Gordon Brown

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David Johnson
Posts: 7844
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am


Post by David Johnson »

Ah well that's history for you.

It goes back a long, long time.

David Johnson
Posts: 7844
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Charles

Post by David Johnson »

"How is your erection coming along?"

I will leave you to dream about it.

Posts: 2939
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Gordon Brown

Post by Jonone »

'we all know that'

You don't speak for me Tuf. You don't tell me what I know and don't know.
David Johnson
Posts: 7844
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: Charles

Post by David Johnson »

"I simply meant the windmill on your roof David!!!."

I know PH. Its called double entendre.

Essex Lad
Posts: 2539
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Bad PMs

Post by Essex Lad »

David Johnson wrote:

> "He was the worst PM in history we all know that "
> I suspect you are not familiar with George Grenville, PM from
> 1763 to 1765.
What about Lord North? PM when we lost America.

Brown is probably the worst PM in modern history - that might be more accurate or living memory perhaps. And it takes some going to beat Anthony Eden and Ted Heath...
Essex Lad
Posts: 2539
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Brown appraisal

Post by Essex Lad »

David Johnson wrote:

> Lizard,
> "I can't think of a more odious individual than Brown"
> Really? How about Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, err, Rupert
> Murdoch?

I think Lizard meant those around today...
> "He shat on all his collegues to grasp at becoming PM",
> Brown felt he had a deal with Blair about becoming PM and he
> wanted the deal implemented. Blair's appraisal of Brown is
> "utterly brilliant, but very, very difficult"

I think the reason Blair didn't go is because he realised Brown wasn't up to the job or as John Denham said "Gordon will be a fucking awful Prime Minister".

> " a job he clearly wasn't up to, "
> If the euro goes down the swannee, lets see how Call me Dave
> and Boy George get on. When Brown lost the election, the
> country was out of recession, unemployment was going down,
> expected borrowing was down substantially. In the last 9
> months under Boy George, the economy has flatlined. It is a
> whisker away from a double dip recession.

Unemployment was going down (and indeed still is) because Brown put huge swathes of people on the public payroll. 900,000 more work for the state than did before Labour took office. Can you really claim that we are better off with 5-a-day co-ordinators or walking to school arrangers or lesbian outreach workers or trampoline advisers?
> "abused the good nature of a pensioner calling her bigoted,"
> As you may or may know, he misunderstood her remarks about
> immigration. Obviously, someone like yourself has never said
> anything you might regret afterwards, so this makes it
> difficult for you to empathise.

And then said that it was Sue's fault. Gormless Gordon - always someone else's fault. Blame Sue Nye for his cock-up...
> " fucked the economy by deregulating the banks"
> Have a word with Thatcher about the above statement. Thatcher
> deregulated the banks as part of her regime. Remember the Big
> Bang, "You can't buck the markets", Loadsamoney Harry Enfield.
> It was Thatcher fuelling the Big Bang with a load of cut price
> privatisations. Blair and Brown did little to regulate them,
> but you cant argue that the Labour party was responsible for
> the deregulation.
> ,"and blamed EVERYTHING on a 'Global crisis', "
> Prior to the "Global" crisis, the UK had the second lowest
> deficit in the G8. The deficit under Labour prior to the
> global financial crash was generally less than it had been
> under Thatcher.

Labour inherited an incredibly strong economy. If the Tories had won in 1997, Ken Clarke would probably have stayed chancellor and GB's reputation for prudence may never have been tested. When it was tested, it was found wanting
> "as soon as the NOTW episode erupted he came out of the
> woodwork all Nokia's blazing, to accuse the SUN of obtaining
> details by deception of his son's health, details of which he
> had already allowed to be printed, he's a utter utter creep"
> To introduce an element of much needed precision into your
> rant. He got a phone call from Rebekah Brooks saying the NOTW
> had discovered the information about his son and that they were
> running with the story. Do you really think that the NOTW
> would have decided not to run the story, if Brown had said not
> to - the same company that had hacked a murdered girl's phone
> and deleted messages? Maybe the NOTW phoned the Pakistani
> cricket team "Hey we have this great story about corruption.
> Do you want us to run with it or not?"

The Sun did not hack Brown's phone to get the Fraser story. It was a tip-off from a member of the public. Brown says that he and Mrs Brown cried after the call from Rebekah Brooks. The same Rebekah Brooks for whom Sarah Brown arranged a 40th birthday party and who had "sleepovers" at Chequers.
> "MP's who quite rightly have had the heat turned up on them now
> sitting in judgement on the very same free press that exposed
> them."
> A number of MPs have been jailed for fiddling their expenses.
> Having a "free press" has nothing to do with criminal
> activities such as blagging information, phone hacking and
> bribing the police. The members of the free press are subject
> to the same laws as the MPs.

How many people could name/recognise any of the MPs/peers jailed? Gordon Brown fiddled his exes, so did H. Blears, M. Beckett, A. Darling, E. Balls, Y. Cooper as well as numerous Tories and Liberals. Funny how none of the big names got sent down
> Cheers
> D
number 6
Posts: 2053
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Re: Gordon Brown

Post by number 6 »

Author: charles
Date: 07-14-11 18:50

He was, and still is an odious little twat, as are you number 6 because you start a thread and never back it up.

.....takes one to know one.
number 6
Posts: 2053
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Re: Gordon Brown

Post by number 6 »

If you hate Brown,its because you hate Labour and anything left wing. Brown was and is a decent guy,Blair hated him because he represented true Labour values, we as a country are luck we had him for 10 years as cancellor. Look who we have now,a jumped up ex etonian who would struggle to change a lighbulb,screwing the country into the ground. And its those who work at the bottom for the low wages who will feel the shit,not any tories.