Beating anxiety...

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Re: Beating anxiety...

Post by max_tranmere »

Thanks for those last few comments, the St Johns Wort tablets have been helping for a week now and I see no reason why they wont continue to work. They really do take the edge off the low mood and anxiety.
Sam Slater
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Re: Beating anxiety...

Post by Sam Slater »

Anxiety? I wouldn't worry about it...

[i]I used to spend a lot of time criticizing Islam on here in the noughties - but things are much better now.[/i]
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Re: Over the counter tablets...

Post by jimslip »

"Max, you smoke.............. in other words give you all the symptoms of physical and psychological arousal."

Wow, smoking 40 fags a day never did that for me used to just make me feel tired! lol

By the way, Max, again be careful about "Giving up". Non smoking NHS do gooders, love telling you how easy it is to give up (Of course none of them have EVER smoked themselves) and how you're over the withdrawal symptoms in a few weeks. That's utter bollocks!

If you've been smoking for years, it's not that simple. Your body is totally dependent on them. Smoking a fag is the fastest and most efficient way to put sugar into your blood. That's why when you stop smoking you suddenly want to eat..... to put sugar in your blood. Problem is, a fag does it in a few seconds, but a donut takes 20 minutes, that's why people start eating more and more. The NHS doesn't mention any of this. (It's a shame the authorities don't address the problem of drunks with the same crazed, rampant zeal with which they've attacked smokers!)

Anyway, it took me nearly 2 years to get over the symptoms of giving up the tabs. I used to feel faint all the time and needed a Lucozade or some fruit. I feel better now, finally. Actually smoking GAVE ME UP! I simply couldn't fag anymore, it was like my body said, "Enough with the fagging, already!" Everytime I tried to smoke, my throat would close up, it was horrible, so I was forced to stop.

About the St Johns Wort, just make sure you mention you're on this if you should go to the doctor and he prescribes some stuff to you.


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turan / jim..

Post by max_tranmere »

Thanks for the comments. When it comes to me being a smoker, I only smoke when I have a beer and occasionally with a cup of tea on the internet. If I going out I will have my first fag of the day at about 7.00 or 8.00pm, not having had one for possibly 2 or 3 days, or at least since the night before. Sometimes if I go away and don't find myself going out on the ale, I wont smoke for a week and I dont miss it. Some people would ask 'why do you smoke at all then?' and my answer is 'the same reason I have a beer in the pub'. I could just have lemonade or orange juice but I like a beer. I could always just not smoke when I have a beer at the boozer but I like a fag. I sometimes wish though that they would ban smoking within a 100 metre radius of pubs aswell - that way us social smokers wouldnt be able to smoke at all. It does concern me from a health viewpoint that I still smoke.
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Post by max_tranmere »

It's funny cos some people say smoking relaxes people others say it makes a person anxious. It certainly isn't healthy. As I said in my comment earlier, I am only a social smoker but any kind of smoking is bad for you I guess.
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Re: Beating anxiety...

Post by tuf766 »

A good few year back i had all those symptoms you describe but i think i was mostly depressed, the doctor put me on anti depressants and i had counselling and saw a few psychiatrists..this went on for almost 2 years and nothing worked to lift my mood, everything looked like it had a black outline around it, like nothing would brighten up, a friend was going travelling for a few months and suggested i went with him, i did and it changed my mood, i felt a lot better for it and realised that was what was needed..a change of scenery and culture..perhaps you could try something similar?
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Re: Beating anxiety...

Post by davyboy »

Hey Max , been around the block more times than enough with that. Anxiety is caused by stress and anxiety and stress lead on to depression. There are numerous ways to overcome and deal with it, I would stay away from anti-depressants and the like, there are simple techniques to switch your mind away from the negative thought and past memories ,etc. email me privately and I'll let you know.


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Post by max_tranmere »

thanks for that, but this last week and a half has seen a massive improvement after I started taking the over the counter medication. I agree though that travelling is a good thing to sort one's head out - change of scene and all that.