A funny thing happened on my way to the forum!!

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A funny thing happened on my way to the forum!!

Post by SpannerProductions »

Hiya Folks.

Has this happened to anybody else? and if so any ideas how to sort it....

Both myself and the missus 'Storm', have BGAFD logins - I've recently commented on a thread in the promotions forum and as normal it came up as the reply being from me 'Spanner' as you might expect - However I just changed forums, and was about to leave a comment on another thread when I noticed the reply box was showing as it would have come from 'Storm'........

Possibly a really simple solution or possibly even a really daft question but do you have to log out & log in for each forum?? or is it more likely my PC playing silly fuckers !!!

And yes this is Spanner..................lol

Posts: 5409
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: A funny thing happened on my way to the forum!!

Post by myson »

Hello young Spanner, how's it hanging dude?

I noticed (back in the mists of time) that when you switch from one forum to another (all on the BGAFD of course) that a "login" on one forum does not carry across to one of the other forums.

Why this be I haven't got a clue. In your particular case, could it possibly be that Storm had already been logged in on the forum you changed to so when you switched, you automatically went in on her login? Just a guess, I don't really know.


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Re: A funny thing happened on my way to the forum!!

Post by Storm »

See, this is exactly what I mean.lol

Hello Myson me old mate - still slightly off centre !!!!

Long time no chat. Hope all is well with you and yours.

I'm going to log out of everything and log back in and see what happens - Q) why has the cheeky moo been using my lappy, when she has her own...lazy mare.lol !fight!

Posts: 5409
Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2017 2:40 am

Re: A funny thing happened on my way to the forum!!

Post by myson »

"still slightly off centre !!!!"
Ain't we all? !laugh!

"Long time no chat. Hope all is well with you and yours."
Indeed it is. I'm pretty good thanks, still struggling as usual though !nuts!.

"Q) why has the cheeky moo been using my lappy, when she has her own...lazy mare.lol"

Ah, now that makes sense.
I reckon it's this......both of your laptops are sharing the same broadband connection.........correct?
If so, then the forum can't differentiate between the two as they will both have the same IP Address. At least I believe that's how it works (I'm not a 5 year old so not a 'puter expert !grin!).

