Russell Brand

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Russell Brand

Post by jimslip »

Does anyone understand the enigma that is Russell Brand? The Yanks hate him and he doesn't seem that popular over here, yet he seems to get endless film roles. If you read his Wiki entry (I believe you can write these yourself) he seems to have had an early life of tragedy, drug and sexual abuse, yet still manages to get into the Italia Conti Stage School for 3 years having "left home at 16".

Essex council funded the whole thing, really? Tuition?, food? accommodation?, money for hard drugs? and then manages to get into the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, presumably still being funded by some invisible benefactor. Of course, his bio has him always being, "Expelled" from these establishments, but it never mentions how he managed to maintain his expensive lifestyle. After all, living under a cloud of amphetamines, cannabis, LSD, cocaine and heroin costs big money.

Is it just me that smells the stench of a publicist's fanciful creation behind this life story and in fact his whole background was in reality, comfortably middle class? Of course he would have got nowhere without a valiant story of rising from the ghetto against all odds.

Look at poor old James Blunt. The poor fool actually admitted that not only was he a "toff" but also an army officer. He may as well have announced, that he was a paid up Nazi, as, from then on was hated and mocked by the media.

Could this have been the fate of Russell Brand if he'd admitted the truth?

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
Winner of "Best On-Line scene & Best Gonzo Production" at UKAP Awards 2006
Winner of Best TVX series 2011, "Laras Anal Adventures"
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Re: Russell Brand

Post by max_tranmere »

"...if I should die, think only this of me: this is a part of, ahem, the country we fought to defend that will be (thanks to useless our of touch politicans) forever now foreign..." Wasn't that it? Errr, maybe it was something else...
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Post by max_tranmere » last comment was supposed to appear on the 'Richard Holmes RIP' thread. Not sure why it ended up on here...
Phil Phee
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Re: Russell Brand

Post by Phil Phee »

So why were you spunking your time away goading RB fans in the first instance? A picture is emerging here...
Phil Phee
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Re: Russell Brand: an addendum FAO Turan

Post by Phil Phee »

"I'm really not interested in debating...I don't have a copious amount of time as you do" Turan Hosting 01/05/11. Ahem!
Deuce Bigolo
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Re: Russell Brand

Post by Deuce Bigolo »

I've no doubts hes a lie on a lie on a lie but if you have enough belief in your bullshit your probably meant to be a comedian or a politician

Is Russell brand any more annoying than say Frank Skinner,Ricky Gervais or the team at Little Britain?

You either find his brand of in your face humour funny
or think he should have been drowned at birth

What ever the truth of his background I dont think it matters all that much as
the viewers only care about one thing and thats watching/listening to someone/something that will take their minds of the dreary thing we call
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Re: Russell Brand

Post by RoddersUK »

An unfunny twatt indeed and as unfunny as the other named twatts.
