Jeremy Bamber

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one eyed jack
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Re: Jeremy Bamber

Post by one eyed jack »

The mark of a great liar is when they can totally convince themself of the same lie and believe they are actually innocent.
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Re: Jeremy Bamber

Post by Bravo »

Today, this guy would be an innocent man. The case is a joke.
s rougier
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Re: Jeremy Bamber

Post by s rougier »

Today??? The last hearing of this case was only a few months ago. Has anything changed since then?

To answer Kyle Richmond who mentioned rabbits but in a confused way, the reason that rabbits were part of the story is that Bamber's fingerprints were on the murder weapon. He explained this by saying that he had used the gun to shoot rabbits.
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Re: Jeremy Bamber

Post by Bravo »

The sister did it, the guy got framed by his girlfriend, family(who took over the family property & police. The cops waited outside the house for hours after the incident because they heard someone inside, who was with the police at that exact time...yes, 'Jeremy Bamber'.
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Re: Jeremy Bamber

Post by JamesW »

"The cops waited outside the house for hours after the incident because they heard someone inside"

Your version of events is different to that given in the court records of the case.

According to police evidence given in court "there was no sound from the farm save for the barking of a dog". The defence stated that they agreed with this evidence.

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Re: Jeremy Bamber

Post by Flat_Eric »

Ned wrote:


"Many a true word" and all that ...

Kyle Richmond
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Re: Jeremy Bamber

Post by Kyle Richmond »

either the daily mail or the express did a double page spread this week listing all those inmates where life means life. They went on to say that of the dozens listed, only Bamber continues to protest his innocence.

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Re: Jeremy Bamber

Post by JamesW »

He does indeed protest his innocence, but is always confronted with many problems. Not least is the fact that the telephones in the house had been disabled (presumably to prevent anyone calling the police) and yet Jeremy Bamber nevertheless claims that his father still called him to ask for help, saying that his sister was running amok with a gun.

Furthermore, as a matter of common sense Nevill Bamber would surely have called the police before calling Jeremy, would be not? Even if Jeremy had received such a call surely he in turn would have immediately called the police, and alerted the farm workers who lived close to the farmhouse, and also driven at speed to the house. Jeremy had instead called his girlfriend first and then the police afterwards and even then had not used the 999 emergency number. When Jeremy drove to the house the police overtook him on the way, with the police noting that strangely he wasn't driving very fast.

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Kyle Richmond
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Re: Jeremy Bamber

Post by Kyle Richmond »

there have been 3 or 4 programmes about it as i recall, ITV real crime and 2 or 3 on satellite/cable probably under something like discovery crime .But i'm sure i recall that the investigation or lack of one was going nowhere until julie mugford? went to the police and up until then foul play was not being considered.

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Re: Jeremy Bamber

Post by Meatus »

Having read 3 books on this case, i feel that i at least warrent to share my opinion. The reason i haven't already is that its very difficult to change public opinion or perception. And in cases like this there are so many false things that people claim to be true. Though i feel i need to at least point out that almost everything JamesW and a few others have posted on here have been entirely false!

First of all there is evidence from the telephone company that a phone call was placed from the farm to Jeremy Bambers number at the exact time Bamber states, what the telephone company failed to prove was if the call had been answered, leading to the prosecution stating that Bamber made the call himself. The telephone company could say for certain that the call had been made and furthermore when the checked in on the line at 4:30 am that the phone was off the hook and that voices could be heard as well as a dog barking. Also Bamber was at the farm before the police and waiting for them. When the officers arrived he seemed "calm, composed and was acting completely natural" to them. He didn't seem irrational, unnerved, overly sweating or panicked. They all approached the house together were they all saw a figure at the window with a gun and they retreated back to the police car to call for back up. Bamber also explained to the officers outside that he had dialled the local police station and not 999 as he thought it would affect the time the officers arrived, ie he thought they would come quicker from the local police. He also said that Nevill would call him rather than the police because he was a private man who would want to keep things within the family. He also told police that he had called them and then telephoned Julie Mugford. Only later after Mugford turned on him and he was arrested by police did he say he telephoned her and then the police. Then reverting back to his original statement saying that with all the shock he had been confused about the sequence of events. A police log timed at 3:26 am on 7 August was entered as evidence at the trial, but it was not shown to the jury, or seen by Bamber's lawyers until at least 2004. It discusses a telephone call made that night to a local police station. According to the defence team, the call was made by Nevill Bamber. The log is headed "daughter gone berserk," and says: "Mr Bamber, White House Farm, Tolleshunt d?Arcy?daughter Sheila Bamber, aged 26 years, has got hold of one of my guns." It adds (referring to a call to police known to have been made by Bamber;): "Message passed to CD by the son of Mr Bamber after phone went dead." It goes on to say: "Mr Bamber has a collection of shotguns and .410s," and it includes the telephone number 860209, the number at the time for White House Farm. The final entry says: "0356 GPO [the telephone operator] have checked phone line to farmhouse and confirm phone left off hook." The log shows that a patrol car, Charlie Alpha 7 (CA7), was sent to the scene at 3.35 am. If this did indeed log a telephone call from Nevill Bamber, it would confirm Bamber's story.

