rhetoric.

And as for being a Clown...these massive shoes are pescription and i'm very sensitive about them.



'I see the usual gang of misfits and dope addicts are here'
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Re: Thatcher will have and DESERVES a state send off.

Post by dean1234 »

Scottie Stewart as drunk to much whiskey over Xmas me thinks. !hic!

Thatcher can pay for her own funnel as we cannot afford to waste money on a state funnel for her, if it ever happened.
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Re: Thatcher will have and DESERVES a state send off.

Post by RoddersUK »

I'm sure that they realise it was Scargill who was the reason Thatcher shut em. The pity is they listened to the bastard. I was born in a mining town.
