Porn to be blocked/opt-in in the UK

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Porn to be blocked/opt-in in the UK

Post by Twingo »

Don't know how true this is, but thought i would post it anyways. ... 5973481287

If it is true i can see it being classed as an extra and an aditional monthly charge/tax on your broadband. I wonder what this will do to UK member sites :(
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Re: Porn to be blocked/opt-in in the UK

Post by jimslip »

Nothing would surprise me. In a way it's a good thing for pay sites, because it makes porn more exclusive and therefore more desirable. Remember all the FREE stuff will be blocked, so instead of having mountains of free and pirated porno shite coming through, you'll be more selective about what you view and simply find ways around the so called blocking.

Also, if this was true even BGAFD would be closed off and in fact any site where the ISP robots found sex key words would be blocked. It would be a nightmare, because you'd end up getting blocked from all sorts of stuff, not just porn. It's all bollocks as usual.

It will probably end up a voluntary arrangement with the ISP's and the customer, where they can simply block all porno muck, but of course allow through all violence and killing, which does no harm to children!

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Bob Singleton
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Re: Porn to be blocked/opt-in in the UK

Post by Bob Singleton »

In the we small hours of this morning (about 4.00am) on Five Live, they were doing a review of the Sunday papers and I recall them discussing an article in today's Sunday Times regarding this story.

The best I can do, given it's now a subscription news site, is to just post a link to the main page of the ST web site which has the story in bold.

"But how to make Liverpool economically prosperous? If only there was some way for Liverpudlians to profit from going on and on about the past in a whiny voice."

- Stewart Lee
David Johnson
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Post by David Johnson » for some unintentionally hilarious context.

"Adults will have to opt in". in the new Lib Dem Con plan.

Of course, Jimbo this is a typical example of the Nazi authoritarianism of the Lib Dem Con government who are striving to remove the last vestiges of freedom that we have in this increasingly god-forsaken island.

You, Jim Slip are just one step away from being arrested by a team of Lib Dem Con Nazi bully boys and carted off to a correction labour camp in Winchester or some other Tory stronghold, where deviants like you will get their just rewards, tortured to within an inch of your life by blue rinse ladies and Home Counties gentlemen in tweeds.

When I am going through Winchester, I do not want to hear your moans and screams, Jimslip, because you Mr Slip by your slavish adherence to the wolf in idiot's clothes, Nick Clegg, have brought it totally on yourself.

When you see a bunch of Lib Dem Con stormtroopers like the ones below coming towards you, saying stuff like "Recession, what recession, old boy" and "When are the first shipment of scousers coming south to replace the illegal Chinese in the hotel launderettes?" be afraid, Jimbo, be very afraid.


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Re: Porn to be blocked/opt-in in the UK

Post by jimslip »


Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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David Johnson
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Jimslip, Tory turncoat

Post by David Johnson »

There is an underlying menace in your response, Jimbo that had me cowering under the table as I try to type this message despite my shivering. You Tory supporters only know about violence not discussion or compromise.

I realise you would like nothing better to drag me off to the Tory Mayfair Correction Centre where your Tory toff chums would throw bread rolls at my poor defenceless body, next door to the locked centre where Cleggie will put the children of asylum seekers that he moves from one prison to "another" and just down the road from where the Ministry of Home Security have started work on the project for monitoring all our email/telephone calls.

Forumites will notice your hostility to "free porn". I suspect that at this moment you are putting together a list for your Lib Dem Con masters with BGAFD innocents such as Lizard, Sam Slater, PH, Dick Moby, Max Tranmere and myself all on that list in return for competitive advantage i.e. a greatly increased monthly fee for your website.

My guess is you are going to provide this list to your Nazi gauleiter chums in the Lib Dem Con party in order to avoid you finding yourself in the Winchester Torture chamber with Theresa May sitting on your face while her Lib Dem minions play the "how many stilettos on Jimmy Choo shoes can we insert in his anus" game.

I have visions of a helpless PH, Lizard and Dick Moby being tortured by specially trained Armenian asylum seekers who double as fruit pickers on Home Counties Tory fruit farms, to be followed by Vince Cable and some floozy dancing a rumba over their helplessly prostrate bodies. Poor PH, Poor Lizard, Poor Dick Moby.

You are sir, a lobotimised Lib Dem Con supporter. I always suspected it. Now we have the proof.

You are sir, a Quisling of our times.


PS Whatever happened to the Tory Lib Dem promise on control orders?
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Re: Porn to be blocked/opt-in in the UK

Post by qwerty »

IF this is passed into law it won't affect torrents or other pirated material from the likes of etc.
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Re: David

Post by jimslip »

Calm down dear, it's only a commercial!

I am not returning to discuss your crazed, rantings, David, but only to remind you, that New Labour's plans were for TOTAL STATE CONTROL of every facet of our lives.

Porn would have been ruthlessly attacked, but the difference under New "Gestapo" Labour, would have been, due to their obsession with political correctness, only those who viewed heterosexual porn would have been persecuted. All other porn, gay, disabled, would have been celebrated.

Oh, by the way, when you have calmed down from your hysteria, perhaps you'd inform me as to when I said I loved the Coalition? All I've ever said is that New Labour were a bunch of self serving psuedo-lefty crooked bastards and I hope they rot in Hell! (Well I didn't say "Rot in Hell" but I'm just adding that on)

Could this have been the fate of our beloved porn stars under New Labour? Could you have been next for re-education David Johnson?
[img] ... 491227.jpg[/img]

Anyway this is my last word on the matter, so you may rant till you are blue in the face, but it will be to no avail!!grin!

Winner "Best Loved Character"TVX SHAFTAS 2010
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David Johnson
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Jimslip, Tory Quisling of the Year

Post by David Johnson »

"Remember all the FREE stuff will be blocked, so instead of having mountains of free and pirated porno shite coming through, you'll be more selective about what you view and simply find ways around the so called blocking."

Your cover has been blown in the above sentence. You are the Philip Green of Tory porno. Just as tax avoider Philip Green has been brought in to provide advice on sacking public service staff, you have clearly been brought in to stop free porno. You are the Andrew Lansley of Porno Land.

Your Nazi Tory chums e.g. Theresa May, George Osborne, will attack the innocents like me dressed as nurses in stockings and suspenders whilst emptying the contents of my wallet.

"I have a little list" I bet you have, the Gilbert and Sullivan of profiteering porn, Jim Slip.

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Re: Porn to be blocked/opt-in in the UK

Post by Masie »

This is an invasion of privacy and the top of a potentially slippery slope - infact more worryingly its probably at least 1/8 of the way down the slope as we have inadvertainly lost so much already. A parents or legal gardians job is to care for their children which is why good internet blocking software should be provided by all providers FREE of charge. But they have no right to limit the internet in anyway even if you can opt in to be allowed to view. The kind of parents who expose their children to porn almost certainly neglect them in many other ways and also expose them to violent films games and countless other things that do damage, getting rid of the internet porn bit wont help protect them.

Then what next does the government block all bomb making sites and terrorism sites, no one can argue that that wont help society what normal person needs to know about that ? It will just help to protect us.

Then maybe some of the contraversial theorists can go as they insite hatred- we only want to keep the public safe.

What worries me is that people will be reluctant to protest on this one as by standing up against this they will be labled as pro porn people and sex is so morally tabo still and who wants to openly protest against something that protects little chidren - think of the children!