Also as stated previously here, there are police radio and police telephone logs noting that the police were on the telephone first to a man in the house and then to a woman, and reports of officers retreating from the door of the house as shots were fired all the while Jeremy Bamber was stood outside the house with the police officers. After the bodies were discovered, a doctor, Dr. Craig, was called to the house to certify the deaths, which he testified could have occurred at any time during the night. He said Bamber appeared to be in a state of shock, broke down, cried, and seemed to vomit. The doctor said Bamber told him at that point about the discussion the family had had about possibly having Sheila's sons fostered.

The officer in charge of the case DCI "Taff" Jones never at any time suspected Bamber had any involvement in the killings or that it was anything other than a "Murder - Suicide" carried out by Sheila Caffell. He investigated thorughly and he and his superiors were completely convinced it was a "Murder - Suicide" only 1 officer a DC Jones (Not to be confused with DCI "Taff" Jones) thought that Bamber may be guilty, basing his entire theory on a gut feeling he had after he heard Bamber say that he wanted to eat breakfast because he was hungry after hearing that his family had died. Saying "what normal person wants to eat food at a moment like that?". Though how he can say for any certainty what a person would do is anyone's guess. Though the case would still have been closed as a "Murder - Suicide" even though the family - The Boutflours and Ann Eaton, who now own and live on the farm, expressed their concern that Jeremy was involved as according to them, Sheila had no mental history (which was untrue) they annoyed "Taff" Jones so much that he ordered them out of the police station. The scenes of crime officers did not see any silencer in the cupboard where it was later found.

The break in the case did indeed come from Julie Mugford Bambers Girlfriend who was his alibi. After the funerals she had asked Bamber to wed her which he turned down. Angry she stormed out after which Bamber then had sex with her friend. After attempting a reconciliation with Bamber, Bamber told her he no longer wanted to see her and confessed to his having sex with her friend. Mugford was in hysterics and then went to DC Jones saying that Bamber was involved and that he told her he planned to pay a hitman (whom she named as Bambers friend) ?1000 to kill his family so he could claim the inheritence. Police checked this and the suspect Mugford named was in Thailand at the time. Mugford then changed her story saying that Bamber said he was going to get the hitman, but since he was out of the country he would do it himself.

Then after breaking into the Bamber Farm, David Boutflour, Robert Boutflour and Ann Eaton, then discovered the silencer in the gun cupboard in the farm that the scenes of crime officers had somehow missed? The family took the silencer to Ann Eaton's home to examine it, and later said they found the surface had been damaged, and there seemed to be red paint and blood on it. They put the silencer in a bag with some blood stained underwear of Sheila Caffells and then informed the police. Who took 3 days to collect the silencer. The officer then handled the silencer without wearing gloves but noticed that there was an inch long grey hair attached to it, but this was lost before the silencer arrived at the forensic science centre. The family returned to the farmhouse to search for the source of the red paint, and found what they said was recent damage to the underside of the red-painted mantel above the Aga in the kitchen. A scenes-of-crime officer, DI Cook, took a paint sample on 14 August, and it contained the same 15 layers of paint and varnish found in the plaint flake on the silencer. On 1 October, casts were taken of the marks on the mantel, and the marks were deemed consistent with having been caused by the silencer being in contact with the mantel more than once. During Bambers appeal the defence have shown using a number of photograph's that the marks were created after the crime scene photo's were taken. Blood was found in the firearm was found to be the same blood group as Sheila's, which the prosecution tried to point out proved that it meant Bamber was the killer because if the silencer was fitted then the gun was too long for Sheila to commit suicide. This was disproved and it was entirely possible that Sheila could have pulled the trigger herself. Also it was only true that the blood type was the same as that of Sheila's, not that it was Sheila's blood. The blood type was also the same as a mixture of Nevill and June's blood and that of Robert Boutflour who was there when the silencer was found. Firearms expert Major Freddy Mead also stated that there was reason to believe that the silencer was even used. Part of Bamber's defence is that the cousins who discovered the crucial evidence were the beneficiaries of his estate, which his defence team say taints any discovery they say they made. Ann Eaton, who was present on the day the silencer was found, now lives in White House Farm.

