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David Johnson
Posts: 7844
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by David Johnson »

Frank said
"An intelligent person can always determine a shallow, stupid or poorly
informed comment. Censoring the comments, like censorship generally,
is a bad step."

Charles said
" would like to see the most evil minded, crass, bigoted, racist, sexist, ageist, comments on ANY site, be they a forum or otherwise. hy the hell should someones comments be deleted, whether you think they are right or wrong they are still someones feelings.

OEJ you are spot on. Charles and Frank are wrong. Frank dwells on an "intelligent person". What about the unintelligent people, Frank?

Let's imagine a situation where Frank, white lives in an overwhelingly black community. Charles is Asian and lives in an overwhelmingly white community. As a result of lengthy hate campaigns on local forums, both Frank and Charles are attacked and beaten up by members of the majority community.

I doubt if either Frank or Charles would be quite so keen about unfettered freedom of speech. This is why we have incitement to violence, racial violence, homophobic violence etc. as crimes which in fact limit what can be said/not said. And to do this is perfectly sensible in an increasingly hate-filled world.

Sam Slater
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Re: YouTube

Post by Sam Slater »

I remember something about Google being sued in Italy due to a few clips being put up whereby the individuals in the film were bullying other kids with Downs Syndrome. The offensive videos were removed within a few days but the Italian authorities still pressed charges against Google employees working within Italy.

Google's defence was that they'd need to employ 25,000 people, working shifts, to vet every youtube clip uploaded. An impossible task.

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
one eyed jack
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Re: YouTube

Post by one eyed jack »

I'm very sceptical about its inability to remove nasty hate filled comments of a personal nature

They get rid of porn quickly. I can believe they can't effectively rid the comments of all negativity nor wold I expect them to. I expect the usual dont like it, its shit, crap to be ok but you can hit the mass delete button on those nasty messages typed in block capitals that take it off the range and make it personal surely?

I'm not for censorship. I'm for classification. Time and place. Adults only stuff where its necessary.

YouTube just isnt that place and it disgusts me that they allow this to go on.

Kids shouldnt have to read stuff like that even if everyone thinks that the internet should be the place where they can see it.

As for ATVOD, they claim to be protecting children with their new quango but its not changing anything but making them a shedload of cash if things like this continue

We are living in an era where hatred is being bred into people and the internet is a major component of that.

I guess thats the price of freedom but it dont mean I should be happy about it

Maybe YouTube should be on every parents list to ban their kids from looking at or at least rein them in with ATVOD regulations. The fact they remove porn means they have editorial control and Im sure its also run over here as well or simply just put up a disclaimer: This site contains hate filled comments of a personal, racist and sexist nature. Enter at your own risk and put parental controls on their site.
Posts: 276
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: YouTube

Post by dean1234 »

Youtube will not remove unnecessary, sexist and generally nasty comments, they leave it to the users who put videos on there

you have 3 setting to pick from after you have uploaded a video clip

options are
1 let any one post a comment (its the standard setting)
2 approve all comments , which means you can decide if the comment is shown on the videos comments area.
3 no comments a loud, meaning you block every one from posting a comment on the video clip you post on youtube.

Its only for your vids you upload to youtube.