Blissbox non delivery...

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Re: Blissbox non delivery...

Post by dimi »

Good Luck to you, hopefully you get a result of sorts.
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Re: Blissbox non delivery...

Post by Zorro »

All orders will be honoured, and all e mails replied to.

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Re: Blissbox non delivery...

Post by cbram71 »

Total rubbish Zorro stop the lies. I placed the order now coming upto 3 weeks and the items i ordered were available within 7 days. your company took payment right away despite claims on the website you take payment only when goods are despatched.

All e-mails, all answerphone message ignored, your 00800 number either says the other person has cleared or goes to a message you are 2nd in line now here gets the good bit i have 2 landlines so i called the number and guess what both line same message so how can i be 2nd in line on both calls? So that bit is total bulls**t!!

people cannot see the status of the order cause you have not sent gamelink the database details of oustanding orders.

I do not trust your company which is why my credit company i going to investigate the matter, i was told they have had a lot of complaints about blissbox over the past few weeks.

You have my details including landline number so if you are totally who you say you are and are going to send out my order then you can ring me and have a decent discussion.

Until such i would advise people not to use blissbox cause clearly they want your money but send nothing out, and even if they do its months down the line with only half an order sent or nothing which i exactly what i've got.

Well zorro ball is now in your court to resolve this but as stated before your company has infact commited a criminal offence by obtaining funds via deception. And as such will now result in law authorities being sent all communications i send your company with details of calls made to your company aswell.
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Re: Blissbox non delivery...

Post by cbram71 »

not the dvd you wanted that will be the clause of blissbox saying we reserve the right to sustitute for another title if this one is no longer available. TBH if they cant supply it dont charge for it and give the customer the option to accept a replacement or have a refund but then that's not going to happen from a corrupt company is it?
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Re: Blissbox non delivery...

Post by cbram71 »

So far despite zorro saying all orders will be honoured and e-mails replied to, 3 weeks since my order, not one communication from Blissbox. Ok Zorro VISA have been sent every e-mail i've ever sent also call logs with recordings of your service saying the other person has cleared or you are 2nd in line, with time of calls and duration.

This clearly proves blissbox is not going to honour my order but what it does mean your company will be investigated for deception, hope you have good lawyers!
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Re: Blissbox non delivery... update

Post by cbram71 »

Again i contacted the customer services team in america. here is what the advisor said. orders placed before last monday are nothing to do with them, they are only responsible from that day for shipping and customer services. he also stated they have had loads of complaints, also stated they cannot even get hold of the previous european team. this means anyone who placed an order will not see their order. Do not trust Zorro he is a liar and a theif (allegedly)

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Re: Blissbox non delivery... update

Post by cbram71 »

This rip off company never answers the phone and still nothing sent oh well time for a visit from the law agencies
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Re: Blissbox non delivery...

Post by Trumpton »

Despite having a fancy looking website with all the usual promises this company are nothing more than rip-off merchants.

I, like other's here, have in the past placed orders with them and after waiting more than a substantial time I received nothing. I followed the orthodox procedure of sending countless emails - but still my order never arrived.

My advice is: Avoid this company at all costs!!
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Re: Blissbox non delivery...

Post by cbram71 »

I to have received nothing, no e-mails even replied to, still waiting for VISA to refund me. The european operations of Blissbox are no more, gamelink are now the new owners which means anyone who ordered goods before the handover are lets say not ever likely to get anything in return.

Avoid this company cause it's only a matter of time before the new owners get sick of all the complaints they just sell blissbox back to the con merchants who owned it in the first place.
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Re: Blissbox non delivery...

Post by IzziWhizz »

We had not had any real problems with Blissbox, sometimes delivery was a bit slow, until the unannounced takeover last year. Pre-takeover, one item was delivered and I was told the other item would soon be. It never was and the money was taken for it. The new owner - but how can we know for sure they are new?- has been pretty unhelpful just repeatedly saying to contact the old e-mail address. If they cannot chase up undelivered and charged for orders, how come they have transferred loyalty points?! Here is the e-mail I wrote and to which I have had the usual "try the old e-mail address, this is nothing to do with us" reply.
"A point that I find somewhat bewildering, is that if the new owners of Blissbox have no details of the previous orders (outstanding and past) made by loyal customers, such as myself, how come "loyalty points" were carried over after the takeover which you say happened on the 15th November 2010 and the points were credited on the 25th November?
Do the new owners not feel any sense of responsibility towards long and loyal customers who clearly have orders outstanding, for which money has been taken / stolen?

I am going to send you the e-mails which prove the order was made and I can scan and send the bank statement which proves the money was taken. What happened to the account through which these funds were processed? It would be quite easy for a takeover to be invented after all and the current "new" owners to be exactly the same company. After all, there has only been a very small change in the website and e-mail address and no notification was made at the time that it was "under new management", which is most unusual in itself, especially if the previous owners went bankrupt.

Should this matter not be reported to the police or fraud squad?