soho sex cinema's

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soho sex cinema's

Post by savo13 »

does anyone know much about the soho cinema's? Are they safe? a rip off? what goes on in there (apart form the obvious porn on screen!)? Never visited one but always curious about them.
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Re: soho sex cinema's

Post by Jonone »

What would you like to happen Savo ?
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Re: soho sex cinema's

Post by max_tranmere »

I would avoid Soho establishments if I were you, unless it is a licenced place where you can pay using you debit card. If it's a cash-only place that looks really tatty inside and is staffed by low-life savages then I would avoid it. I used to shop in unlicenced porn video shops there in the days before porn video selling was fully legal in the UK and my experiences there helped increase my non-trust of people in general.

I posted something about it on here once. Every time you would buy a film you would get home and realise it was the wrong movie they had given you. You would have spent your tube fares, not to mention ?20.00 cash to buy it, then when you took it back and asked for the real film they should have given you in the first place the gormless low-life behind the counter would swap it for (supposedly) the actual film and tell you how lucky you were they are not charging you an exchange fee - when the whole thing is their fault. They were serious about this, they honestly didn't know that in normal society the onus is on them to provide the proper one to start with in exchange for your money and that they should actually be apologising to you for what's happened. Instead, in their warped subculture minds, they were doing you a favour by giving you (apparently) the correct film on what is now your second visit.

You would get home and that would be the wrong film aswell. None of these people have any morals and were clearly bought up by savages who didn't teach them honesty, right and wrong, and so on. I asked for my money back once after I brought the film back as it was the wrong movie. The toothless piece of shit at the table said 'nah we dunt deh re-fands, fooz in-uva filum off du felf inted' ('no we dont do refunds, choose another film off the shelf instead'). It was troubling to look at this savage - hair that hadn't be washed in weeks, blood-shot eyes, pale skin.

Bartering involves the exchange of money for goods. The notion that this cock-sucker thinks he can alter the rules of that and say that even though he has taken my money he doesn't have to give me the product is as wrong as me going there to get a film and deciding I'm taking the film and not giving him money for it. Would that be acceptable to this peasant? I doubt it. As I'm walking out the door if I said 'no I dont hand over money' that would be acceptable, would it? I doubt it. Yet these low scum individuals feel they can alter the basic rules of bartering to suit them, and other people should be happy with it.

This pratt just made up the rules as he went along but would not accept me altering the basic rules of bartering to suit myself if I did it. It troubles me, looking back, that I ever stood in the same room as low scum like these people. People who live in the margins of society - lie, con and cheat people on a daily basis and have no consenous about doing so - and sleep easy on that every night. Lowlife, pieces of shit. I would avoid unlicenced Soho if I were you as you would be entering a sub-culture of barely human filth which you might never forget.
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Re: soho sex cinema's

Post by pornoshop »

This still happens in unlicensed shops Max - the way you describe it is bang and should get alarm bells ringing and their attitude is exactly the same. Avoid at all costs.
However, licensed shops on brewer street are great for DVD's ;)
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Re: soho sex cinema's

Post by pornoshop »

I have spoken with people who have done the same this several times - just can't resist the excitement of what they might be buying I think!
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Re: soho sex cinema's

Post by max_tranmere »

I suppose I was nieve. I just thought I might get a differnt person the next time who might be honest or when I went to a differnt shop they might have a policy of actually giving you the right film. How stupid was I!
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Re: soho sex cinema's

Post by max_tranmere »

A couple of other awful memories. I remember asking the guy in one shop, who I remember was swigging from a can of beer, whether he could give me a preview - this was so I knew it was the right film (I didn't say that, I just said I wanted a preview on their video machine out of curiousity). "The council has confiscated my video" was the reply. Another time when I could see they had a machine, this was in another shop, the guy said quietly: "see that woman over there, she's Special Branch, she comes here a lot, they come to check us out to make sure we are not showing porn on the video player in the shop". This guy had just pointed to any old person who had just walked in and lied about how she was 'Special Branch'.

The lies kept coming. In another shop I returned to I asked for my money back as I had got the wrong film an hour before. The huge permed oddball behind the desk said: "the boss has come in, and taken all the money". Claiming, in other words, they were skint. This was obvioulsy made up too, how could they give change if all the cash was gone? No shop would leave itself dry like that, this was clearly just a load of bollocks.

Another time I was given the wrong film in another shop and mentioned, on my return, that I am an avid porn consumer and could become a regular at their place over the ocming months buying films. I was told to come back two days later because they would defo have a particular movie I wanted. I did. They didn't, and the guy made up a load of bullshit. I engaged in a bit of small-talk on my return with this heavily tattoo'ed thug and mentioned a rather infamous incident that had occured the previous night in Soho which made the TV news and left a number of roads closed off. On the spot he made up a lie about why my film hadn't been delivered: "that incident last night has held up my delivery - what with the roads being closed off". He had just made this up on the spot, they was no attempt to get the film delivered.

These people are true low-lifes. I will never understand how people can lie, lie and lie, and deceive people, rip them off and con people and have no tinge of bad feeling in them for doing so. Sub-human is a term that would be accurate to describe these 'people'.
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Re: soho sex cinema's

Post by jimslip »

Welcome to the wonderful world of Soho sex shops, a lawless wasteland. How different it is in the USA, once when I was in Miami, perusing the contents of a sex shop, a customer had a similar complaint to yours, however he simply left the shop and came back 5 minutes later with a cop who looked like this:
[img] ... JTD00Z.jpg[/img]

The cop, "Mediated" with the toothpick chewing sleazebag behind the counter and the customer left with the item he required after a couple of minutes, problem solved!

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Re: soho sex cinema's

Post by pornoshop »

Just go into a licensed premises - we are all very friendly and professional and you even get what you pay for :)