Daily Mail - Billy Bragg lives in a 1.5 Mil Joint

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Re: Daily Mail - Billy Bragg lives in a 1.5 Mil Joint

Post by Deano! »

As an example of someone with pots of dough who did a bit more with it than many in similar positions:-

Not 100% lilly-white as the article reveals, but genuinely tried to do good with his millions. I wonder how much Billy Bragg money goes to better the lives of the people he sings about?
Phwooorr...look at her....CRASH
David Johnson
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Deano/Flat Eric

Post by David Johnson »

"Not 100% lilly-white as the article reveals, but genuinely tried to do good with his millions. I wonder how much Billy Bragg money goes to better the lives of the people he sings about?"

At the risk of repeating myself yet again, Jimbo talked about the likes of Billy Bragg, Stephen Fry, Bono and Tony Blair having fortunes of ?70 million or so as an example of their hypocrisy.

As I explained to Jimbo even if that lot got rid of every bit of their fortunes and passed it amongst the less well off in this country, it is unlikely that the less well off will got more than about 10p each which is hardly a solution is it.

What Bragg has done is played countless charity gigs over the years, giving his time for various campaigns and help for free. This is far better than some well off people who do bugger all isnt it?

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Re: Deano/Flat Eric

Post by Deano! »

OK then Dave. You win. I agree with everything you say from now on.
Phwooorr...look at her....CRASH
David Johnson
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Re: Deano/Flat Eric

Post by David Johnson »

I put my views.

If you think I am talking out my arse. That's entirely your prerogative.

I find it absurd that you are comparing Billy Bragg's situation with Andrew Carnegie's, one of the richest people in the world in his heyday as a steel magnate. There must be tens of thousands of people in Central London and south east england sitting in property worth more than Billy Bragg's gaff. He has done more than his fair share for charities.

Flat Eric criticises him for speaking out about bankers bonuses. Jeez, if he came out with a little ditty "Bankers they're so fine. They can drink expensive wine" etc etc. he would justifiably have a load of shit dropped on him.

The guy cant win either way.

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Re: Deano/Flat Eric

Post by Flat_Eric »

David Johnson wrote:


No David, that's not what I said at all.

I didn't criticise him for **speaking out** about bankers bonuses. I attacked the hypocrisy of him criticising people like bankers and Tory MPs for enjoying the trappings of wealth, while living high on the hog himself.

You appear to think that he's some sort of working class hero. That (as you say) is your prerogative. I on the other hand think he's a cunt. I guess we'll just have to agree to differ.

- Eric

David Johnson
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Flat Eric

Post by David Johnson »

"I didn't criticise him for **speaking out** about bankers bonuses. I attacked the hypocrisy of him criticising people like bankers and Tory MPs for enjoying the trappings of wealth, while living high on the hog himself."

To be precise, he was not hitting the bankers simply because they are wealthy. That is the WHOLE point!!

He was speaking out against bankers bonuses on the grounds that many of these organisations caused the global recession which is hitting Joe Public. And he was speaking out against the hypocrisy of bankers receiving 800 billion from the UK government/taxpayer and then carrying on as if nothing has happened with regard to bankers remunerations. And the fact that both Labour and Tories have done fuck all to hit the banks.

I assume like all of us with regard to MPs he is slagging them off for fiddling the system and claiming all sorts of stuff that has nothing to do with their work.

If Bragg had received millions of payouts from the taxpayer or had been fiddling expenses and taxes like the bankers and some MPs have, he would be guilty of hypocrisy. But as far as I know he hasnt so he is not a hypocrite.

The Last Word
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Re: Daily Mail - Billy Bragg lives in a 1.5 Mil Joint

Post by The Last Word »

How many posts and nobody checks out the guy himself? Jesus fucking wept.

Not a fan myself, but he seems sincere.

And given the precarious, wavering nature of finances in the music industry, a nice bit of property is perhaps a smart move.

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Re: Flat Eric

Post by Flat_Eric »

David Johnson wrote:


Actually David it's both.

Tucked safely away in his luxury seafront mansion (hundreds of miles from his "beloved" Barking), this "man of the people" pontificates that the only way to create a "fair" society is to redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor. This is a central pillar of his ramblings.

Just as long as it's someone else's wealth, eh Billy?

Oh sure, he does a few free concerts now and again to salve his "socially aware" conscience. Big fucking deal.

And he withheld his income tax to protest against bankers' bonuses as a "matter of principle".

Well maybe by the same tokan and as a "matter of principle", he should up sticks and move to a less pretentious gaff in (or at least within busking distance of) some deprived inner city borough, where I'm sure his "hero of the Proletariat" act would go down a storm.

When he does that and becomes a regular sight around Tower Hamlets handing out bundles of fivers to the homeless and generally redistributing his not insignificant wealth among the needy, I might start to take him seriously. But until then he's just another rich, hypocritical champagne socialist in my book.

- Eric

David Johnson
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Last Word

Post by David Johnson »

You have hit the nail on the head. For most of the posters on this thread, he's left wing in terms of his politics and he has a nice bit of property.

All the rest is about 101 types of envy.

David Johnson
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Re: Flat Eric

Post by David Johnson »

I disagree. No more to be said from my point of view.
