Iran-Are we being sold a pup?

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Iran-Are we being sold a pup?

Post by jimslip »

What with Middle East "Peace" Envoy, Tony Blair advocating an attack on Iran to liquidate their nuclear program, perhaps the good folk of BGAFD may consider this hypothesis.

Warmongers like Blair, the US and Israel are maintaining that the Iranians have gone to all the trouble of building their nuclear reactor to extract weapons grade plutonium to shove in a bomb and threaten us all.

This is utter bollocks, check this article which shows the amount of missing plutonium JUST FROM THE USA:

and from Russia:

In fact there was a Russian, (Now dead) who was storing a pile of Plutonium 239 in his garden shed!

My point is, with the $Billions that Iran has to hand, they can easily buy Plutonium on the black market and possibly even a nuclear weapon from some dodgy Russian base commander.

If I can find this out in 5 minutes, it just shows you how dishonest and corrupt these bloodthirsty bastards are, with the wealth of expertise at their disposal, that are promoting war on Iran.

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Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Iran-Are we being sold a pup?

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

America needs a new enemy, their foreign policy, and justification for the defence budget falls flat if there is peace. Blair will be under instructions to stir as much shit as poss while lining his coffers with more blood money.
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Re: Iran-Are we being sold a pup?

Post by jimslip »

Would be great to see Blair arrested before his "Middle East Peace Envoying" ends up starting WW3!

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
Winner of "Best On-Line scene & Best Gonzo Production" at UKAP Awards 2006
Winner of Best TVX series 2011, "Laras Anal Adventures"
Arginald Valleywater
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Re: Iran-Are we being sold a pup?

Post by Arginald Valleywater »

He is made of pure Teflon. And he is being punished every day by being married to Godzilla's slightly less feminine sister!
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Re: Iran-Are we being sold a pup?

Post by FridaySe »

They are indulging in the political game of using their choosen bad guy to unite the country behind them and as a result give themselves a nice big smoke screen to hide any dodgy dealings behind.

They are of course trying to be a bit subtler than the last guy that did this about 70 years ago, but they are being somewhat clumsy with the attempt.
