Tamsin le Vann
Tamsin le Vann
Can anyone tell me where i can get a copy of Love Song {Teeny Excesse}preferably on DVD but VHS ok starring Tamsin
Re: Tamsin le Vann
Does anyone know what happened to Tamsin? She was going to model for us and then her website dissappeared and haven't heard from her since?
Should we bother? Is anyone interested if we were to shoot her?
Should we bother? Is anyone interested if we were to shoot her?
Re: Tamsin le Vann
I think she is still worth filming. Which website did you try?
Do you have any other films with her on as I would like to purchase them if possible
Do you have any other films with her on as I would like to purchase them if possible
Re: Tamsin le Vann
Yes, we're interested. And try if possible to film Sammi Jessop. And if that isn't difficult enough, try and get CHARMAINE SINCLAIRE out of retirement and back onto celluloid.
Much obliged,
Much obliged,
Re: Tamsin le Vann
Maurie's post has been edited. Please do a search on the entire forum for Tamsin le Vann to get up to speed on the reasons for this.
Re: Tamsin le Vann
Your Scene (see links) have got The Love Song - it's packaged together with Freshness Counts which Tasmin also does a turn in.
Re: Tamsin le Vann
Please Please Please find her and shoot her (with a camera!! LOL), she was one of the best.
Re: Tamsin le Vann
I think the reasons why she no longer wishes to be referred to by her more well known name on this site, suggest to me it's unlikely there'll be any new stuff... but far be it for me to pop anyone's balloons - we can all live in hope!