Sensitivities but are the rioters mostly black?

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Sensitivities but are the rioters mostly black?

Post by mrmcfister »

Seems blindingly obvious to me but every media outlet seems to be pussyfooting around this.From what I see it is 90 % +. If they were Chinese or whatever then this may have been mentioned by HM gutter press don't you think?
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Re: Sensitivities but are the rioters mostly black?

Post by Warpig »

Yep Mostly black, But some white scum aswell.

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Re: Sensitivities but are the rioters mostly black?

Post by Jonone »

Mostly white in Mcr and Salford. What's your point ?
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Re: Sensitivities but are the rioters mostly black?

Post by Lizard »

Mostly cunt's actually.

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Re: Sensitivities but are the rioters mostly black?

Post by bernard72 »

Mostly just dickheads
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Re: Sensitivities but are the rioters mostly black?

Post by frankthring »

This is a very interesting point and I did a quick study of all the current
pix on the Daily Mail website (yes, I KNOW its the Mail, but they do
have a very good photo selection always on their site). The answer was
one fifth white and four-fifths coloured youths. And literally everyone -
quite astounding really - wearing hoodies (or some kind of casual top
with a hood). So it seems fairly easy to spot a likely rioter and to protect
your property tell anyone wearing a hoodie, and especially black youths, or
anyone under 30, to fuck off !!
On a more serious note, there is absolutely no question that most rioters
are coloured. Since the riots happen in poor urban areas that is hardly
surprising. Before anyone tries to lecture me on the sensitivities of the
race issue, let me add that such looting and behaviour is absolutely
inexcusable in a society like modern Britain and the black community ought
to feel thoroughly and totally ashamed that so many of their young have
such little sense of right and wrong ! It is a sad fact but facts are often not
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Re: Sensitivities but are the rioters mostly black?

Post by Peter »

mrmcfister wrote:

but every media outlet seems to be pussyfooting around this.

There was a funny (in a sad way) interview along these lines on Sky yesterday.

The girl was in the street, interviewing either a shopkeeper or a witness to the shop being attacked, the guy seemed reasonable enough, it didn't seem he had an agenda, but she asked him what happened

Witness "I saw about 20 black youths kicking the door in and robbing the place"

Interviwer "Now they weren't all black, were they?"

W "Yes"

I "There must have been some white guys amongst them?"

W "No"

I " come on, there were, weren't there?"

W "No, I didn't see any, sorry"

She totally lost interest in the story in trying to sanitise the story to her/someones PC standards.

We have need of you again, great king.
Dave Wells
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Re: Sensitivities but are the rioters mostly black?

Post by Dave Wells »

Did anyone also notice that yesterdays coverage of Cameron spouting off was presented by a black news reader and behind cameron was a black police officer. Coincidences ?

Dave Wells
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Here you go...

Post by derrick76 »

Mostly what again?

This nonsense isn't about race. It's about thieves taking advantage.

Or perhaps you meant that most of the rioters are black and the looters are...
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Re: Here you go...

Post by Peter »

It seems most of the rioters in Manchester were white, I noticed this because most everyone reporting on it went to great lengths to inform me of the looters skin colour last night.

On the contrary, the London based trouble did seem to be predominantly a black thing, (at least in the beginning) although the self same media went to great lengths to avoid referring to skin colour.

We have need of you again, great king.