Oxford street stabbing

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Oxford street stabbing

Post by modfather »

Whats the solution to this all to familiar crime of teenage stabbings? Obviously a few years locked up at Her Majestys Pleasure is no detterant to these thugs.

I really do wonder if the death penalty for these senseless crimes would make them think twice, i know if it happened to one of my daughters then that is exactly what id want.
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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by RoddersUK »

As I understand, it was a gang of Somalis who had the fight. If they're illegals round em up and let em fight it out amongst themselves. Then deport the bastards.

Sam Slater
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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]I really do wonder if the death penalty for these senseless crimes would make them think twice,[/quote]

The murder rates of countries with and without the death penalty seem to indicate it doesn't make much difference at all.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by modfather »

Maybe it doesnt make a difference Sam but as a parent if it happened to one of mine im of the attitude of an eye for an eye. And id be happy to be executioner
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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by wayne »

It does make a difference theres no chance the cumbags ever see the light of day and no one has to pay to keep them alive and the associated costs.

But of course justice comes at a price it seems no one is willing to pay.
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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by wayne »

Sam Slater
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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]Maybe it doesnt make a difference Sam but as a parent if it happened to one of mine im of the attitude of an eye for an eye.[/quote]

Get a map and give yourself 30 mins of Googling. Put red pins in the countries that encourage 'an eye for and eye' and then put blue pins in the countries that have moved on from 'an eye for an eye'. Now work out how many of those countries with red pins you'd want to go raise your family up in.

[quote]And id be happy to be executioner[/quote]

Of course you would and I suppose I'd feel the same. I'm not criticising how you'd feel, only the view that to act out a need for revenge (because that's what it is, not justice) would somehow put the Universe back into balance. We wouldn't be rational, fair judges though, if we were passing sentencing on a suspected murderer of our daughter's and I can't see how anyone would receive a fair trial. Grieving father's taking it upon themselves to right perceived wrongs brings us into 'honour killing' territory and 'tit-for-tat' perpetual murder cycles between families. Again, look at the nations where this is the norm and tell me how many of them you'd like to raise your family in.

The 'Do NOT KILL, or I'll KILL YOU!' argument is absurd.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by william »

It may not be justice but by hell its what we need here.... Some amount of cunbts in jails that you and I have to pay for - to feed and clothe and then assist when they get out of prison. Nope if I had my way than I would kill the fuckers. simple. why should they live if a dog bites you then it gets the needle, if someone kills someone then by fuck they should be put down.
They say it makes no difference to the murder rates a country that executes or not, maybe so but it sure as hell reduces the money spent on keeping them alive.
Would answer that organ donation quandry aswell - harvest the organs from the bastards and use them for the good of the people give em something back. Hey look you killed that poor guy but look we used your organs to help save the life of 17 people.... retribution and revenge.
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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by modfather »

Sam its quite obvious that Jail terms mean fuck all to these scum so if not capital punishment what is your answer?
Sam Slater
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Re: Oxford street stabbing

Post by Sam Slater »

[quote]Sam its quite obvious that Jail terms mean fuck all to these scum so if not capital punishment what is your answer?[/quote]

Exactly. I suppose if you're the type of person who goes around killing people then jail or capital punishment won't make you any saner. Most killers are too arrogant and think they're too clever to get caught (the sociopaths) or don't think much about the consequences and punishments at all (the nutters).

There is not much of an answer I'm afraid. You'll always have bad, mad people. If anything at all does make a difference then I'd say it's culture. For instance, Europe has a lower murder rate than the US, yet more US states have the death penalty than EU countries. This could imply that having a death penalty might increase the murder rate. On the flip side the country with the highest murder rate in the world (South Africa) abolished capital punishment while the country with one of the lowest murder rates (Japan) haven't, implying the opposite. What we can assume from the two maps below is that if we rated each country by wealth and IQ, instead of abolishment/capital punishment, we'd see much more correlation with the murder rate.

So, I'll offer an answer. How about raising the living standards and education of the poor? A very clich?d and typical response from a wishy-washy liberal *rolls eyes* but there you go.

If our government don't want their citizens going around killing eachother the first thing they can do is set a good example.

Countries with/without death penalty.

Countries by murder rate.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]