88,000 down !!!!!!

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Dave Wells
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88,000 down !!!!!!

Post by Dave Wells »

Unemployment figures - Absolute fuckin bullshit Tory liars !

Dave Wells

David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »

Yeah, statistics eh!

There's a lot of stuff behind that one figure, 88,000. The obvious assumption our esteemed Tory led government wants us to make is - great that's 88,000 people who have found jobs and got off the unemployment register.

This site has some presumably independent info. It's the Office of National Statistics who produce the figures for the government.


Hey they even have a video!!!!!!! Okay it's not Oral Office Part 2.

And surprise, surprise it's not quite like that.

1. There has been an increase in the number of people who are inactive in this period(16-64 year olds) of 39,000. Being inactive tends to be people who were looking for work but have decided to: be a student; look afer the family or just think, fuck it, I give up because they have run out of Jobseekers Allowance and they have savings which would prevent them claiming other benefits.

2. 15,000 people were employed as temporary workers for the National Census.

3.The number of employees and self-employed people working part-time because they could not find a full-time job increased by 46,000 on the quarter to reach 1.21 million, the highest figure since comparable records began in 1992.

So if you take these into account, the employment news is not so rosy.

Phil Phee
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Re: Dave

Post by Phil Phee »

"lies, damned lies and..." eh?
Snake Diamond
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Re: 88,000 down !!!!!!

Post by Snake Diamond »

A friend of the family works at a hospital local to 1 of the major uk airports, she sees literally thousands of ppl coming though immigration on a monthly basis, with that not all are working (well under 70%), so yeah, the statistics of unemployment are false.

Snake Diamond,
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Snake Diamond
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Re: Dave

Post by Snake Diamond »

I totally agree, they are masters of "fiddling the statistics". Literally any form of unemployment, partial unemployment etc, which is not the standard JSA & benefit rate, your not counted, complete bullshite.

Snake Diamond,
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Re: 88,000 down !!!!!!

Post by Jonone »

It's rather like when East Germany said there were no suicides in East Germany because who would want to kill themselves when they lived in the perfect state ? They just didn't record suicides as such.

Any performance indicator which can reflect poorly (or well) on a government will be subject to manipulation.
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Re: 88,000 down !!!!!!

Post by jimslip »

Yes Dave, the Tories almost certainly are bunch of lying cheats, but before you surrender to the siren call of David Johnson's, "Oh of course our Glorious New Labour masters would NEVER have thought to manipulate statistics to suit their own agenda!" you might want to plough through this heap of stinking sleaze and corruption, that the last lot left behind!

Open yourself a tinny, 'cos it will take you a few hours!

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David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson »


"but before you surrender to the siren call of David Johnson's, "Oh of course our Glorious New Labour masters would NEVER have thought to manipulate statistics to suit their own agenda!"

You do seem to be getting a tad obsessed with me, Jimbo, don't you?

Dave posted about the recent unemployment figures produced for the Tory led government and how the government interpreted them.

Strangely enough, my reply was about the topic Dave chose.

If Dave had posted, which he didn't, Do all governments massage unemployment statistics?, if I had bothered to reply, my answer would have been Yes.

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Re:Labour Watch

Post by jimslip »

Out of the hundreds of links some don't work now, but there's plenty to be getting on with. Or you could just scroll down the hundreds and hundreds of links and just say to yourself, "Oh my God, I'd forgotten what a bunch of cunts they were!"

Just make sure you bookmark the page so you can look before the next election.

Anyway here's some more reading that shows BOTH parties to be a bunch of corrupt, sleazy liars! Although I think in this poll New Labour win the "Sleaze-Factor" on points!

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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Re: Dave

Post by RoddersUK »

Doesn't matter which party counts the numbers, they will always make any number look good.
According to all you left wing mongs Labour never manipulated any figures, financial or unemployment, whereas the tories lie through their teeth to make unemployment and the economy look good.
Get fucking real you twatts.