Bamber was arrested entirely on Mugford's testimony and he claimed she made up the allegation because he jilted her. He said the friend she claimed he had paid, was out of the country (which was true). He also said that he had seen his parent's wills and that he knew that they had left their estate to him and Sheila but that he had knew this for years and it was no reason to kill them. He was not in debt, had been working hard on the farm. Was earning good money. He got along with both his parents and that he was happy. He also said that the gun was always used with the silencer off because otherwise it did not fit in its case. He reiterated he had know reason to kill his parents and stated the Boutflour's and Ann Eaton were making their claims as if he was convicted then they would be the sole beneficeries of the estate. And that their reason for suspecting him was that Sheila was a lovely girl who wouldn't commit the crime and had no mental condition. This was entirely untrue, as for the past 6 years the Boutflour's and Eaton had only saw Caffell at Christmas and with Nevill and June being private people, its not the sort of topic one brings up at Christmas, the fact of their daughters mental health problems.

The fact of the matter is Sheila Caffell suffered from mental health conditions and since 1983 had been seeing a psychiatrist Dr Hugh Ferguson who said she was in an agitated and psychotic state and admitted her, diagnosing a schizoaffective disorder characterized by disturbance of thinking and perception. He said she was paranoid, struggling with the concept of good and evil, and believed the devil had taken her over and given her the power to project evil onto others, including her sons; she believed she could make them have sex and cause violence with her. She also believed she was capable of murdering them, or of getting them to kill others. And spoke intently of having sex with them. She also spoke about suicide, though he did not regard her as a suicide risk. She was treated with Stelazine, an anti-psychotic drug. Because of her mental-health problems, her sons lived with their father, though she continued to see them. On 3 March 1985 she was re-admitted to St Andrew's, apparently very disturbed. She again spoke about good and evil, this time related to religious ideas, and not with reference to her children or parents. She was discharged on 29 March 1985, and thereafter received monthly injections of Haloperidol, an anti-psychotic that also has a sedative effect. According to Bamber on the night of the killings their parents had discussed the possibility of the children being placed into temporary foster care and an argument started. Her psychiatrist, Dr. Ferguson, told the Court of Appeal in 2002 that the suggestion would have provoked a strong reaction: "I would have expected her, were this to be put to her suddenly, to be a very substantial threat and I would have expected her to react very strongly to what to her would be the loss of her children. I would not have expected her to be passive about that." He added that, had the fostering suggestion been confined to day-time help, Sheila might have welcomed it. The boys had been in temporary foster care before in London, which had not appeared to cause a problem. Barbara Wilson, the farm's secretary, telephoned the farmhouse at 9.30 pm that evening and spoke to Nevill. She said he was short with her, and Wilson was left with the impression that she had interrupted an argument. When Sheila's body was found, her fingerprints were on the weapon. And her post mortem showed traces of lead on her hands and that her urine indicated she had taken cannabis some days before, and the anti-psychotic drug Haloperidol. Sheila's bloodstained nightdress and bloodstained bedding and carpets were burned by the police! The scene of crime officer removed the rifle without wearing gloves and it was not examined for fingerprints until months later. The bible found with Sheila was never examined and is now missing! A hacksaw blade that was found in the garden and which police believe was used to gain entry into the house lay in the garden for months. And none of the officers made contemporaneous notes! Those who dealt with Bamber wrote down their statements weeks later! Bamber's clothes were not examined until 1 month after the families funerals and that all blood samples from the case have now been destroyed!!!

Now each and everybody will have their own opinions. And things here could be viewed as typical defence strategies etc. Also i know there are a lot of guilty men proclaiming there innocence. But i am not gullable either and the law states a conviction of Guilty can only be reached if the prosecution proves beyond reasonable doubt the defendents guilt. There is more than enough here that throws much more than reasonable doubt into question. I wholeheartedly believe that there is enough to see Bamber released. That doesn't necessarily mean he is Not Guilty. But if he is Guilty, then let the law Prove It (Beyond Reasonable Doubt!!). And think of Julie Mugford, now living in Canada and working as a Head Teacher, never setting foot in the UK again and the Boutflour and Eaton family who inherited the entire Bamber estate and now live in White House Farm. What are their motives???

For anyone with more than a passing interest in the case i would highly recommend the book Jeremy Bamber by Scott Lomax a totally impartial account of the case and the most up to date. And also Murder At White House Farm by Claire Powell. Both are very researched and thoroughly enjoyable reads.